Bruce Jenner's New E! Reality Show Will Showcase Life As Transgender Woman


New member

:think: :think:.............The question is, would he have gone this route in another era??

Instead of THIS one, where at every turn, there are advocacy groups and liberal media
applauding him for his "courage and honesty"??? :think:

Look at the quote below, the last sentence he says.
Sounds like an agenda to me:

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Well-known member
The question is, would he have gone this route in another era??
How is that "the question" to be ask by any sane mind? Because I think the overwhelming question to be asked here is, WHO CARES ABOUT ANY OF THIS?

Anyone who cares about this stuff has already completely lost their minds.

Mocking You

New member
I'd like to believe you're right, but I can see this becoming the next big thing. :(

That's what some people said about "Sex Box" reality TV show. The British version lasted 7 episodes. The U.S. version had 9 episodes commissioned, only 5 were aired before it got canceled.


New member
How is that "the question" to be ask by any sane mind? Because I think the overwhelming question to be asked here is, WHO CARES ABOUT ANY OF THIS?

Anyone who cares about this stuff has already completely lost their minds.
:think: Does culture have no meaning? No bearing on anything?


New member
That's what some people said about "Sex Box" reality TV show. The British version lasted 7 episodes. The U.S. version had 9 episodes commissioned, only 5 were aired before it got canceled.
OK, then here's to hoping this will be the same. :cheers:


New member
On the other hand, I doubt it:

Bruce Jenner Interview Draws Huge Ratings

About 16.9 million people watched Diane Sawyer's interview with Bruce Jenner on Friday night.

It was the strongest showing of "20/20" in 15 years, according to an ABC press release.

The Jenner interview, in which the former Olympian announced he was transgender, was the highest-rated non-sports telecast on a Friday night since 2003.

The interview drew 972,000 tweets from 403,000 different users, "ranking as the most social Friday telecast of all time excluding sporting events," the release said, citing Nielsen Social.

People don't see this as sick, they see it as an act of courage and integrity:

Bruce Jenner's coming out as transgender sparks outpouring of support, JLo tweets praise


New member
That's an interesting and broad article.

I would agree that gender dysphoria should not be addressed literally, in the flesh, but in an interior way, and also within the culture.


New member
I see this as the last resort of someone who used to be the 'star' in his family being outpaced by age and no-talent. He desperately wants to be a star and remain relevant and this is the only way he knows how to.

Then there is the issue that he hasn't had any good role male models lately and has been surrounded by vapid women with no talent whatsoever... its no wonder he wants to identify with them.

I find self mutilation very disturbing... which is what he is doing to himself.


I see this as the last resort of someone who used to be the 'star' in his family being outpaced by age and no-talent. He desperately wants to be a star and remain relevant and this is the only way he knows how to.

Then there is the issue that he hasn't had any good role male models lately and has been surrounded by vapid women with no talent whatsoever... its no wonder he wants to identify with them.

It occurred to me that it was all about the need to be the center of attention again. Then I wondered why I was watching it.....morbid fascination? I mean, he says he's not even gay, that he still likes women? kind-a narrows the field a bit.....

The Berean

Well-known member
That's an interesting and broad article.

I would agree that gender dysphoria should not be addressed literally, in the flesh, but in an interior way, and also within the culture.

When I hear that a man when wants to a woman because he always felt like a woman I just have to :doh:. That is complete nonsense. How can any man know what it feels like to be woman? Women goes through menstruation, child bearing, and menopause. These experiences are biological in nature. A man can never know what it's like to go through these things. Also, all the confused men wanting to be women tend to focus on looking like a woman and not trying to understand what it feels like to be a woman. These men really need counseling, not plastic surgery or a reality TV show. I really pity Bruce Jenner for what he is going through. He was a heroic figure back in the 1970's, a great athlete, a determined young man who overcame dyslexia. It's his life, he can do whatever he wants. But this is how I chose to remember him.


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Well-known member
I don't think anyone knows what Bruce Jenner is feeling but Bruce Jenner. So like it or not, we have to take him at his word regarding how and what he feels. People feel what they feel. It's not really something that we can disagree with. We can disagree with what they think, but their feelings are their own, and they are what they are. And they are what they say they are.

I'm not especially familiar with transgender males, but my understanding is that they identify with their idealized vision of the opposite sex. They often see themselves as being a specific 'type' (and yes, stereotype) of a man or a woman. It's as much or more about personality and 'aura' as it is about physical attributes.

I don't understand how that happens, but I don't think these people are lying about it. I think they feel what they feel, and they feel it very strongly.


New member
I don't think anyone knows what Bruce Jenner is feeling but Bruce Jenner. So like it or not, we have to take him at his word regarding how and what he feels. People feel what they feel. It's not really something that we can disagree with. We can disagree with what they think, but their feelings are their own, and they are what they are. And they are what they say they are.

I'm not especially familiar with transgender males, but my understanding is that they identify with their idealized vision of the opposite sex. They often see themselves as being a specific 'type' (and yes, stereotype) of a man or a woman. It's as much or more about personality and 'aura' as it is about physical attributes.

I don't understand how that happens, but I don't think these people are lying about it. I think they feel what they feel, and they feel it very strongly.

I think a good impartial psychological evaluation is necessary.