Brought forth Again:

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Ye must be brought forth again. - Was Israel born of God when they were brought forth from Egypt? – Who bore them, when they were born from Egypt? - Jesus was brought forth from the beginning, and the Father planted the SEED that was born by Mary. - Mary bore the child Jesus. Israel bore the SEED until Mary bore the SEED until the root of Jesse sprouted the Tree of Life BEARING much fruit. The SEED / Jesus was born / carried of a virgin until Jesus’ birth. – Now that same SEED is planted in the good heart and must be carried / born until it is delivered back to the Father. --- Isaiah 55:11 KJV – “So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”. ----- What did the Father send his Word to do? --- Matthew 5:17 KJV – “Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but TO FULFIL”. -----&--- Luke 21:22 KJV – “For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled”. ----- OOOPPPPSSSSS, -- I was brought forth again, after Jesus was brought forth by a virgin. – How was I brought forth? - Christians are brought forth / resurrected / created from the WATER of baptism ( NOT THE FLESH, BUT THE SPIRIT ), after the Seed of the Gospel has died in the repenting heart. --- John’s baptism was the “Baptism of Repentance, having only a burial and nothing else. Therefore we are baptized / buried of John’s baptism which is only a burial, and Jesus Christ added the resurrection to John’s baptism. Thus, we are buried with him by baptism, and we are resurrected with him by baptism, to walk with Jesus Christ.

There are two times, or places that a “BIRTH” took place in a heavenly manner. The first was Jesus; - Jesus was brought forth by Mary, and given “BIRTH”, bringing Jesus forth from the beginning to their present. - Jesus was on the way through Israel and the prophets. – The second time there was a “BIRTH” was when Judea and Jerusalem were destroyed by the Lord at his second coming at that present time, AD-70. - The Body of Christ / that small child, who the Christians made up, - fled out of Jerusalem and Judea the way Jesus told them to do. - They fled by “FAITH” and were SAVED from the damnation / judgment of GOD. You know about the birth of Jesus, but you reject that he was BROUGHT FORTH from the beginning by Mary to the “BIRTH” in that time. Mary carried / brought Jesus to the BIRTH. --- Isaiah 66:6-9 KJV – 7- “Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child”. ----- That birth is the birth that the lost must take part in, ( that’s the new birth, or the being born again ), and they do that when they obey the Gospel. - That slays, buries, and resurrects the lost to salvation and eternal life. --- God just says it, and all anyone has to do is just READ IT. - None of you read and believe the rest of the Scriptures. You just take what you have to, in order to support your own doctrine. I told you some of the other things that the Lord said, and you can reject them if you dare. – I don’t care!

Most of you will use anything that you can get your hands on in order to support a false doctrine. If not, you will condemn the teacher that delivered the message to you. – Thank God there’s a Hell.

Paul – 011911
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