Bruce/Caitlin Jenner Effect


New member
So maybe Rachel Dolezal was "transitioning" to black? :think: our current culture the mind rules over matter and biology and natural law.

Post - Jenner this trend will only grow more emboldened and more brazen:

From the piece below: “A student is not free to override biology, as well as the safety, privacy, and religious concerns of others, and to demand admittance into opposite-sex restrooms and locker rooms,” Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said in a statement. “While students with gender confusion should be treated with respect, that does not include disrespecting other students by admittance into opposite-sex, private spaces.”

Virginia Girl Who Identifies as Boy Sues School District for Being Disallowed Use of Men’s Restroom

GLOUCESTER, Va. — A Virginia girl who identifies as a boy has sued her local school district in an effort to obtain permission to use the men’s restroom at school.

As previously reported, Gavin Grimm, 16, told reporters in December that she began using the boys’ restroom after obtaining permission from the school principal when she expressed disapproval over being forced to use the nurse restroom.

“I’m not a girl. I’m not using the girl’s restroom,” Grimm stated. “So I said, ‘Hey, where can I use the restroom?’ … And so they said, ‘Use the nurse’s room,’ and at the time I was fine with that, because I was still afraid—I didn’t know how my peers would react. So, I didn’t want to push the envelope any further than I had to all at once.”

But she said that the option soon became a problem.

“The nurse’s office is at least a three minute walk from the class I have closest to it. It took a substantial amount of time out of my class time, and it was embarrassing,” Grimm said. “When you’re gone for 15 minutes at a time to use the bathroom, what are high schoolers gonna think? It’s humiliating and it’s alienating.”

So, the student asked the principal about the matter, who suggested that Grimm go ahead and use the boy’s restroom since she identifies as a boy. But some of the parents of the male students soon learned about the allowance, and the issue turned up before the school district.

The district soon voted to approve a policy requiring students to utilize the restroom that correlates with their biological gender, or to use a private bathroom. [. . . ]

The Christian legal organization Liberty Counsel has offered to represent the Gloucester County School Board for free.

“A student is not free to override biology, as well as the safety, privacy, and religious concerns of others, and to demand admittance into opposite-sex restrooms and locker rooms,” Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said in a statement. “While students with gender confusion should be treated with respect, that does not include disrespecting other students by admittance into opposite-sex, private spaces.”
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Well-known member
This gag is so absurdly funny it needs many such postings.



New member
I love the joke about Bruce Jenner's cat :)

But I have already had to delete some things about Jenner that I had hoped would provoke some to further thought regarding what he has done, but those things are now gone.

So I'm going to try again.
Jenner makes me furious
And I wish believers including myself had the kind of unflinching drive he has always had.
This is not some regular guy getting all this publicity and good strokes over the ridiculous thing he did when he started getting old.

He is not on the covers of magazines at age sixty - he is Back on the covers of magazines. At age sixty.

What kind of dedicated and and single minded serving toward his desire to be a winning and famous athlete did he have? Well, look at him now. What price would he pay to be standing in the spot light? Well, just look at him now.

How does he like growing old and not as good looking? We can't even know all the things he has been willing to do and try.

And all that for the part of him that will merely go to dust in no time at all according to Scriptures


New member
I love the joke about Bruce Jenner's cat :)

But I have already had to delete some things about Jenner that I had hoped would provoke some to further thought regarding what he has done, but those things are now gone.

So I'm going to try again.
Jenner makes me furious
And I wish believers including myself had the kind of unflinching drive he has always had.
This is not some regular guy getting all this publicity and good strokes over the ridiculous thing he did when he started getting old.

He is not on the covers of magazines at age sixty - he is Back on the covers of magazines. At age sixty.

What kind of dedicated and and single minded serving toward his desire to be a winning and famous athlete did he have? Well, look at him now. What price would he pay to be standing in the spot light? Well, just look at him now.

How does he like growing old and not as good looking? We can't even know all the things he has been willing to do and try.

