Calvinism: The Subtle Perversion of God's Word

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There are very few that accept the Bible as it is written.

Many think that there is something wrong with the Bible and it is their responsibilty to correct it. Calvinist are famous for changing the words in the Bible. Anytime that it says "World" they will add the word "Elect" if they didn't do that their doctrine would fall apart. There is nothing wrong with the Bible. There are a few minor discrepancies, but they are not related to the Gospel. I fully accept what the scriptures say and I would hope that you would also.

The Bible does not support Calvinism or Catholicism or any religion. The Bible is about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. The Bible is NOT a Christian Torah about how you should live. If you need written instructions about how you should live, then you may not be a Christian. Paul said that the law (Written instructions) is for sinners, the lawless and the disobedient. 1 Timothy 1:9, 10.

Those that are void of the Holy Spirit, who is the Christians guide, need instructions. It is a serious matter to be in conflict with what the scriptures are saying. If you don't believe the Bible, what are you going to believe? Are you going to believe John Calvin? Are you going to believe the Catholic church? To reject what the scriptures are saying is to call the apostles liars. Either accept all of what the Bible says or reject all of it. But don't grap a scripture here or a scripture there and try to make a doctrine.

When the scripture says that "Jesus has tasted death for everyone" Hebrews 2:9 and you say that is not true, you have just called Paul a liar. When Jesus says, "I have come to save the world" John 12:47. and you say that is not true, you have just called Jesus a liar and have placed yourself under the judgment of God. You might be better off to believe in no God at all than to be constantly calling that apostles and Jesus liars.

Paul wrote, "All scripture is given by the INSPIRATION of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" 2 Timothy 3:15, 16.

When the apostles wrote the scriptures they were writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth, John 15:26, was telling them what to write, as they heard they wrote. There were no mistakes as some of you seem to believe. I consider the Bible to be a very accurate book. It throughly and perfectly reveals Jesus Christ and his Gospel, which is its purpose.


Active member
There are very few that accept the Bible as it is written.

Many think that there is something wrong with the Bible and it is their responsibilty to correct it. Calvinist are famous for changing the words in the Bible. Anytime that it says "World" they will add the word "Elect" if they didn't do that their doctrine would fall apart. There is nothing wrong with the Bible. There are a few minor discrepancies, but they are not related to the Gospel. I fully accept what the scriptures say and I would hope that you would also.

The Bible does not support Calvinism or Catholicism or any religion. The Bible is about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. The Bible is NOT a Christian Torah about how you should live. If you need written instructions about how you should live, then you may not be a Christian. Paul said that the law (Written instructions) is for sinners, the lawless and the disobedient. 1 Timothy 1:9, 10.

Those that are void of the Holy Spirit, who is the Christians guide, need instructions. It is a serious matter to be in conflict with what the scriptures are saying. If you don't believe the Bible, what are you going to believe? Are you going to believe John Calvin? Are you going to believe the Catholic church? To reject what the scriptures are saying is to call the apostles liars. Either accept all of what the Bible says or reject all of it. But don't grap a scripture here or a scripture there and try to make a doctrine.

When the scripture says that "Jesus has tasted death for everyone" Hebrews 2:9 and you say that is not true, you have just called Paul a liar. When Jesus says, "I have come to save the world" John 12:47. and you say that is not true, you have just called Jesus a liar and have placed yourself under the judgment of God. You might be better off to believe in no God at all than to be constantly calling that apostles and Jesus liars.

Paul wrote, "All scripture is given by the INSPIRATION of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" 2 Timothy 3:15, 16.

When the apostles wrote the scriptures they were writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth, John 15:26, was telling them what to write, as they heard they wrote. There were no mistakes as some of you seem to believe. I consider the Bible to be a very accurate book. It throughly and perfectly reveals Jesus Christ and his Gospel, which is its purpose.

