BLM Activist Demands White People Give Away Their Money, ‘We Need To Start Killing


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Watch: BLM Activist Demands White People Give Away Their Money, ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

A Black Lives Matter anti-Trump protest went off the rails in Seattle over the weekend, when a BLM activist took to the the megaphone to express her contempt for white people.

Among the more than three minute racial tirade against white people, the activist gave clear demands:

White people, give your [expletive] money, your [expletive] house, your [expletive] property, we need it [expletive] all.

But that wasn’t the worst of it…

And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your [expletive]White House, your [expletive] Presidents, they must go!

t one point, the activist in the video identifies as a preschool teacher.
Watch the disturbing video below. (Warning contains graphic language).

Now its apparently time for blacks and libs to kill white people.

Thats how off the charts these racist loons are.
I wonder how long it will be before some liberal loon here comes and tells us how this kind of "hate speech" is ok but would be sick and twisted if it came the other way...


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Not racist or a problem, understandable


Blacks kill whites twice as often as whites kill blacks.

I've stated this a few times, and it went without any reply in every instance.

Really just shows the Stockholm syndrome of all those white folks out there who support BLM when, by their own logic, we should be the ones running them down :rolleyes:


New member
awwww - youtube pulled it :(

You sure it was youtube? Over the years, I've posted all sorts of videos on all sorts of things and every so often found the vid no longer worked later.

Other times, I'll save a link to a youtube video in favorites that I want to watch at some other point, only to find later that it does not work.

In both types of cases, I often find the video is still on youtube - a baby laughing hysterically; someone preaching; a documentary; you name it.

Sure enough, I just now youtubed the words "Black Lives Matter anti-Trump protest" and found their video is still up and running.

Leave it to you extremists to conclude a conspiracy in place of your lack of a bit of thinking a thing through a bit objevtively :chuckle:

That just cracks me up; you guys are too much.

As for those videos - not much different from Trump tantrum's "we're gonna bomb the hell out of em" and your lapping that up as his willfully-blind drones.


You're all as one sided as the so called Left.

And calm down - in no time at all, a party other than the one now presently in office will over turn all your delusions once more :crackup:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Leave it to you extremists to conclude a conspiracy in place of your lack of a bit of thinking a thing through a bit objevtively :chuckle:

That just cracks me up; you guys are too much.

ummmmm - if you click on the link in the OP, you get this:
This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech.

glad you got a chuckle out of your misunderstanding though - laughter is good for the soul :)


New member
ummmmm - if you click on the link in the OP, you get this:
This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on hate speech.

glad you got a chuckle out of your misunderstanding though - laughter is good for the soul :)

That reason for pulling it can't be the reason - not according to Angel 4 (ALTERNATE) Truth :chuckle:

yeah, when it starts making them look bad, as long as people like it (like that skank who said sarah palin should be gang raped over fake news) somehow that WASNT hate speech, go figure.


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