Boy Scouts will be first target if Nashville embraces 'sexual orientation'


Well-known member
The city council in Nashville, Tenn., is considering adding "sexual orientation" to its nondiscrimination code. Sold as "tolerance," such a law leads directly to discrimination against people who think it is wrong for men to have sex with men and women to have sex with women.

"Sexual orientation" laws hijack civil rights and ensure persecution, at the outset, of the Boy Scouts. This has been the pattern from California to Maine to Florida.

People who engage in homosexual behavior have the same rights as other citizens but should not be given additional rights based on their willingness to perform peculiar -- and often medically dangerous -- sex acts.

Like other terms that swiftly achieve usage, "sexual orientation" is rarely examined. Yet "sexual orientation" is a radical challenge to the beliefs of all major religious faiths because it attacks the notion that sexual behavior has moral dimensions.

The underlying concept of "sexual orientation" is that all sexual behavior is equally valid. There are no good choices or bad choices, just inclinations. "Sexual orientation" laws are the legal embodiment of the old '60s slogan, "If it feels good, do it."

When such a naked rebuke to the moral order is inserted into the law, protections for the institutions of marriage and family cannot long survive. Traditional morality is recast as a form of "bigotry," and "sexual orientation" becomes a springboard for more "gay" activism.

The first victims of any sexual orientation law are the Boy Scouts, who have good reason to keep their leadership free from men attracted sexually to males. For some insight on this, check out the recent troubles of the Boston Diocese of the Catholic Church.

In California, the state Supreme Court is considering banning all state judges from associating with the Boy Scouts because the Scouts are exempt from a statewide "sexual orientation" law. Good judges (mostly fathers) are being told to hang up their gavels or stop associating with this "hate group." This is tolerance?

In many states, homosexual activists have persuaded public officials to punish the Scouts for their moral stance on homosexuality. More than two dozen United Way chapters have cut off the Scouts, and at least 359 school districts with a total of 4,418 schools in 10 states have taken action against the Scouts. They cite "sexual orientation" laws as their reason.

Nashville's religious groups are being offered a "religious exemption" from the proposed ordinance. They shouldn't buy it. If it is wrong for this immoral policy to be forced on the churches, it is wrong to force it on other citizens as well. This is not like taxation, which is a necessary and biblically prescribed government function from which churches and other nonprofit organizations are exempt. It is a matter of turning immorality into law, thus turning ordinary people into outlaws.

Religious exemptions are ultimately worthless. A District of Columbia human rights commission ordered Georgetown University, a Catholic college, to violate church doctrine and sponsor a pro-homosexual group on campus. A court agreed, saying the District's "sexual orientation" law overrode the school's religious freedom. It didn't matter that neither "sexual orientation" nor sodomy are protected in the Constitution or that religion is specifically protected. In the hands of liberal judges, "sexual orientation" takes on a life of its own.

City officials in Portland, Maine, recently canceled a grant for a Salvation Army meals-on-wheels program for senior citizens. Why? As a Christian denomination, the Salvation Army won't provide marital benefits to homosexual employees, thus running afoul of the city's "sexual orientation" law.

When the Portland "sexual orientation" ordinance was introduced, proponents argued, as they do in Nashville today, that it would merely ensure that "people won't be fired for being 'gay.'" Unlike the sorry history of Jim Crow laws, there is no evidence that this is so widespread that it requires a radical restructuring of civil rights. People are far more likely to be fired for objecting to "gay" activism in companies than for "being gay."

In Canada, a "velvet curtain" is coming down as Canada adopts more "sexual orientation" laws. The mayor of London, Ontario, was hauled before Ontario's human rights commission and fined for declining to declare "Gay Pride Weekend." A Saskatchewan newspaper publisher and a man who bought an ad featuring a list of five biblical verses about homosexuality were fined $4,500 each. The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has warned Dr. Laura Schlessinger and Dr. James Dobson not to discuss homosexuality, or the radio stations that carry their shows will lose their licenses. Again, this is tolerance?

