Brit MP (Pedo) says Israelis faked attacks - Hamas posts instructions!


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UK Jewish Labor MP Says Israel Faking Stabbing Stories to Kill Arabs

By: Jewish Press News Briefs
Published: October 29th, 2015

Sir Gerald Kaufman
Photo Credit: Gerald Kaufman’s Advice Bureaux

Sir Gerald Bernard Kaufman, Labour MP for Manchester, accused Israel of fabricating the Arab stabbing attacks, and says the Conservative government is only too happy to indulge this, as long as they keep getting “Jewish money.” Is it 1933 revisited? Somewhat, except that Sir Gerald was born in Leeds to Louis and Jane Kaufman, both of them Polish Jews. MP Kaufman, who is still a member of the Jewish Labor Movement, a.k.a. Poalei Zion, has become over the past decades an enemy of Israel, calling for economic sanctions and an arms ban against Israel, referring to Israel as a “pariah state,” and to its leaders as “war criminals.”
In Kaufman’s world, the Conservative party, which delivered a stunning blow to his party a few months ago, is “not interested in the fact that Palestinians are living a repressed life, and are liable to be shot at any time. In the last few days alone the Israelis have murdered 52 Palestinians and nobody pays attention and this government doesn’t care,” The Jewish Chronicle reported.

It doesn’t help matters that the 85-year-old Kaufman, who has served in parliament since 1970, has gained the post of Father of the House of Commons, a title that is by tradition bestowed on the senior Member of the House of Commons who has the longest unbroken service in covering up Pedophile scandals. And so, in his honored capacity, he has the right to speak up, often, and, should he choose to, in a vile manner.
Speaking at a Palestine Return Center event in Parliament on Tuesday—did you know they had those?—Sir Gerald explained the reason the British government had become more pro-Israel in recent years: “It’s Jewish money, Jewish donations to the Conservative Party – as in the general election in May – support from the Jewish Chronicle, all of those things, bias the Conservatives.”
There could be other reasons why Jewish Ed Miliband’s Labor has lost 26 seats last May, while David Cameron’s Conservatives walked away with an extra 28 seats. It’s probably the same reason Labor will continue to lose, possibly become a third-tier party next time, with Marxist Jeremy Corbyn at the helm — the British voters are tired of the leftist rhetoric, and the only voters still going for Labor in big chunks are Muslims — with their Muslim money.
Not on Sir Gerald’s planet, where the Jews pile their Jewish money on Conservative politicians’ desks, and then they are free to, as he stated it so eloquently, execute harmless Palestinians:
“The majority of the “attempted stabbing” incidents are based on false claims. They are executing Palestinians on the streets and then they fabricate the stabbing story.

meanwhile, Hamas and PA terrorists are posting instructions on
how to stab Jews:

Videos teach would-be Palestinian attackers ‘how to stab’ Jews

Posted on October 17, 2015 by Admin Leave a comment

The education originates from the mosques. When ISIS was beginning to gain expansion with the help of its large Palestinian membership, there was many calls from clerics for lone-wolf slaughter of random Jewish civilians.
Today they are stabbing Jews, tomorrow it’s Christians – and next anyone and everyone else.
People who support the terror state of Palestine, are nothing but terrorists themselves.
Videos teach would-be Palestinian attackers ‘how to stab’

Graphic photos and footage posted to social media include detailed instructions for maximizing bodily damage

By Raoul Wootliff, Times of Israel
October 15, 2015, 8:37 pm

As Israel faces a wave of terror attacks — eight Israelis have been killed in over 30 attacks during the last month — social media has increasingly emerged as a platform for Palestinian incitement and calls for violence.
In addition to praising the attacks and urging more of the same, a number of Palestinian activists have posted content with advice and instructions on how to carry out attacks.
Videos and photos posted to Facebook and Twitter show detailed instructional guidance on how to stab Israelis, methods for maximum bodily damage, and ways to create deadly weapons to carry out attacks.
The posts have been published under various headings created in recent weeks such as “The Intifada Has Started,” “The Third Intifada,” “The Knife Intifada,” “Poison the Knife before You Stab,” and “Slaughtering the Jews,” according to information made available by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
Multiple Facebook pages, including one called “Intifada Youth Coalition – Palestine,” posted a video two weeks ago demonstrating how to carry out a deadly stabbing.
A Facebook page called “Jerusalem Now” posted a video on Tuesday demonstrating how to stab and how to snatch a soldier’s weapon.
Some posts show potential stabbers how to make their attacks more deadly. On Wednesday a Gazan user named Zahran Barbah posted an anatomical chart showing which parts of the body to aim for when stabbing a victim.
In another trend, instructional videos have given information on how to adapt ordinary kitchen knives into deadly attack weapons.
Two weeks ago YouTube removed a video from its website that appeared to encourage stabbing attacks against Jews and Israelis after Israel’s Foreign Ministry complained that the clip promoted terror.
In a letter to YouTube’s parent company, Google, Jerusalem officials said the posted clips contained “violent and inciting content in which terrorists are praised and their acts staged in videos to promote further violence against Israelis and Jews.”
The removed video showed a keffiyeh-clad young Palestinian man looking at footage on his phone of recent clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian rioters at the Temple Mount. The setting appeared to depict Jerusalem’s Old City. Two “Jewish” characters — they were decked out in stereotypical religious clothing — walked by, harassing and kicking young children playing soccer. That was seen to enrage the young man, who was then portrayed stabbing one of the “Jewish” men in the heart and then chasing down the other to slash his throat.

Screenshots from a terror-promoting video posted to YouTube showing a Palestinian man stabbing two ‘Jewish’ characters in the Old City. October, 2015 (Screenshots/YouTube)

[Palestinian sermon: Sheikh Muhammad Sallah, brandishing knife during Friday sermon, urges young men in West Bank to form ‘stabbing squads’]
YouTube removed the video from the Hamas channel where it was first posted and circulated widely, but it was still available elsewhere on YouTube and on Facebook.
The website said the graphic 45-second clip violated YouTube’s policy of prohibiting hate speech.
