Bob Goes Soft on the Denver Post


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Bob Goes Soft on the Denver Post

This is the show from Monday, November 3rd, 2012.


* Denver Post Report: Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney review the Denver Post article about Real Science Friday including the reporter's surprising Google search results. Arvada pastor says his science show is real deal, is the print version of the article's headline, quoting Pastor Bob answering the reporter, Electa Draper, "No, I don't believe your ancestors were apes." (BTW, Electa's name is Latin for chosen, i.e., election, and see the BEL label artwork which was used by the Jerusalem Post to illustrate their full-page article on predestination.)

"We think Ira Flatow is a little bit jealous," Enyart said. "For example, when people want to find out the latest science — like finds of dinosaur soft tissues — they come to 'Real Science Friday.' We beat out a lot of science sites." A Google search of "dinosaur soft tissues" brings up Smithsonian Magazine first on the list, but Enyart's site is fourth — well ahead of National Geographic's and NPR's. -Denver Post

* Pat Robertson's Going, Going, Gong: As documented at, after defending China for their forced abortion, and after advising that an adulterer divorce his sick wife so he could start his life over, and after endorsing radically anti-Christian, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion Rudi Giuliani, and after misrepresenting left-wing, socialist, anti-marriage, child killer Mitt Romney, now Pat Roberston is compromising on the foundation of the Bible in Genesis.

* Bible Teachings Typically Rejected by Old Earth Christians: The "old Earth" ministries that Pat Robertson has joined himself with not only reject the Bible's plain teaching on the age of the Earth. As with most Christian teachers who accept billions of years (and like Christianity Today magazine, and the Christian colleges that reject the young earth), you can also expect Pat Robertson will reject Jesus' teaching that "from the beginning of the creation [not after billions of years], God made them male and female," (Mark 10:6). As discussed also on Real Science Friday, such Christians who reject the literal meaning of Genesis, also:
- do away with a literal Adam
- do away with the biblical teaching of no death before Adam
- do away with the six literal days of creation
- do away with no thorns before the Fall
- do away with the global flood
- do away with the Tower of Babel
- do away with no pain in childbirth before the Fall
- do away with God making man from the dust of the ground, and
- do away with the "order" of the days of creation (birds after Day 6 land animals; stars before Day 4)
- undermine the New Testament's genealogy of Jesus Christ,
- do away with the ancestry of Abraham through Shem and Noah, to Adam
- do away with the the fall of Jericho
- do away with the historicity even of Joshua's battles
- do away with the book of Jonah, and with so many other events that the Bible and Jesus present not as parables or symbols but as actual history. And as the foundation goes, so goes the temple of the house of God, and Christians then begin to see even the resurrection of Christ as a metaphor.

Today's Resource: Now you can enjoy Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics Seminar: Tools for Bible Study on disc. It's like you're there! Just click to get our full-length Bible seminar including the same notes handed out to the attendees and see the slides Bob displayed during this fun event. This fascinating Bible study is available in a 6-DVD set, on MP3-CD or MP3 download. You can click to order online or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278


Well-known member
* Bible Teachings Typically Rejected by Old Earth Christians: The "old Earth" ministries that Pat Robertson has joined himself with not only reject the Bible's plain teaching on the age of the Earth. As with most Christian teachers who accept billions of years (and like Christianity Today magazine, and the Christian colleges that reject the young earth), you can also expect Pat Robertson will reject Jesus' teaching that "from the beginning of the creation [not after billions of years], God made them male and female," (Mark 10:6). As discussed also on Real Science Friday, such Christians who reject the literal meaning of Genesis, also:
Gee, your list of "typical" rejections aren't typical at all. Not only are you apparently interested in painting non-believers in a bad light, you're choosing to paint believers essentially as non-believers.

- do away with the book of Jonah, and with so many other events that the Bible and Jesus present not as parables or symbols but as actual history. And as the foundation goes, so goes the temple of the house of God, and Christians then begin to see even the resurrection of Christ as a metaphor.
This slippery slope idea is nonsense. Prominent Christians were making the same argument about rejecting an immobile earth, hundreds of years ago. So we already know the slippery slope to destroy Christianity didn't happen then and it won't happen again when the church finally accepts the age of the earth and the truth of evolution.

Geocentricism and Biblical Authority

"For example, when people want to find out the latest science — like finds of dinosaur soft tissues — they come to 'Real Science Friday.'
Dinosaur soft tissues are the "latest science"? :kookoo: They were first reported six years ago and Bob is still crowing about them.

Science Friday actually discusses the *latest science* (tho the nature podcast is the best, imo, for the LATEST, latest science ;) )


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Pat Robertson must be losing it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Wow, bile, ignorance and the ad hominem all demonstrated in one three-word post.

:granite: mocks an evolutionist, gets a pass.

I mock an evolutionist, get jumped on.



Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
As discussed also on Real Science Friday, such Christians who reject the literal meaning of Genesis, also:
- do away with a literal Adam
- do away with the biblical teaching of no death before Adam
- do away with the six literal days of creation
- do away with no thorns before the Fall
- do away with the global flood
- do away with the Tower of Babel
- do away with no pain in childbirth before the Fall
- do away with God making man from the dust of the ground, and
- do away with the "order" of the days of creation (birds after Day 6 land animals; stars before Day 4)
- undermine the New Testament's genealogy of Jesus Christ,
- do away with the ancestry of Abraham through Shem and Noah, to Adam
- do away with the the fall of Jericho
- do away with the historicity even of Joshua's battles
- do away with the book of Jonah, and with so many other events that the Bible and Jesus present not as parables or symbols but as actual history. And as the foundation goes, so goes the temple of the house of God, and Christians then begin to see even the resurrection of Christ as a metaphor.

These people are outside the faith. Believing in evolution or creation is not a requirement of salvation, but it is evidence to us of whether or not somebody really believes God. The same with "Jesus is not God" fools.


New member
These people are outside the faith. Believing in evolution or creation is not a requirement of salvation, but it is evidence to us of whether or not somebody really believes God.

Aren't good works also evidence to us of whether or not somebody really believes in God?

1 Timothy 6:17-19
17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 18 Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, 19 storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

Titus 1:16
They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.

Titus 3:8
This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.​


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Aren't good works also evidence to us of whether or not somebody really believes in God?
Yes, they are. But they are not proof and nor is "belief" of any value to salvation.

Not a touchy-freely sort if person, then?
Just the facts, ma'am. :up:

More importantly, accurate.
Not even close. :)

Know what better and address what bigotry? You're the one parading bile, ignorance and ad hominems as if they are banners of reason. They aren't.