Homosexual activists used to deny that they had anything to do with men demanding the right to wear dresses. But U.S. homosexual pressure groups have now added "transgender" rights to their list. Their goal is to create grounds for lawsuits on the basis of sexual confusion and cross-dressing, even in schools.

If Nashville's public officials add "sexual orientation" to the city's nondiscrimination code, they will provide instant legal special rights to any kind of sexual behavior, however perverse.

Most assuredly, they will guarantee that the Boy Scouts will find themselves in the cross-hairs of homosexual activists demanding the "right" to take boys out on camping trips.
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New member
An interesting thread. I think I understand the concern and alert carried within the message, However:

Looking at the Boy Scouts of America, seperate from the attack being waged on them, I wonder what they have to do with anything Christian?

The Boy Scout do not advocate having a "religion" They do not state that Jesus is God. They only state that a member must have some belief system other than atheism. Are you a Muslim Hindu, or whatever, the Boy Scouts have a merit Badge for you if you run through their hoops to earn it. Look at their own offical Boy Scouts of America website for merit badges, then scan through all the different religions that one may earn a Religion badge in.

So what value is there as far as one's Christian faith goes, in being associated with the Boy Scouts?
I ask this because some Christians get upset by attacks on the Boy Scouts as though the faith of Christians is under attack.

While it is a horror that the scouts and most all groups that have some sense of moral building are under attack, I think knowing a little more about the Boy Scouts is valuable, so that one knows what they are choosing to defend. I too will defend in general the right of Boy scouts to protect children, but I sure can't endorse the idea that they impart religious teaching of any value, unless one wants to put forth that there is somehow value in all religions. Personally I think the endorsing of most all religions except atheism is a contadictory exercise, for all religions do not accept the deity of Jesus, and therefore most are a block to salvation. Why endorse an organization that teaches the merits of that which is incorrect and then gives out badges proclaiming a mastery of the incorrect?
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Resident Servant

Just living and working within a few miles of Nashville I am watching this with carefull eyes. They are thrying to get a addendment in place for religious and non profit organizations to make them excempt. I just see that as a way of deviding the issue even further. Once the laws come into bearing fruit other laws will spring up and go even further. I am praying and (emailing like mad) in hopes that this issue will be defeated.


Well-known member

Just living and working within a few miles of Nashville I am watching this with carefull eyes. They are thrying to get a addendment in place for religious and non profit organizations to make them excempt. I just see that as a way of deviding the issue even further. Once the laws come into bearing fruit other laws will spring up and go even further. I am praying and (emailing like mad) in hopes that this issue will be defeated.

I hear brother. Think you can email what you got so I can check it out? Email address will be given in PM if you can send the info to me.

God Bless,


I understand your position but the way I see it, it is dead wrong by the homosexual lobby to target the boyscouts. I can care less about the Boyscouts except for the FACT that homosexuals are targeting them {children} So it technically isn't a religious thing, but the fundamental protection of our children in society.

Thats all I'm doing by pointing this out in the above post.

God Bless,


New member
haha, What does 'medically dangerous' have to do with anything? That's a gigantic flaw in this argument that makes the writer out to be grasping at straws.

Some heterosexuals have anal sex too. As for medically dangerous, so is driving an automobile.


New member
"I understand your position but the way I see it, it is dead wrong by the homosexual lobby to target the boyscouts. I can care less about the Boyscouts except for the FACT that homosexuals are targeting them {children} So it technically isn't a religious thing, but the fundamental protection of our children in society.

Thats all I'm doing by pointing this out in the above post."

And I agree with your assesment!


New member
I'm gay, and believe that the BSA have the right to discriminate.
(I also have the right to tell Jimmy that I don't support that decision, and that I can't buy his wreath.)

But the bigger issue for me is the one of excluding atheists.

If a kid says, I don't believe there is a God, he is kicked out.

But if he says that his Pet Rock is God, he is in.

