Bob and Fred SQUEEZE in Some Creation Magazine News Briefs


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Bob and Fred SQUEEZE in Some Creation Magazine News Briefs

This is the show from Friday, November 13th, 2020


The guys review the current issue of their favorite creation periodical, Creation Magazine. CMI reports on even more scientific discoveries that RSR can add to our already brimming List of Discoveries that Squeeze Evolution. Seaweed fossils in strata dated 200 million years before seaweed evolved. And strata dated to 500MYA has yielded still-biological material (!) from the central nervous system of a bottom-dwelling Cambrian organism. Wow, we could really use some extra-strong string to bind this up into a tightly squeezed package. Wonder who could weave us some?


CORRECTION: "I apologize to you all in the audience and to our crew. The 350 million-year-old date that I used on today's program for "when did trees evolve", I had grabbed, with insufficient caution, from the #1 Google result for that search. It's an article by a University of Tasmania PhD biologist and from there also, an assistant professor in biology. That article at states, "around 350 million years ago, many different kinds of small plants started evolving into trees." Unfortunately, my browswer brought me right to that quote and I didn't notice that article itself was "for kids". (Oh brother; that's embarassing! And to make matters worse, I overlooked their qualifier, "many".) TheConversation is wildly popular around the world with news and other articles online "written by academics" and I've use it often. As soon as the program aired, I got second thoughts and skimmed a half-dozen other sources. It appears that evolutionists have long claimed that trees may have evolved 390 million years ago. Maybe earlier. Anyway, needless to say, the error was 100% mine. Mea culpa."

- Bob Enyart

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