And all that for the part of him that will merely go to dust in no time at all according to Scriptures
True. He has a reality show in mind. Nothing noble or courageous, or even sane or decent here.


New member
I love the joke about Bruce Jenner's cat :)

But I have already had to delete some things about Jenner that I had hoped would provoke some to further thought regarding what he has done, but those things are now gone.

So I'm going to try again.
Jenner makes me furious
And I wish believers including myself had the kind of unflinching drive he has always had.
This is not some regular guy getting all this publicity and good strokes over the ridiculous thing he did when he started getting old.

He is not on the covers of magazines at age sixty - he is Back on the covers of magazines. At age sixty.

What kind of dedicated and and single minded serving toward his desire to be a winning and famous athlete did he have? Well, look at him now. What price would he pay to be standing in the spot light? Well, just look at him now.

How does he like growing old and not as good looking? We can't even know all the things he has been willing to do and try.

And all that for the part of him that will merely go to dust in no time at all according to Scriptures

Good points! I do not address my comments about Bruce Jenner to the atheists or even the agnostics among us.
But as a believer in a Prime Mover, Creator, Law Giver, Moral Arbiter, Holy Paraclete, Lord God Almighty I am grievously offended and depressed by people who believe they have better ideas than God. These folks are not content with how they entered this world and seek man made talents to alter not only their images but their very core beings. I am not referencing some of the cosmetic surgery performed to enhance appearance nor am I referencing organ transplants or skins grafts or any life saving
procedures. And there are some persons who are genetically female whilst possessing rudimentary external genitalia of a male and vice versa. But this is a statistically very small portion of the human population. This happens, I believe, not from God's plan but from mostly unknown adverse conditions in utero.
My heart and prayers go out to these folks. And I support their decisions to have the best life possible.
But Bruce Jenner and ilk??? An Olympic athlete, husband and father of children?
I stick with my original statements, if you are going to do these things please keep it to yourself!
Of course, it's still a free country isn't it? Especially if one is into
depravity, violence and forcing people to live in acceptance of such behavior.
My contact with the outside world keeps getting smaller and smaller because I feel assaulted by disgusting behavior more and more.
Good thing though, I'm praying more and more....


New member
Good points! I do not address my comments about Bruce Jenner to the atheists or even the agnostics among us.
But as a believer in a Prime Mover, Creator, Law Giver, Moral Arbiter, Holy Paraclete, Lord God Almighty I am grievously offended and depressed by people who believe they have better ideas than God. These folks are not content with how they entered this world and seek man made talents to alter not only their images but their very core beings. I am not referencing some of the cosmetic surgery performed to enhance appearance nor am I referencing organ transplants or skins grafts or any life saving
procedures. And there are some persons who are genetically female whilst possessing rudimentary external genitalia of a male and vice versa. But this is a statistically very small portion of the human population. This happens, I believe, not from God's plan but from mostly unknown adverse conditions in utero.
My heart and prayers go out to these folks. And I support their decisions to have the best life possible.
But Bruce Jenner and ilk??? An Olympic athlete, husband and father of children?
I stick with my original statements, if you are going to do these things please keep it to yourself!
Of course, it's still a free country isn't it? Especially if one is into
depravity, violence and forcing people to live in acceptance of such behavior.
My contact with the outside world keeps getting smaller and smaller because I feel assaulted by disgusting behavior more and more.
Good thing though, I'm praying more and more....

Oh Bybee, I love your post!
And may I please say I have always commented on posts of yours that struck me as simply outstanding? But Lady I couldn't say that on your thread and I'm sorry for that. In truth I had only come that day because so much deception (I thought) was pouring on us through our media and entertainment sources that I wanted to at least try and disrupt it.

Yes Bruce Jenner is really a self serving ego maniac and perfect poster child for the evil one to make us all feel bad one way or another. What lies can be told and sanctioned to boot because of him.

The only thing is to me even atheists and agnostics are better than Jenner is because God loves men and He loves women.
Jenner is not broken. Look at him.
He is vain and old. And clever and driven. And a lie.

I am a better man than he is.