
Gary K

New member
Dr. Richard Bartlett came out quite a few months ago with a treatment for the coronavirus which had very good results with. And, as usual, with the press for major vaccination programs making billions of dollars of revenue for big pharma, there was the usual suspects coming out to condemn a cheap effective treatment for coronavirus. It was a full time full court press against both him and his proposed treatment of a steroid inhaler.

Here are some interesting pages in defense of Bartlett and budesomide. As you can see these are all twitter pages, radical extremists, and just flat out liars.
They include a study by Oxford University which backs up Dr. Bartlett 100%. A link to the Oxford study itself. And an interview by Del Bigtree. Thought I'd through this in so people like AG, chair, eider, anna, etc... could have something to point to and say: see? extremists. Extremists allied with with both Astrazeneca and Oxford. Ooooh. Extremely suspect.

I can't wait to see what kind of criticisms they make against another regimen that completely obviates the need for a vaccine. Yup, A $3 self-administered oupatient treatment given when first infected which greatly reduces both the death rates and hospitalization rates for the coronavirus.

Oh, I don't know. I think an untested technology which has some pretty severe side effects is much more comforting. Don't you? Just think. You could be sterile. Have your face paralyzed, die suddenly, or any of these kinds mild side effects instead. Oh, that just gives me such warm fuzzies.
