By his stripes we aren’t healed but by repenting for striking!


By his stripes we aren’t healed but by repenting for striking!
By his cross we aren’t saved but by repenting for crucifying!
By his flesh we aren’t nourished but by his spirit self-sacrificing!
By his blood we aren’t cleaned but by his love soul-integrating!

The gospel inherits many fallacious paradoxes, idioms and figures of speech from the Jewish scriptures. I am correcting some of them above. Preaching Christ long among people as a free evangelist I must present his message straight. Christ has liberated me from my sin-weaknesses due to loss of integrity by love-integrating my soul parts. That liberation is not for blind bondage to any authority—books or churches, but for using them to build up by Christ-enlightened reason.

But many so called Christians call a catholic made book canonized during 4th and 5th century, as infallible word of God to be under its slavery. I call it slavery as slaves are not free like sons to obey conscience, disobeying authority. They think that going against that book brings soul death, as slaves fare death going against master.

Being liberated by Christ from all slavery, I must spread that liberation to others. I must discern its and others’ truths and falsehoods according to my capacity and show them to others for their safety. Here I am pointing a few fallacies among the numerous fallacies of that book. Of course a truly Christ guided reason can automatically detect fallacies anywhere, but immature mass of general Christ-followers have not achieved that capacity yet.