Bill Gates as he really is


Well-known member
Remember when the government would take on high-tech monopolies . . . almost makes me long for the days of Clinton, but not quite.

Gary K

New member
Starting in the year 2001 I started to really get into studying Linux. At the same time I began to look deeply into MS business practices. It was amazing what MS was doing. Gates is one of the most corrupt people I've ever read about. This guy would go into businesses selling both MS and Linux computers. When he would see the Linux computers he would go into a rage and start kicking Linux displays down. MS by that time had enough market domination that they could really hurt a company by withholding their products from the manufacturer so if a company wanted to sell Linux as an installed option MS forced them to buy a license for Windows for every Linux system they sold. It was flat out financial blackmail.

That's to give a small amount of context to the following display of dishonesty from Gates in his sworn testimony before the court. The following video is long, but if you really want to understand who Gates is this will give a good insight into his character.
