Blood Hypocrisy:

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The total and utter hypocrisy of the Swaggart Corporation, condemning other churches for teaching portions of the Old Law in their doctrines is ASTOUNDING! – Those condemning fools, while condemning others for adding a little Old Law in their doctrine; the Swaggarts do nothing but use Old Law doctrine in their total doctrine, as they admit with their own mouths. – They teach there’s nothing but the “BLOOD” and sacrifice of Jesus’ BLOOD on the cross, and that it is the total meaning of anyone’s salvation. – Jesus’ Blood as a sacrifice, or the shed blood of the Lamb of God for the sins of the world, is total HERESY. - Using the Old Law sacrifice of the Lamb of God is nothing BUT OLD LAW. - Jimmy knows that the blood sacrifice is of the Old Law, but yet he preaches it; denying the greatness of the “BLOOD” of the Gospel. The Gospel is the Blood that removes the sins of the Gentiles, not the shed blood of a Lamb of any kind, which is OLD LAW. – The Gospel / “THE GOSPEL” IS the shed BLOOD of Jesus to remove the sins of the world NOW. – The “Gospel” is the power of God unto “SALVATION”, - “THE GOSPEL” and not the blood shed only while on the cross onto the ground. --- Acts 2:33 KJV ---&--- Matthew 26:27-28 KJV ---&--- Matthew 20:22 KJV --- Jesus / “JESUS” is speaking of the “CUP of the GOSPEL”, the whole Gospel, the “DEATH, burial and the resurrection”. - That is the CUP, the BLOOD of the New Testament. That is not OLD LAW. - The blood sacrifice of a Lamb is the Old Law. --- If the shed blood of Jesus on the cross is the Lamb of God, as the Old Law required, then Jesus’ blood could not remove the sins of the Gentiles, because it / that blood sacrifice is of the OLD LAW; nothing but OLD LAW. -- Jimmy, you and your hypocrites, go ahead and teach the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God ON THE CROSS and you all will surely earn your places in hell for trying to keep the blood sacrifices of the Old Law. – What do you total fools do with this LAMB? --- Revelation 21:9 KJV – “Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, THE LAMB'S WIFE”. ----- Does it look like this Lamb of God is slain on some altar of the Old Law? – or does that Lamb of God have a WIFE due to the GOSPEL? ( Parable ) --- YES! I know you fools will justify your teaching of that part of the OLD LAW, - the blood sacrifice of the spotless lamb for the sins of Israel. - Swaggart, you are a total fool. – The “GOSPEL” is the “BLOOD” of the NEW TESTAMENT, not the Old Testament. It’s the GOSPEL / BLOOD that flows through the BODY OF CHRIST today, not his carnal BLOOD that he poured out on the GROUND. Your false Christ is running around still bleeding, when there is no death or the shedding of blood for the remission of sins. – It’s the Obeying the GOSPEL, that BLOOD that forgives the sins of all “GENTILES” NOW!

Swaggarts, - you foolish false prophets can NEVER prove otherwise with the Scriptures. You surely will justify your false doctrine using your own self-indulging wiser than God Bible with your red letters. - You are wiser than the Word of God, and you KNOW IT. ---- Thank Jesus there’s a hell!

Paul – 021911


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Acts 2:37 KJV – “Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart”. --- ( They just heard the GOSPEL ) ---&--- John 19:34 KJV – “One of the soldiers with A SPEAR PIERCED HIS SIDE, AND FORTHWITH CAME THERE OUT BLOOD and water”. ----- Jesus was pierced through the side of his “BELLY”, up into HIS HEART. -- ( Out of his “BELLY” shall flow rivers of living waters ). --- Therefore, Jesus was pierced in the heart and shed forth his blood, and in like manner when you hear the GOSPEL, IT should pierce your heart, and you in the SPIRIT, shall shed forth YOUR BLOOD upon the base of your cross. THEN! --- Romans 6:4 KJV – “We are BURIED WITH HIM BY BAPTISM into death: THAT LIKE AS CHRIST WAS RAISED UP FROM THE DEAD by the glory of the Father”. ----- THUS you too DIE and without your BLOOD, LIVE by the power of the GOSPEL of salvation; the “BLOOD” of the New Testament. – AND THUS, you and the Body of Christ the CHURCH live eternally and totally without any kind of carnal blood, but with only the BLOOD OF THE GOSPEL that the Lord Jesus shed forth.

Prove that wrong!

Paul – 022011

some other dude

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