It's weird. You don't have to have a particular God. Any God will do. But you MUST have a God.


New member
This is just sick. When I was in Boy Scouts I wanted to shoot a bow and arrow and backpack. Not learn how to get all comfy in a tent with a homosexual and when we start talking about girls, he starts talking about boys.


New member
But you would be comfortable with a heterosexual Scout Leader who was telling 8 year old boys how to give girls an orgasm, or what his favorite position is, or showing them his Playboy collection?

I'm gay. I was a camp counselor. And yes, I slept in the same cabin as the boys. We even went camping together.
I didn't "get cozy" with them. I didn't talk about guys.
Most of them didn't even think about girls.
Those that did would talk about them, and I would listen. Most of it was confusion, like, "I don't know how to talk to girls." "What do girls want."
I would tell them to be themselves, and that they were just as nervous.

Shocking, isn't it.

It really creeps me out how obsessed people are on this board about child molestation.
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
But you would be comfortable with a heterosexual Scout Leader who was telling 8 year old boys how to give girls an orgasm, or what his favorite position is, or showing them his Playboy collection?
That's just sick you pervert.
Most of it was confusion, like, "I don't know how to talk to girls." "What do girls want."
I would tell them to be themselves, and that they were just as nervous.
This is what I was talking about, you sicko.


New member
So, we are talking about sexual appropriateness, or sexual orientation? You agree that a heterosexual could be inappropriate? But you just give them the benefit of the doubt??

Telling boys to be themselves, and that girls are just as afraid of boys is "sicko"?

I wasn't telling them anything that is in your polluted head.
But, yes, 12 year old boys want to know what a girl wants in a boyfriend. And I would tell them, "if you are yourself, they will like you for who you are." They weren't talking about sex. They were at the hand holding, puppylove stage.
And of the 8 year olds? They didn't understand why boys liked girls. I told them to wait a few years and they would get it.
I said, "what was your favorite game at 3." They said, "Duck Duck Goose." And now? "It's for babies." What is your favorite game? "Capture the Flag." Would you have liked it at 3? "I guess not." It's like that. When you get there, it will make sense.

Please tell me you aren't a Boy Scout Leader <shiver>.
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New member
I think beanieboy has a valid point.

It seems that some of the 'christians' here are making gay people synonymous with paedophiles or criminals. Wake up. Get out more. Maybe even go meet some gay people and talk to them. That's what Jesus would have done, reading the book I read.

Heterosexual men are just as apt to be an ******* as a homosexual man, it comes down to the person respecting minors as minors and being wise enough to allow kids' innocence to remain healthy.

beanie isn't being sick, he's trying to make a point.


New member
Boy Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to GOD and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.


New member
Originally posted by AsLan
I think beanieboy has a valid point.

Beanie always has a point, but it never pertains to the previous posts. He's off in Lala Land frolicking with some obfuscation. He has one too many cups of fruit in his cake.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
I wasn't telling them anything that is in your polluted head.
Who just spewed all that perverseness out? IT WAS YOU you sick monkey. :down: Quit living a lie!


Cosmic Redneck
I don't think that just because a guy is a homosexual that is also a pedophile, that's far from the truth. I have know a few gays in my life (through work) and they displayed no pedofilic tendencies, however, I agree with Goose. I don't think that gays should be allowed in the boy scouts. Maybe the upper ages (Eagles Scouts?) where the children aren't as impressionable.

I AM NOT saying that the young boys are going to become gay because their scout master is, what I am saying is that younger kids (maybe 13 and younger) may not be able to grasp the concept of homosexuality.

Personally, I don't like homosexuality (I have nothing against the person. Hate the sin, love the sinnner), but they are people too. Women spent many years trying to fight to get equality and now the gays are. They are just trying to be treated fairly, just like the woman were. The only difference: being a woman isn't morally wrong, where as homosexuallity is.


New member
Not all homosexuals are pedophiles.
All homosexuals are perverts.
Some(probably most) heterosexuals are perverts.