Bob Test Drives His Pepperdine University Talk


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Bob Test Drives His Pepperdine University Talk

This is the show from Tuesday May 5th, 2015


* May 8th & 9th, 2015 Protest Conference at Pepperdine University
: After Church-of-Christ founded Pepperdine University refused to include biblical creationists in their upcoming conference on God and Science, one of their alumni, Dr. Vern Bissell, organized a counter conference to be held on campus on Friday, May 8, and in a West Los Angeles Church of Christ on Saturday. Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart is one of the invited speakers. For more info:
- see our flyer
- see this website
- hear Bob's opening remarks (yes, in advance; this show)
- guess which Hollywood celebrities are mostly-like to see our provocative ad for this event
- and see these details:

Science-Creation Literacy
for Christian Bible Teachers and Students
because the Bible agrees with True Science

Fri. May 8 at Pepperdine
Sat. May 9 in West L.A.

Pepperdine University Malibu Campus
24255 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu CA 90263
Villa Graziadio, Rm. EC115


3:00 - 3:15 PM Display materials.

3:15 – 4:00 PMStudents at Christian colleges should learn how true science and straightforward reading of the Bible agree on creation and the flood” Bob Enyart (Denver, CO)

4:10 – 5:00 PMHalf-lives, half-truths, Jesus ALL Truth: Crisis in Christian origins education” Vern Bissell (Portland, OR)

5:00 – 6:00 PM Dinner break … or … “must-see” Video: Evolution’s Achilles Heels, by Creation Ministries International

6:00 – 6:10 PM “Being prepared for potential evolutionary teaching at a Christian university” Jake Doberenz video Clip (High school senior Portland, OR)

6:10 – 6:25 PMWhat and why I wish my brother and friends knew about Biblical science literacy before entering a Christian university” Clint Loveness (Dallas, TX)

6:25 -7:00 PMTrue Biblical Creation Science Literacy is Vital for Missions Candidates” Ryan Bitikofer (Phoenix, AZ); Tim Brinley (Escondido, CA); Vern Bissell (Portland, OR).

7:00 – 10:00 PM Drop in time to see videos and/or chat.

1-800-8Enyart for more info!


Chinese Bible Church of West L.A.

10521 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064

8:00 – 8:30 AM “Have you not read? The Jesus hermeneutic for understanding the Genesis narrative” Vern Bissell (Portland, OR)

8:30 – 8:55 AMLosing Our Church Youth? These Young People Say Unbiblical Science is the Problem” Jake Doberenz video clip (high school, Portland, OR), Clint Loveness (Dallas, TX)

9:00 – 10:10 AMKnowledge of creation and the Flood in China’s history and character writing” Dr. C. K. Thong (Singapore and Atlanta, GA). Includes 15-minute interview by Denver’s Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart.

10:15 – 11:00 AMOriginal Tissue Fossils: Buried by a Cataclysmic Flood Thousands (not millions) of Years Ago”, or “Why Jack’s Montana Fossils Stink”. Bob Enyart (Denver, CO)

Saturday Lunch at Wave’s Café, Tyler Campus Center. Ask about van transport from Drescher Campus 12:20 PM, Tyler Campus Center 12:30 PM to event at Chinese Bible Church in West L.A. which begins 2 p.m.

Advocating Biblical creation and science literacy
for students, families, and theologians

This is not part of the official Pepperdine Bible Lectures
but held at this location and time for convenience of interested persons and groups.

What can high schoolers do? Check out Jake’s website:
More information:

Let us know if you are planning to attend:

Dr. Vern Bissell, Pepperdine, ’67; Clint Loveness, Pepperdine ‘07Dear friends of BEL and RSR,

Hi, Bob Enyart here! It'd be wonderful to see you at either of these events, on Friday or Saturday. Feel free to pass around this PDF flyer. I know it's last minute, but we've been busy. We just filed an amicus brief against homosexual marriage in the U.S. Supreme Court's current case; we just filmed our Evidence Against the Big Bang video; and we're still working on the church facility that we just purchased as a home base for the ministries of Denver Bible Church. May God bless you guys! - Bob Enyart1-800-8Enyart

