Bush: If I Can’t Kill One, then Kill 'em All

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Bush: If I Can’t Kill One, then Kill 'em All

This is the show from Friday September 26th, 2008.

What if, as The Graphite says, John McCain only wanted to kill one child? Just one child a year. That’s it. Would that make it even easier for you to support him? …To the devil it’s not a numbers game, how many babies you kill every year. To the devil, he just wants you to disobey God. …So, what if John McCain said, “…I’m just going to kill one [child] a year because I think we shouldn’t be extemists. …So here’s the deal…I’ll just kill one baby a year on an alter with a knife. But I want your support.” Would the devil take that deal? Would the devil trade Planned Parenthood and all those abortions if we could all agree to kill one baby once a year. Would the devil take that deal? Of course he would. It’s not a numbers game. The goal of the devil is to get you to disobey God. Then he has succeeded.


* Bush, McCain on South Dakota Kids: Exceptions are a window to the soul. Pro-lifers have been told that Republicans like Bush and McCain who are pro-choice with exceptions are willing to save 99 percent of the kids, so it would be best to save them, and then come back later to save the others. The reality is different. South Dakota was within a hair's breadth of banning all child killing and Bush told ABC news, to paraphrase: "No, that's not my position. I advocate the right to kill some unwanted children; if they won't let me kill some, well then I say, go ahead and kill ‘em all." That's the truth. Exceptions are a window to the soul.

* Bob talks to Uganda Christian Leader: Bishop Patrick Baligasima and Bob discuss the passing of the persecution in Uganda and this time of freedom for the Gospel to flourish there. Other than a passing disagreement about the role of healing in their respective churches (Bishop Blaigasima said sick people in his church miraculously recover, and Pastor Bob Enyart said that sick people die at Denver Bible Church), the two men praised God and agreed to pray for each other's nation for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, the bishop agreed that America's legalization of abortion was a horror and crime committed against the little "people" in the womb.

* BEL Telethon: Thank you to those who have already given to the annual BEL September telethon! So far we've reached $8,177 of $35,000 goal! It's time to resupply Gideon's army! To help keep Bob's program on the radio, please call at 5 p.m. Easter Time or ANY TIME, at 800-8Enyart or subscribe or give online! Thank you so much!

* Focus II: Click to order the groundbreaking Focus on the Strategy II DVD!

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