California educational system being sued

Gary K

New member
A lawsuit has been filed against California's department of education, and three schools in particular, for having completely failed their students. In these three schools only 4%, 6%, and 11% of students meet the state's literacy goals. Here is the state completely controlled by the political left which claims conservatives don't care about the poor and minorities and the results of their educational system shows how little they care about these same people. If they actually cared California would not have 11 out of the 26 worst performing large school districts in the nation.

Think about that 4% number. Somewhere about that percentage of the population is going to be smart enough to learn to read on their own, or with very little help from a teacher. That tells me that there is basically no effort being put forth by the teachers whatsoever. And since California is populated for the most part by liberals that says most of these teachers are liberals. Where is all that vaunted compassion and empathy? It seems to be missing big time.

The teachers are saying no one gave them enough training. Huh? They have at least 16 years of education and they can't teach another person to read? What is a degree in education supposed to do for a teacher if not train them to teach? Maybe this is pointing out the complete failure of the California system of education as when graduates of their school system cannot even teach children to read, the most basic required skill needed to succeed in life, then that system is a total failure.

Way to go liberals.


New member
And since California is populated for the most part by liberals that says most of these teachers are liberals.

I'm guessing you didn't do that well in the math section of your school's tests.

There are bad schools in every state. The worst in Texas get an average of 1.5% on their STAAR testing. That's an average. There are students below it.

The Barbarian

I'm guessing you didn't do that well in the math section of your school's tests.

There are bad schools in every state. The worst in Texas get an average of 1.5% on their STAAR testing. That's an average. There are students below it.

But Texas is run by conservative republicans. So they have an excuse. If California was run by conservative republicans, they'd be doing just as badly as Texas.


But Texas is run by conservative republicans. So they have an excuse. If California was run by conservative republicans, they'd be doing just as badly as Texas.

I have always thought Texas Republicans were a special form of religious right dumb. Dedication to public education varies from politician to politician, not party to party.

patrick jane

Liberals dominate academia and California. here's some of the major things I disagree with liberals on, open borders and encouraging illegal immigration, assault on free speech, gun control, killing babies, teaching Islam to children, teaching children they can change their gender with genital surgery, countless genders, the desire for socialism, the desire for a "changing" Constitution, sanctuary cities, the promotion and encouragement of homosexuality, same sex marriage, obstructing Congress and the President, using blacks and other minorities only for votes, lying to the American people while smiling, manufacturing racism and racial tension, violent protests with major property damage, refusing to accept a fair and free election, whining, crying, throwing tantrums, the list goes on.

Feel free to add anything I missed. :)

The Barbarian

As noted, the reason that Texas schools are so much worse than California schools has to do with larger class sizes, and a failure to adequately fund poor districts by the state.

The Barbarian

And because Southeastern Republicans are such good home schoolers too.:ha:

That's an unnecessary sarcasm. It's true that there are some froot loop parents who are ruining their kids prospects of a better life. But there are also a lot of competent homeschoolers who are doing a good job.


That's an unnecessary sarcasm. It's true that there are some froot loop parents who are ruining their kids prospects of a better life. But there are also a lot of competent homeschoolers who are doing a good job.

Yes, it was excessive. My point is that home schooling isn't really the answer. If someone doesn't know calculus or differential equations, or worse doesn't know how to use a math book properly; you can't home school it.

But there are also other things career specific which college covers that home education doesn't.