Bob's pre-fall baby claims

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In show # 90 Bob claims that before The Fall gestational periods would have been much shorter, perhaps as short as three months for humans with birth weights around 10 oz.
Can anyone fill me in on what would have been different enviormentaly and gestationaly that would allow 10 oz. human births to be the viable norm?


Something had to be different for childbirth to not be painful before The Fall but I have no idea what that might be.
By the way, fool, do you ever bother to go to to check your spelling or don't you care about it that much?


Watch out fool, their going after your spelling. Sure sign they have no idea how to back up the current wild claims.

But, your right. There would to have to be something radically different for humans to be able to survive at only a three month gestation period. As we know from modern medical science humans born at only three months have a low chance of survival, let alone leading a normal healthy life.


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wholearmor said:
Something had to be different for childbirth to not be painful before The Fall but I have no idea what that might be.
Seems like things would have to be very different, Bob says babies were so small they could be passed without pain, that's awful small.
By the way, fool, do you ever bother to go to to check your spelling or don't you care about it that much?
I got a paper dictionary but it's way over there and I'm comfortable.


New member
One pound babies survive in incubators, so I assume the atmosphere would have been something like that. Now that that's been cleared up, can you give Bob credit for all the other ways he demolished that atheistic evolutionist?


Montana said:
One pound babies survive in incubators, so I assume the atmosphere would have been something like that. Now that that's been cleared up, can you give Bob credit for all the other ways he demolished that atheistic evolutionist?

I'm sorry but the whole enviorment was a giant incubator? Thats really thin man. I mean, really thin. You can assume all you want, but that doesnt clear anything up. What effect would that have had on the world around them and living condition? How would Adam and Eve been effected by this "incubator world"?


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Montana said:
One pound babies survive in incubators, so I assume the atmosphere would have been something like that. Now that that's been cleared up,
"That's cleared up" is it?
That's all you got on a model of human birth at 3mo. 10oz. being normal?
can you give Bob credit for all the other ways he demolished that atheistic evolutionist?
The whole show was hilarious.


fool said:
Seems like things would have to be very different, Bob says babies were so small they could be passed without pain, that's awful small.
Women could have been originally created to give childbirth from their sides as Benny Hinn claimed. :rotfl:

I got a paper dictionary but it's way over there and I'm comfortable.
That's why I mentioned You totally butchered the word environmentally.


paulpeterson83 said:
I'm sorry but the whole enviorment was a giant incubator? Thats really thin man. I mean, really thin. You can assume all you want, but that doesnt clear anything up. What effect would that have had on the world around them and living condition? How would Adam and Eve been effected by this "incubator world"?

Well, this will never be cleared up, actually, but I don't feel a different atmosphere existing at the time is all that out of reach.


The Dark Knight
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I'd actually like to know where the Bible states that any babies were born before the Fall.


wholearmor said:
Well, this will never be cleared up, actually, but I don't feel a different atmosphere existing at the time is all that out of reach.

Okay, so how would Adam and Eve had been effected by this atmosphere. And remember, they did have any kids untill after they were kicked out of the garden.


New member
wholearmor said:
Women could have been originally created to give childbirth from their sides as Benny Hinn claimed. :rotfl:

That's why I mentioned You totally butchered the word environmentally.

Axshully, he wux pridy cloz.


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Lighthouse said:
I'd actually like to know where the Bible states that any babies were born before the Fall.
Excellent point!
We are talking pre-Fall births not pre-Flood births.
So why would Bob say that birth was painless before the Fall if there was no birth?
Yaweh made birth painful as a punishment to Eve.
Did she have any idea what He was talking about?
Is Bob saying that birth would have been painless before if Eve had had one?


Lighthouse said:
I'd actually like to know where the Bible states that any babies were born before the Fall.

It doesn't. We're talking theoretically.

Since God said He would greatly increase woman's pain in childbirth, that means childbirth still could have been somewhat painful before The Fall had there been any.


The Dark Knight
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fool did bring up a good point, did Eve know what God meant when He said that?


Well-known member
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wholearmor said:
Probably not until she gave birth to Cain.
Do we have any reason to believe that Cain was the first?
Is He first born or first mentioned?


fool said:
Do we have any reason to believe that Cain was the first?
Is He first born or first mentioned?

I believe this is all we have to go by:

Genesis 4

Cain and Abel

1 Adam [s] lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. [t] She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth [u] a man." 2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.
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