Blood-sucking Australian Land Leech

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Blood-sucking Australian Land Leech

This is the show from Thursday October 22nd, 2009.


* Crimes Crying Out for a Flogging: Punishment by flogging is the only just and workable solution to America’s much needed tort reform. And beyond our borders, headline crimes just this week cry out for flogging, including:
- The German man who robbed a supermarket on his way to a police interrogation
- The Briton with 52 months imprisonment, and at $500k a year that’s good money if you can get it, for staging almost 100 car crashes costing England’s insurance industry $2.6 million
- The Aussie leech whom police charged with armed robbery after identifying him by his blood found in a leech near a cracked safe eight years ago
- The president of the ACLU (Anti-Christ Legions of the Underworld), reached for comment en route to defend a protester’s right to burn down ACLU headquarters, who questioned the leech-to-leech identification since the alleged robber is himself a disenfranchised member of society, having actually descended from leeches, most recently by way of an Australian penal colony, but also in geological terms only recently evolving from the hated blood-sucking Australian Land Leech gnatbobdellida libbata.

* Godly Young Woman with Terminal Cancer: James calls in to thank Bob for visiting James' sister whose body is racked with cancer, and the two hospital visits that break out into Bible studies in response to loving Christians who, unwittingly minister suspicion and cruelty to families suffering through their darkest hours, through the superstition and false teaching that people do not get supernaturally healed because of a lack of faith or unconfessed sin.

* Join Steve Curtis and Bob Enyart Saturday Night! Come to Denver's Life Commercials Banquet! Steve Curtis, of Ten Minutes Till Midnight and American RTL, is hosting the LifeCommercials banquet on Saturday, October 24th at 6 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel in Westminster Colorado. See Steve's flyer for details, and if you can, click here to register now for the $55-a-plate extraordinary event. If you'd like to get a 15% discount (for one ticket or a table of ten!), then call Colorado RTL for their special 15% discount (available only through CRTL!). And if you'd like to sit at the Bob Enyart Live table, call 1-800-8Enyart, just indicate that when you get your tickets! Also, Ten Minutes author Lee Martin will be there to sign books!

* Help Personhood Efforts Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: Enjoy listening to Bob Enyart’s Bible study on miracles and healing titled Details Galore! Did you realize that men often react negatively to displays of God’s power? The ten plagues in Egypt, the forty years of miracles in the wilderness, and Christ’s wonders in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum all left onlookers in a state of unbelief. Bob's study on CD, Details Galore, analyzes the scriptural material on this aspect of human behavior by evaluating every single miracle listed in the Bible! Also, you can read this same analysis in Bob’s life’s work, the best-selling book, The Plot!


New member
I would sooooo love to hear a viable political candidate admit that he supports the introduction of flogging as punishment. He would do as well to punch a baby and spit on the flag.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I would sooooo love to hear a viable political candidate admit that he supports the introduction of flogging as punishment. He would do as well to punch a baby and spit on the flag.
Which I guess you consider evidence for something...

Atheists love to point to the popularity of a thing as if it has some bearing on what is true.


New member
Which I guess you consider evidence for something...
Which part could possibly be interpreted as evidence for anything?
Atheists love to point to the popularity of a thing as if it has some bearing on what is true.
So do most people. That has nothing to do with my point. I would just really like to see that happen.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Which part could possibly be interpreted as evidence for anything?
Which part of what? I said you were using popularity as evidence for something. Your question here is a non sequitur.

So do most people.

You're hopeless.

That has nothing to do with my point. I would just really like to see that happen.
What is your point? Why would you love to see such happen?


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Super Moderator
I would sooooo love to hear a viable political candidate admit that he supports the introduction of flogging as punishment. He would do as well to punch a baby and spit on the flag.
What if a candidate said he'd like to give some convicted criminals the choice of either a prison term or flogging? Would you be against giving people that freedom of choice?


New member
Which part of what? I said you were using popularity as evidence for something. Your question here is a non sequitur.
No it isn't. You said I was using popularity as evidence. Where? And of what? You are trying to change my statement into something it isn't.

You're hopeless.

What is your point? Why would you love to see such happen?
Because it would be hysterically funny.


New member
Is your only point that you find your imagination funny?
My point has nothing to do with my imagination, beyond the fact that imagination is the only way we will see an actual American politician make that declaration.
It would be some fine comedy, though.


New member
Perhaps PB could just tell us what the point to his opening post was...

I, personally, would be greatly amused if an American politician would make a public declaration of his support for flogging as part of our penal code.
That is my point.
Why don't you pretend to be confused some more, though, and see if we can stretch this out to three pages. Maybe we can shoot for four? With Stripe, the sky is the limit.
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