Bishops Apologize for Genocide of 800,000


[Bishops Apologize for Genocide of 800,000 | Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] :eek:linger: "The Catholic Church in Rwanda apologized for the church's role in the 1994 genocide, saying it regretted the actions of those who participated in the massacres. The Bishops acknowledged that church members planned, aided and executed the genocide, in which over 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by Hutu extremists. Many of the victims died at the hands of priests, clergymen and nuns, according to some accounts by survivors, and the Rwandan government says many died in the churches where they had sought refuge." Read more."


The last time I checked, the 'millions' figure is straight out of fantasy. Perhaps all the crusades collectively stacked up to such numbers, with dead Christians, Muslims, and others,
But the Inquisitions?

That's just dumb :rolleyes:

Though I do have to say in all fairness, the deaths in Africa go to show what can happen when the Catholic Church is unchecked, or allowed to reign freely without being watched.
It is what enabled all the unfortunate historical actions of the RCC in the first place, namely the tortures and executions of the Inquisitions.

That is just the plain reality of the matter- if you want to make a Catholic open their eyes, just tell them the truth. You don't have to build up farfetched accusations :plain: