Biology 101: 23 + 23 = 1

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Biology 101: 23 + 23 = 1

This is the show from Wednesday November 21st, 2007.


* Time Magazine Announces...: Post-Show Note: Time Magazine today announces the launch of American Right To Life! A week after the invitation-only Pro-life Leaders Summit which was hosted in Denver by Colorado Right to Life, Time Magazine reports as the top story in their website's U.S. section, complete with a beautiful image of an implanted embryo: Colorado's personhood amendment effort; the pro-life movement's rift over regulating child-killing vs. promoting personhood; National Right To Life's decades-long refusal to support personhood efforts; CRTL's getting kicked out of NRTL; the coalition of pro-lifers placing full-page newspaper ads in national newspapers admonishing Dr. James Dobson's compromise; the PBA ruling that actually keeps partial-birth abortion legal (with slight modifications); the launch of a new national organization called American Right To Life; that Brian Rohrbough will head up American RTL, the dad whose son Daniel was murdered at Columbine high school, who has been an outspoken critic of the American "culture of death."

Time Magazine's Rita Healy reports two of Bob Enyart's personhood arguments: "Colorado Right to Life spokesman Bob Enyart says, ‘Embryos are living human beings with eternal souls and spirits. You just have to refrain from killing one to see what a precious child it is.' " And secondly, "Enyart, who is also a Denver Christian radio talk show personality, holds up the Snowflake Baby Movement as an alternative: Don't kill any embryos; instead, encourage people to adopt them. About 100 frozen embryos have already been adopted in the U.S., says Enyart, who routinely steers his listeners to the snowflake website..." And check out the beautiful snowflake kids in their photo album, to see the face of Colorado's effort to protect these little people from the moment of fertilization!

With the encouragement of thirty pro-life leaders representing organizations in a dozen U.S. states, Brian Rohrbough and other pro-life leaders, including the former chairman of Colorado's Republican Party, Steve Curtis, are launching American RTL to fill the leadership and morality vacuum created when National RTL adopted situational ethics and a secular humanist strategy of regulating child killing. Ever since then, the pro-life industry has mislead the greater Christian community into moral relativism. The founders of American RTL pray that they will be true to God's enduring command, Do not murder; and that the renewed pro-life vision breaking out nationwide, of a return to a Judeo-Christian biblically-based strategy, will lead soon to the end of the legalized killing of children in America! Praise God! You can read this Time Magazine article online!

* Biology 101 Lesson: Bob reminds pro-aborts about simple genetic facts regarding their biased claim that Christians are trying to give rights to eggs.

* Eric from Texas: gave a praise report regarding support from others in his effort in Killeen to oppose abortion at their local child-killing facility. If you live in Texas and would like to touch base with Eric, please post a note in the thread created at the BEL Forum on TOL for this particular BEL show. [search the forum for a thread titled "Looking Forward to BEL Tomorrow"]

* The Death Penalty & Abortion Link: Many U.S. allies and some of our enemies abolished the death penalty in the years preceding their legalization of abortion. Since God gave the death penalty in order to defend the sanctity of life (Genesis 9:6), this historic pattern is not unexpected. For example, among our allies:

Britain's last execution was in 1964 and legalized abortion in 1967.
Canada's last execution was in 1962 and legalized abortion in 1988.
Greece' last execution was in 1978 and legalized abortion in 1986.
Israel outlawed execution in 1954 and legalized abortion in 1977.
Spain's last execution was in 1975 and legalized abortion in 1985.
Sweden's last execution was in 1910 and legalized abortion in 1938.

America's Supreme Court, although they reinstated the death penalty in 1976, previously had commuted all existing death sentences, in 1972, for 629 murderers on death row; and in January of 1973, the same court legalized abortion nationwide.

Our longstanding enemy of the 20th century, the Soviet Union, outlawed the death penalty in 1917 shortly after their October Revolution, and legalized abortion in 1920.

Finally, Bob discusses the tendency of the wicked to advocate killing the innocent and protecting the guilty; the conscience God put in them; and the purpose of Christ's crucifixion.

Today's Resource: You can get the Focus on the Strategy I & II two DVD combo (for only $22.99 for yourself or give it as a gift!) containing Bob Enyart's blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips (including video licensed from MGM Studios) which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end legalized abortion.
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