The case is that Acts 13:48 is not compatible with the rest of the Bible.
Observe the never ending hypocrisy of Mr. Pate

False Prophet

New member
From the institutes of the christian religion:

Little dependence could be placed on these statements, were it not proved by numerous passages throughout the sacred volume that none of them is of man's devising. What Christ said of himself, "Before Abraham was I am," (John 13: 58,) was very foreign to his humanity. I am not unaware of the cavil by which erroneous spirits distort this passage, viz., that he was before all ages, inasmuch as he was foreknown as the Redeemer, as well in the counsel of the Father as in the minds of believers. But seeing he plainly distinguishes the period of his manifestation from his eternal existence, and professedly founds on his ancient government, to prove his precedence to Abraham, he undoubtedly claims for himself the peculiar attributes of divinity. Paul's assertion that he is "the first-born of every creature," that "he is before all things, and by him all things consist," (Col. 1: 15, 17;) his own declaration, that he had glory with the Father before the world was, and that he worketh together with the Father, are equally inapplicable to man. These and similar properties must be specially assigned to his divinity. Again, his being called the servant of the Father, his being said to grow in stature, and wisdom, and favour with God and man, not to seek his own glory, not to know the last day, not to speak of himself, not to do his own will, his being seen and handled, apply entirely to his humanity; since, as God, he cannot be in any respect said to grow, works always for himself, knows every thing, does all things after the counsel of his own will, and is incapable of being seen or handled. And yet he not merely ascribes these things separately to his human nature, but applies them to himself as suitable to his office of Mediator. There is a communication of "idiomata", or properties, when Paul says, that God purchased the Church "with his own blood," (Acts 20: 28,) and that the Jews crucified the Lord of glory, (1 Cor. 2: 8.) In like manner, John says, that the Word of God was "handled."


New member
There are very few that accept the Bible as it is written.

Many think that there is something wrong with the Bible and it is their responsibilty to correct it. Calvinist are famous for changing the words in the Bible. Anytime that it says "World" they will add the word "Elect" if they didn't do that their doctrine would fall apart. There is nothing wrong with the Bible. There are a few minor discrepancies, but they are not related to the Gospel. I fully accept what the scriptures say and I would hope that you would also.

The Bible does not support Calvinism or Catholicism or any religion. The Bible is about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. The Bible is NOT a Christian Torah about how you should live. If you need written instructions about how you should live, then you may not be a Christian. Paul said that the law (Written instructions) is for sinners, the lawless and the disobedient. 1 Timothy 1:9, 10.

Those that are void of the Holy Spirit, who is the Christians guide, need instructions. It is a serious matter to be in conflict with what the scriptures are saying. If you don't believe the Bible, what are you going to believe? Are you going to believe John Calvin? Are you going to believe the Catholic church? To reject what the scriptures are saying is to call the apostles liars. Either accept all of what the Bible says or reject all of it. But don't grap a scripture here or a scripture there and try to make a doctrine.

When the scripture says that "Jesus has tasted death for everyone" Hebrews 2:9 and you say that is not true, you have just called Paul a liar. When Jesus says, "I have come to save the world" John 12:47. and you say that is not true, you have just called Jesus a liar and have placed yourself under the judgment of God. You might be better off to believe in no God at all than to be constantly calling that apostles and Jesus liars.

Paul wrote, "All scripture is given by the INSPIRATION of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" 2 Timothy 3:15, 16.

When the apostles wrote the scriptures they were writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth, John 15:26, was telling them what to write, as they heard they wrote. There were no mistakes as some of you seem to believe. I consider the Bible to be a very accurate book. It throughly and perfectly reveals Jesus Christ and his Gospel, which is its purpose.

I don't know ask them!

False Prophet

New member
Why not Robert Pate?
Look at all the rest: hair, misfit, excruciating form.
What ever happened to the Truth Sets Free?


Well-known member
Oddly, I go to thinking about reporting Single-issue preaching with thread after thread after thread, but oddly too, he is never beside himself in these threads :chuckle:

I don't frequent them, but on occasion, think of the general observation concerning so many threads. I don't understand the preoccupation with Calvinism AND I'M a Calvinist!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Oddly, I go to thinking about reporting Single-issue preaching with thread after thread after thread, but oddly too, he is never beside himself in these threads :chuckle:

I don't frequent them, but on occasion, think of the general observation concerning so many threads. I don't understand the preoccupation with Calvinism AND I'M a Calvinist!

You don't see or understand the preaching of the Gospel?

Calvinism is just another perversion of the truth. If you are a Calvinist, chances are you don't understand the Gospel or justification by faith.


New member
There are very few that accept the Bible as it is written.

Many think that there is something wrong with the Bible and it is their responsibilty to correct it. Calvinist are famous for changing the words in the Bible. Anytime that it says "World" they will add the word "Elect" if they didn't do that their doctrine would fall apart. There is nothing wrong with the Bible. There are a few minor discrepancies, but they are not related to the Gospel. I fully accept what the scriptures say and I would hope that you would also.

The Bible does not support Calvinism or Catholicism or any religion. The Bible is about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. The Bible is NOT a Christian Torah about how you should live. If you need written instructions about how you should live, then you may not be a Christian. Paul said that the law (Written instructions) is for sinners, the lawless and the disobedient. 1 Timothy 1:9, 10.

Those that are void of the Holy Spirit, who is the Christians guide, need instructions. It is a serious matter to be in conflict with what the scriptures are saying. If you don't believe the Bible, what are you going to believe? Are you going to believe John Calvin? Are you going to believe the Catholic church? To reject what the scriptures are saying is to call the apostles liars. Either accept all of what the Bible says or reject all of it. But don't grap a scripture here or a scripture there and try to make a doctrine.

When the scripture says that "Jesus has tasted death for everyone" Hebrews 2:9 and you say that is not true, you have just called Paul a liar. When Jesus says, "I have come to save the world" John 12:47. and you say that is not true, you have just called Jesus a liar and have placed yourself under the judgment of God. You might be better off to believe in no God at all than to be constantly calling that apostles and Jesus liars.

Paul wrote, "All scripture is given by the INSPIRATION of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" 2 Timothy 3:15, 16.

When the apostles wrote the scriptures they were writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth, John 15:26, was telling them what to write, as they heard they wrote. There were no mistakes as some of you seem to believe. I consider the Bible to be a very accurate book. It throughly and perfectly reveals Jesus Christ and his Gospel, which is its purpose.

this is one of the most popular verses to refute Calvinism. "The lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9). And you're right, they'll shove the word "elect" right in there between "any" and "should." But, you can't do that because it reads what it reads. Verses like these are why I lean in the direction of Calvinism but am not a Calvinist. I believe God knows the beginning from the end, and I'm sure I wouldn't get much disagreement with that statement. However, I also believe we have a choice regardless, though not an ability to seek God of our own capability in that we are fallen since the beginning. In other words, God makes the first move. Then we choose to receive or turn away. Jesus said a very profound thing after announcing the good news of John 3:16. Most people overlook it. He said: "He that believeth on him (Jesus) is not condemned: but he that believeth not Is condemned alreadyBecause he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. and John 3:19; John 3:20; John 3:21

Robert Pate

Well-known member
this is one of the most popular verses to refute Calvinism. "The lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9). And you're right, they'll shove the word "elect" right in there between "any" and "should." But, you can't do that because it reads what it reads. Verses like these are why I lean in the direction of Calvinism but am not a Calvinist. I believe God knows the beginning from the end, and I'm sure I wouldn't get much disagreement with that statement. However, I also believe we have a choice regardless, though not an ability to seek God of our own capability in that we are fallen since the beginning. In other words, God makes the first move. Then we choose to receive or turn away. Jesus said a very profound thing after announcing the good news of John 3:16. Most people overlook it. He said: "He that believeth on him (Jesus) is not condemned: but he that believeth not Is condemned alreadyBecause he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. and John 3:19; John 3:20; John 3:21

So, are you a Calvinist sympathizer?

Everyone has the ability to trust in Christ. The Holy Spirit is in the world calling all to come to Christ, Hebrews 3:15. Not everyone obeys the call of the Holy Spirit. They love their sins more than they love Christ.

Salvation is provided for all as a free gift from God, but God is not going to force anyone to accept it.