Black Fathers Matter


Well-known member
The fundamental issue of life: state-control vs self-control

Yes, but the state is controlling the freedom of black men by locking them up. This means the few men remaining can make demands of the large number of women left. What does that equal? Unstable relationships and children born out of wedlock . . . surprise!

The situation is also more complicated as both the married and unmarried birth rates for black women have been dropping. And birth rates among married black women have actually been dropping faster than that of unmarried black women.

There are certainly policies that should change, probably not the ones you're thinking of, though.


Well-known member
Yes, but the state is controlling the freedom of black men by locking them up. This means the few men remaining can make demands of the large number of women left. What does that equal? Unstable relationships and children born out of wedlock . . . surprise!

The situation is also more complicated as both the married and unmarried birth rates for black women have been dropping. And birth rates among married black women have actually been dropping faster than that of unmarried black women.

There are certainly policies that should change, probably not the ones you're thinking of, though.

That is not how the state is controlling them. It controls them, in so many words, by giving the women an alternate father, thus 'enabling' the men not to be responsible adults.

Sorry but your thinking is about two reasons too late in the flow of things.


My pastor laid the smack down on Father's Day, bringing up the typical future a child has in a fatherless home. They are far less likely to graduate high school and more likely to end up in jail, bottom line. In fact, they are also more prone to mimicking the same as their father- being an absentee in both the family they are in and the one they create.

Women are not designed to be the head of the house, and this is tell-tale: the pattern isn't typically seen in a motherless home.

This is a problem for all races, but is especially true of the black community. And that is why the children end up as criminals, or become absentee fathers themselves- it is a vicious cycle.


Well-known member
Apparently the OP is just trawled up drivvle, or at least, that's what other sites are saying...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published new data on the role that American fathers play in parenting their children. Most of the CDC’s previous research on family life — which the agency explores as an important contributor to public health and child development — has focused exclusively on mothers. But the latest data finds that the stereotypical gender imbalance in this area doesn’t hold true, and dads are just as hands-on when it comes to raising their kids.
That includes African-American fathers.
In fact, in its coverage of the study, the Los Angeles Times noted that the results “defy stereotypes about black fatherhood” because the CDC found that black dads are more involved with their kids on a daily basis than dads from other racial groups:

African American Fathers - Huffington Post
The black dad that you don't think exists is nurturing. He is soft. He is kind. Gentle.
Thoughtful. Hardworking. Dedicated. Creative. Sleep-deprived. Caring.
Dispelling the myth of black fathers (Opinion) -
20 Jul 2015 ... (CNN) In America, the perception is that the black father doesn't exist. Negative
stereotypes of black men persist, and people on the right blame ...
African American Fathers - Journal of Family Issues - Sage
Abstract. Much of the literature on African American fathers has tended to
perpetuate a stereotype of absent and unsupportive parenting. This study
employs a ...


Apparently the OP is just trawled up drivvle, or at least, that's what other sites are saying...

Nobody is saying the 'black father' doesn't exist. But, it is incontrovertible that there is a very large population of blacks either in jail or running the streets- who incidentally were raised in fatherless households.

It is a very big problem in the black community. What these sites and otherwise people are doing is trying to maintain the dignity of the race because whites have a tendency to look down on others- including even their own. It doesn't mean they are the cause, but it certainly doesn't do anyone any favors.

Personally, I see the compartmentalizing by race thing a bit redundant. A white family suffers by the same things as a black family does- their race has little to do with it. The reason why blacks stand out is because they are not nearly as numbered and yet have a high rate of such circumstances. In a general sense, the smaller the population of a race is, the more prone they are to being both exclusive and charitable to each other. But, there is a phenomenon with African Americans that entails otherwise.


Well-known member
Nobody is saying the 'black father' doesn't exist. But, it is incontrovertible that there is a very large population of blacks either in jail or running the streets- who incidentally were raised in fatherless households.

It is a very big problem in the black community. What these sites and otherwise people are doing is trying to maintain the dignity of the race because whites have a tendency to look down on others- including even their own. It doesn't mean they are the cause, but it certainly doesn't do anyone any favors.

Personally, I see the compartmentalizing by race thing a bit redundant. A white family suffers by the same things as a black family does- their race has little to do with it. The reason why blacks stand out is because they are not nearly as numbered and yet have a high rate of such circumstances. In a general sense, the smaller the population of a race is, the more prone they are to being both exclusive and charitable to each other. But, there is a phenomenon with African Americans that entails otherwise.

Was the Johnson program to destroy their families at public expense (which is ongoing) part of a collaboration with Sanger to get rid of the black population?


Well-known member
CNN and big Ed will always write "research" to support socialism and Big Gov. And never admit to the financial or moral debt. The 'answer' is always more taxes and more money thrown at the problem.


Was the Johnson program to destroy their families at public expense (which is ongoing) part of a collaboration with Sanger to get rid of the black population?

I don't think it was intended to destroy families. That kind of thinking in my opinion is a product of conspiracy and paranoia.

The problem society has is thinking they can solve a problem with a certain community by pouring in money. That isn't solving an issue, but simply reducing the harm caused by the issue- put them in public housing, relieve them of hunger, anon anon.

The only cure is within the people themselves. But, if you tell this publicly you will be called a racist- among other things- because nobody wants to accept that reality.
In fact, people don't want to face reality on a great number of things, which is why these problems never actually get solved.

And that's the problem with the Left- they want these problems to go unresolved because that is how they commence forward.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It doesn't. There's a disparity in incarceration rates, and it's not simply due to different ethnicities doing more crimes.

There is a reason there is a disparity...because They Did It!....If you commit crimes you are incarcerated should people of color or different ethnicities be held to a different standard? Maybe create affirmative action for criminals...:chuckle:


Well-known member
There is a reason there is a disparity...because They Did It!....If you commit crimes you are incarcerated should people of color or different ethnicities be held to a different standard? Maybe create affirmative action for criminals...:chuckle:

It's not that simple. See the most recent case of Brock Turner. If he were black, I'm betting he wouldn't have been given 6 months. And that's just a case that made the news.

Once convicted, black offenders receive longer sentences compared to white offenders. The U.S. Sentencing Commission stated that in the federal system black offenders receive sentences that are 10 percent longer than white offenders for the same crimes. The Sentencing Project reports that African Americans are 21 percent more likely to receive mandatory-minimum sentences than white defendants and are 20 percent more like to be sentenced to prison.

Facts about persons of Color and the Criminal justice system.

Continuing to pretend the system is fair when it obviously is not is simply putting your head in the sand.

White people are allowed to get away with crimes, especially drugs. The Opiate addiction epidemic? Magically it's a medical problem because it's mostly affecting middle class whites. Compare this to the reaction to crack cocaine 30 years ago.