Boastful Christians


There are boastful Christians rampant in Christian community.

They claim to be sinless, obeying all Jesus teaching and saved.

We are all dead to sin as long as we are in this world.

We will be sinless, follow all Jesus' word and will be saved if we strive to be true to God and Jesus. No one is judge of our fate, not even ourselves.

Boasting is arrogant and it is a grave sin.

Christians have hope of being saved by striving to be like Jesus until the end.

Jesus says we all will be judged according to what we have done.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16

This is future tense.

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New member
There are boastful Christians rampant in Christian community.

They claim to be sinless, obeying all Jesus teaching and saved.

We are all dead to sin as long as we are in this world.

We will be sinless, follow all Jesus' word and will be saved if we strive to be true to God and Jesus. No one is judge of our fate, not even ourselves.

Boasting is arrogant and it is a grave sin.

Christians have hope of being saved by striving to be like Jesus until the end.

Jesus says we all will be judged according to what we have done.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16

This is future tense.




It certainly is not those that cry "LORD! LORD!" But those that do the Will of His Father...

Notice how He leaves Himself out of it...

But we know we depend on Him to accomplish it...and by Him we will hear "well done faithful servent" if we endure...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are boastful Christians rampant in Christian community.

They claim to be sinless, obeying all Jesus teaching and saved.

We are all dead to sin as long as we are in this world.

We will be sinless, follow all Jesus' word and will be saved if we strive to be true to God and Jesus. No one is judge of our fate, not even ourselves.

Boasting is arrogant and it is a grave sin.

Christians have hope of being saved by striving to be like Jesus until the end.

Jesus says we all will be judged according to what we have done.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16

This is future tense.


You're about as DUMB as they come.


Notice how He leaves Himself out of it...

Yes, He says His followers are not of the world as He is not of it.

They don't seem to understand what He is saying this. That's why they get involved in war and politics.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jesus says we all will be judged according to what we have done.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16

This is future tense.

Yes, but you fail to notice that the Christian has already been given eternal life:

"And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son"
(1 Jn.5:11).

How does a person receive eternal life? By "believing":

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life"

"Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life"


Yes, but you fail to notice that the Christian has already been given eternal life:

"And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son"
(1 Jn.5:11).

How does a person receive eternal life? By "believing":

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life"

"Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life"

You are reading them conveniently. It is out of context.


New member
You are reading them conveniently. It is out of context.

No offense, but you are calling out Jerry for reading out of context. Yet you deny the Trinity/Godhead.

While I agree that there are some crazies on here who claim to have private revelations from the Holy Spirit, are sinless, etc, making a post about them being boastful kind of strikes as being boastful. I do not doubt your humility. But I doubt the inference of your reasoning.

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New member
No one is judge of our fate, not even ourselves.

For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world. (1 Corinthians 11:31-32)

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There are boastful Christians rampant in Christian community.

They claim to be sinless, obeying all Jesus teaching and saved.

So, we/you need to obey "all Jesus teaching" to be saved?

Yes, or no.

Do you? Has anyone?

We will be sinless, follow all Jesus' word and will be saved if we strive to be true to God and Jesus.

So, if we follow all Jesus' word and, if we strive to be true to God and Jesus, we will be saved?

Do you, does anyone, has anyone, meet/met that standard? Ever? Who has? Name(s). Evidence.

And define this subjective "strive to be true to God and Jesus."

While you are at it, explain why the Lord Jesus Christ, died, and was raised. Lay it out for us. For what purpose, did He die, and was raised, if we can "strive to be true to God and Jesus" and be saved?

She won't touch this. All we will get from this devil child is, "What's your point?....Good day...Out of context....You are on ignore....Good day...Hello, John W...Good day....Blessings..." Watch.


There are boastful Christians rampant in Christian community.

They claim to be sinless, obeying all Jesus teaching and saved.

We are all dead to sin as long as we are in this world.

We will be sinless, follow all Jesus' word and will be saved if we strive to be true to God and Jesus. No one is judge of our fate, not even ourselves.

Boasting is arrogant and it is a grave sin.

Christians have hope of being saved by striving to be like Jesus until the end.

Jesus says we all will be judged according to what we have done.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16

This is future tense.


To attempt to undo the "Power" of the "Cross" is to undermine the Holy Spirit. To make anyone question the Completeness of Christs Work is exactly what Jesus warned us not to do. (Lk. 17:2)

This is a viciously horrible OP.




It certainly is not those that cry "LORD! LORD!" But those that do the Will of His Father...

Notice how He leaves Himself out of it...

But we know we depend on Him to accomplish it...and by Him we will hear "well done faithful servent" if we endure...

On a whacky note... SDA and Jehovahs Witnesses are theological cousins. Literally! They split from one another. SDA is semi Arian theology while Jehovahs Witnesses are full blown Arian. The difference? SDA overexerts the division of "the three that testify", while Jehovahs Witnesses completely dismiss the Deity of Jesus.

Clefty, you beleave Jesus muscled his sinful flesh to Perfection. That's the Great Controversies deceit. Jesus was fully God and fully Sinless.

1 Cor. 15

You and Clefty believe in muscleing your way to heaven, but you completely deny Revelation 21:22, while Clefty thinks the "Temple" is a building in heaven.

Happy Wool Pulling.

: )

patrick jane

So, we/you need to obey "all Jesus teaching" to be saved?

Yes, or no.

Do you? Has anyone?

So, if we follow all Jesus' word and, if we strive to be true to God and Jesus, we will be saved?

Do you, does anyone, has anyone, meet/met that standard? Ever? Who has? Name(s). Evidence.

And define this subjective "strive to be true to God and Jesus."

While you are at it, explain why the Lord Jesus Christ, died, and was raised. Lay it out for us. For what purpose, did He die, and was raised, if we can "strive to be true to God and Jesus" and be saved?

She won't touch this. All we will get from this devil child is, "What's your point?....Good day...Out of context....You are on ignore....Good day...Hello, John W...Good day....Blessings..." Watch.
Good Post saint john dubya