Brian Rohrbough & Rich Petrone Part 2

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New member
Today's caller Peggy, who took her kids out of Christian school and put them in public school in the later years. This thinking that Christian kids need to socialize is the biggest mistake a parent can make. If they have boys, sending them to a public school where the girls are showing skin, can easily cause the young man to get distratracted. If you have two A students that are in a class and you have two F students in the same class, the whole class will go down to the F student level. Peggy said she worked for the state, we have come accross many public teachers and state employees that try to justify their make work job. Even though we go to a church that belives that you are saved by grace, these teachers, try to work for their salvation. I guess their is some type of inner guilt for the big money they make for working for a godless school system. Keep your kids in Christian schools or home school, but please don't send them and hurt them and send them to a godless school system. Ryan


Resident Atheist

You've made a couple of interesting assertions in your opening post.

Before I address them, and to put things in perspective, can you tell us:

  1. Do you have school-age children?
  2. Do you have any experience raising children?
  3. What type of school did you attend growing up - Christian or Government?
  4. About what was your GPA when you graduated high school?


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RyanPeters said:
If they have boys, sending them to a public school where the girls are showing skin, can easily cause the young man to get distratracted.
Yep. The only thing boys care more about than if there are girls in the classroom is whether or not the classroom is on fire.
RyanPeters said:
Today's caller Peggy, who took her kids out of Christian school and put them in public school in the later years. This thinking that Christian kids need to socialize is the biggest mistake a parent can make. If they have boys, sending them to a public school where the girls are showing skin, can easily cause the young man to get distratracted. If you have two A students that are in a class and you have two F students in the same class, the whole class will go down to the F student level. Peggy said she worked for the state, we have come accross many public teachers and state employees that try to justify their make work job. Even though we go to a church that belives that you are saved by grace, these teachers, try to work for their salvation. I guess their is some type of inner guilt for the big money they make for working for a godless school system. Keep your kids in Christian schools or home school, but please don't send them and hurt them and send them to a godless school system. Ryan

I understand there's plenty of problems with the public school system but since I'm 100% a product of the public school systems (every school year from K-12), I would say you're wrong about having two F students bringing down the whole class. If you want to learn, you will.

Of course, I do realize I would have been much better off home-schooled. I realize that now especially that I'm in college and realize that I have untapped potential that the public schools did a poor job of working with. It shows especially in the english department, since I had 3 straight years of lousy high school english (honors no less).
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