Bob and Doug Together Again!


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Bob and Doug Together Again!

This is the show from Tuesday February 18th, 2014


* Troy and His Boy: Bob and co-host Doug McBurney announce the BIG news of the week: that another BEL listener, Troy from Denver, has pulled his 6 year old son out of the government school, and is taking responsibility for his education himself! Praise God!!!

* NY Times in the Matrix: A New York Times article asserts that we may all be living in a computer simulation, and not in an actual, real universe. Listen in as Bob analyzes their mental illness from a mathematical, scientific and biblical perspective.

* All Mixed Up: In the 2nd New York Times article in a single show, (a first for sure), Bob and Doug celebrate the latest scientific evidence that the diversity in the human genome can be traced back about 200 generations, or around 4000 years. Listen in as they examine a new paper published in “the journal Science” that examines historical “mixing events” between varying genomic lines. Let God be True, but every man a liar indeed!