Bob Testified Today at the Colorado Capitol

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Bob Testified Today at the Colorado Capitol

This is the show from Friday March 14th, 2008.

Bob Enyart: If you have a 20 year old girl who works at a company that sells fur and you've got guys outside her home 3 days a week protesting, that's just creepy. It should not be allowed. But our lawmakers don't know right from wrong. So we're exploiting that ignorance to express the outrage against child killing.

Roger Allen: Senator Ward?

Sen. Steve Ward [cowardly responded]: I find logic in the argument elusive so I'm not going to dignify it with a response.


* Bob on Denver's NBC Affiliate: Horton hears a controversy! During the premier of the Dr. Seuss movie, Horton hears a Who, Bob joined the Colorado for Equal Rights signature gathering event at the Denver premier of the animated version of the classic children's story that ends with the line, "A person is a person, no matter how small." Watch the excellent Denver 9News report! One woman, Susan from Denver, brought a stack of filled out petitions with 940 signatures to Kristi Burton at the premier!

* Bob and Sen. Steve Ward on CRN: Roger Allen with the Colorado Radio Network aired an interview with Bob Enyart, briefly joined by Colorado pro-abortion Senator Steve Ward who introduced a law to restrict the Collaborator's Project residential protests of abortion collaborators. Ward despises Christian anti-abortion protesters and so refused Mr. Allen's offer to the Senator to respond to Bob. Listen to the interesting program that aired also on BEL! Also, Sen. Ward denies that his law is directed at our anti-abortion home protests, even though last week, and in fact beginning twelve years ago when he passed a similar ordinance against our protests in Arapahoe County, all the testimony given at the Capitol had only to do with our protests. Of course most politicians lie all the time. But one wonders why Ward feels the need to lie even when it is obvious to everyone on every side of the issue that he is a liar?

* Background: Click on video link at Denver's 7News ABC affiliate to see Bob testifying at Colorado's capitol for pro-abortion Senator Steve Ward's Senate Bill 192 which would require pro-life protesters to spread their protest around a neighborhood, to "keep walking" the distance of three homes to the side of an abortionist's or a collaborator's home. 7News also reported, "Bob Enyart, a member of Colorado Right To Life, told lawmakers the only way to stop the protestors is to end abortion in America." The Denver Post, Boulder's Daily Camera, and other media outlets published an Associate Press article reporting that Weitz abortion collaborator executive "Gary Meggison told lawmakers his house in Lakewood has been protested 35 times in the last seven months... Twice he said they grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, most recently on Super Bowl Sunday." Yes, that was a good party! 50 pro-lifers. The AP article continued, "Abortion activists aren't opposed to the whole measure (Senate Bill 182) but radio talk show host Bob Enyart, a member of Colorado Right to Life, said he thought the sign limit was unconstitutional and was asking the American Civil Liberties Union to fight it. ... Enyart said protesters realize the demonstrations are upsetting but he said the only way to end them was to outlaw abortion. Until then, he said abortion opponents would continue to draw attention to the issue. "Our commitment is no child killing with tranquility," he said." The 7News report also quotes Will Duffy, founder of the Collaborators Project protesting Planned Parenthood's building of

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