Bob with Alan Colmes

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Well, I'm not going to listen to the whole thing, but I stayed with it long enough to hear the entire interview. It seems Alan defended his position fairly well, but I don't think Bob had a chance to get into the religious context as much as he should have as a pastor.

That 3500 years thing was pretty bizarre, though. I mean, really, this is America, 3500 years ago all we had here were natives. Unless he thinks we're somehow an outgrowth of the biblical kingdom of Israel, like the Mormons do.


Thanks for hosting the link, Knight.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by taoist
That 3500 years thing was pretty bizarre, though. I mean, really, this is America, 3500 years ago all we had here were natives.
Bob wasn't referring to America specifically.


Ain't America a great place when a dolt like Alan Colmes can be as successful as he is? Man, Bob did a great job exposing him.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by wholearmor
Ain't America a great place when a dolt like Alan Colmes can be as successful as he is? Man, Bob did a great job exposing him.
Well.... people are generally evil so it sorta makes sense.


New member
That would just make it even more bizarre. Besides, Bob backed off on that when challenged and restricted the discussion to just US law. I think his arguments were better when he narrowed them down to America. It was more appropriate to Colmes' book, too, which was the reason for the interview, I think.

He should have started out with the "Jesus was a liberal" thing and stayed there. That's more Bob's ballpark, IMHO. Going after the history of laws against adultery in the US gave Alan the chance to challenge all the old laws we've since, quite rightly, gotten ridden of, as Bob agreed. Besides, it was a red herring to begin with. He couldn't get Alan to agree that liberals condone adultery anyway.

Nope, he's a christian preacher and he should have stayed on target with Jesus. It'd have made for a better interview and given Bob the chance to work from a stronger position.


New member


Alan's reasoning for apposing saddem and his regemes destruction

Alan Combs looking out his window:

"hmm..I see my neighbor's wife is being raped..well, I can't help everyone who is being raped right now, would be wrong for me to help her..."

"I guess he wouldn't mind this attitude either if it was another liberal looking out their window at his wife..."

Sorry, can't help everyone, can't help you.



New member
Well.... people are generally evil so it sorta makes sense.

All the more reason Bob should have stuck with the religious theme and left politics to the politicians.


Made for a better interview? Obviously, Alan Colmes would not stand for being interviewed. You have to shut up for at least a few seconds in order to be interviewed.


Re: Iraq

Re: Iraq

Originally posted by Shadowx
Alan's reasoning for apposing saddem and his regemes destruction

Alan Combs looking out his window:

"hmm..I see my neighbor's wife is being raped..well, I can't help everyone who is being raped right now, would be wrong for me to help her..."

"I guess he wouldn't mind this attitude either if it was another liberal looking out their window at his wife..."

Sorry, can't help everyone, can't help you.



Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by taoist
He should have started out with the "Jesus was a liberal" thing and stayed there. That's more Bob's ballpark, IMHO. Going after the history of laws against adultery in the US gave Alan the chance to challenge all the old laws we've since, quite rightly, gotten ridden of, as Bob agreed. Besides, it was a red herring to begin with. He couldn't get Alan to agree that liberals condone adultery anyway.
Ya think????

I thought that was Alan's weakest moment!

Alan didn't even know adultery was illegal!!! LOL!!


New member
Look, I'm no fan of Alan Colmes, after all, he's on Fox, but if you gotta shove words in his mouth to make your point, why bother linking the interview? That's dishonest.

"liberals do not tolerate adultery.... yet adultery should be legal."

That's not a real quote.

"hmm..I see my neighbor's wife is being raped..well, I can't help everyone who is being raped right now, would be wrong for me to help her..."

"I guess he wouldn't mind this attitude either if it was another liberal looking out their window at his wife..."

That's not a real quote, either. Oh well, it's got its fans regardless, carry on.


New member
Alan didn't even know adultery was illegal!!! LOL!!

Actually, Alan didn't know WHEN adultery was illegal.


New member
Alan verses Jesus ALan "Peace Peace" Jesus "Sword Sword"

Alan verses Jesus ALan "Peace Peace" Jesus "Sword Sword"

I think Bob to make his point that people are basically evil in Jesus' eyes, (since Alan has this view of Jesus as some type of Gandhi) should have used Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.


Mt 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

He did good.., Alan just wouldn't shut up..trying to handle both sides of the conversation.

Bob could have been more forceful about how 2 people should have a conversation, but then Alan may have ran off..



New member
There was a long stretch in the interview when they were talking past each other, but I did my best to hear both streams. When Bob asked if Alan supported a particular idea as emblematic of liberalism, Alan responded. When Bob started off with a "liberals think ..." thing, it was just cross-talk.

Hey, WA! Vote for taoist! I can't seem to catch up with smothers and skeptic keeps pulling ahead every time I catch up with him.
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