Boundless Hypocrisy:

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Either hypocrisy has no bounds, or there are an endless number of hypocrites in the so called “churches” today. – The Swaggart Cooperation; - this time it was the Frances & Friends who went way out on the limb of hypocrisy. – I know you can’t accept that because you all can’t accept hardly anything that the Lord JESUS GAVE US of his TRUTH! – Case in point!

Frances & Friends today; 02/21/11 – Monday, was TEACHING and was FRETTING AND FRETTING about what your leaders and the Muslims, and the Muslim-sort are doing and planning to do. – Even how Hitler and his boys would throw Jewish babies up in the air and Hitler’s soldiers would catch them on their BAYONETS. Hitler also gassed the Jews and then BURNED their bodies in the furnaces. – As hideous as all that and more is in the CARNAL, and it IS; what is worse; doing all that or preaching your foolish false doctrines, leading more than that to HELL? --- Matthew 15:14 KJV - “Blind leaders of the blind”. ----

You fools forgot the following, --- Matthew 10:28 KJV – “FEAR NOT THEM WHICH KILL THE BODY, BUT ARE NOT ABLE TO KILL THE SOUL: but RATHER FEAR HIM WHICH IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN HELL”. ----- Don’t worry about THAT! - What are you faithless hypocrites talking about, if not those who may kick your churches to death and you in them? - You people are scared to death for your little “HURT”. --- What ever happened to the Truth? – You people THINK ON THOSE THINGS, BUT! – “BUT”! – The Christian / “THE CHRISTIAN” is COMMANDED to, /// --- Philippians 4:8 KJV - Finally, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; IF THERE BE ANY VIRTUE, and if there be any praise, think on these things”. ----- Jesus says BOTH, -- Matthew 10:28 KJV - and Philippians 4:8 KJV - However, YOU teach and do exactly the opposite. --- You lying hypocrites, you condemn others and you do the worse thing possible, and that is teach lies as the false prophets you are. There is NOTHING WORSE than sending or dragging souls to hell with you.
To be burned alive in a fire or to be beheaded or even to be crucified is not nearly as bad as HELL, you FAITHLESS FOOLS! – You say you believe God. --- THANK JESUS THERE’S A HELL!!!

Paul – 022111
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