Brit Hume & Asha on BEL

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Brit Hume and Asha on BEL

This is the show from Tuesday January 5th, 2010.


* Brit Hume of Fox News Channel Witnesses to Tiger Woods: Longtime Fox News Sunday panelist and Fox anchor Brit Hume this week urged Tiger Woods to leave Buddhism and to convert to Christianity because Tiger needs Jesus Christ, for it is in Christ that the famous golfer can find forgiveness and reconcilliation. Wow. Brit! Wow! Hear Brit's comments right here in this program on KGOV as Bob Enyart and Jo Scott discuss Woods, Hindus, and Cows.

* Asha of India: Bob welcomes Asha to America, and to his program. Asha talks about her native country, and its Hinduism, where cows are considered sacred, from tongue to dung. Hindus worship everything as gods, even plants, bugs, and rats, and so some will not even kill an insect, although killing unborn children is becoming increasingly prevalent. Asha's husband Duane has signed Colorado's personhood amendment petition, and Asha is registering to vote so that she can help to protect children by signing also, and she has agreed to receive some blank petitions from in order to get signatures to help us get personhood back on the ballot! As a Christian Asha shares the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with others and has a special love for the people of India who enslave themselves to idols.

* False Religion Enslaves People: See picture below of a child sharing milk with "gods" at India's Rat Temple.

* Bella star Eduardo Verastege is Coming to Denver: Come out to hear Eduardo at Colorado's 2010 March for Life! on the steps of the Capitol downtown at noon on Friday, January 22, 2010! Come on out. We'll have a FABULOUS TIME of fellowship! (And if you live out of state, don't fret. Find some way of promoting Personhood on this horrific anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

* The Personhood Movement Has Exploded Into 40 States! So please help the state personhood efforts get the signatures they need to re-criminalize abortion! If you live in:
- Colorado: could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & Colorado RTL 2010 petition? If so, just click or call 303-753-9394.
- California: please visit the CA Human Life Amendment site to get a petition and start collecting signature for the Lord and for the innocent child!
- If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?
We all need your help!

Today's Resource: Please consider emailing this helpful description of Focus on the Strategy II to another Christian who may be an asset in the personhood movement after viewing this groundbreaking DVD!
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