Can a Doctrine or Religion Save and justify?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
When Paul wrote,

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through or Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1.

What kind of faith was Paul talking about? There are many different kinds of faith. Example: Catholics have faith that if they belong to the Catholic church they will be saved. Calvinist believe that if they embrace the doctrine of predestination they will be saved. There are many people that have faith in a doctrine or a religion and sincerely believe that is what saves them. The Pharisees believed that if they practiced keeping the law they would be saved. The law was their religion.

The Bible teaches that the only kind of faith that saves is faith in the work and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Saving faith is a faith that rests and finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Saving faith is a faith that believes Jesus is "The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords" Revelation 20:16. In the Calvinist Canons of Dort there is no mention that "Jesus is Lord" Nor is there any mention in the Catholic writings that "Jesus is Lord". Why is there no mention that "Jesus is Lord?" Here is the answer.

"Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God can call Jesus accursed and that no man can say that JESUS IS LORD, BUT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT" 1 Corinthians 12:3.

They can't say that "Jesus is Lord" because they don't believe that he is. To acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ is to acknowledge that he has victoriously defeated sin, death and the devil and has reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. God has exalted Jesus and has given him a name above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in the earth and things under the earth, Philippians 2:9, 10.

If one does not believe that "Jesus is Lord" then that one does not have saving faith. The only faith that God honors is faith in the doing and the dying of his Son Jesus Christ. He honors that faith by giving that person the Holy Spirit so that they can teach and preach the Lordship of his Son Jesus Christ.


Active member
And you have faith thst starting countless repetitious threads that even have the same title and bearing continual false witness will get you saved. Maybe you need to put down your Verdict and pick up the revealed word that has much to say about liars.'s not good news.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
And you have faith thst starting countless repetitious threads that even have the same title and bearing continual false witness will get you saved. Maybe you need to put down your Verdict and pick up the revealed word that has much to say about liars.'s not good news.

I teach the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

Its the same Gospel that Paul preached. Unfortunately you don't believe Paul's Gospel, instead you have embraced the words of a heretic.


Active member
I teach the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

Its the same Gospel that Paul preached. Unfortunately you don't believe Paul's Gospel, instead you have embraced the words of a heretic.

Paul wrote to Timothy saying that lying is contrary to his gospel and sound doctrine, so I guess it is you that have embraced the words of a heretic.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Paul wrote to Timothy saying that lying is contrary to his gospel and sound doctrine, so I guess it is you that have embraced the words of a heretic.

You are not able to receive Paul's Gospel because you don't believe it. You don't believe that Jesus has atoned for the sins of the whole world, nor do you believe that Jesus is Lord. You will die in your sins, John 8:24.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
2 Corinthians 7:1

The promises are that Jesus has defeated sin, death and the devil and in doing so has reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. In Jesus Christ we have been sanctified, justified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. I stand complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

If you believe this you will live it and cleanse yourself from all filthiness of the flesh.