biggest division is not D and R, but R and RINO


New member
this is so true

There is no appreciable difference between Rs and Ds in Congress these days (most of the Rs, that is)

but there is a VAST difference between the truly conservative and the--RINOs

and that is why we may lose the WH



New member
The only true difference in any of them are social differences. There is no difference in the money they want to spend or the size of government they want.


New member
The only true difference in any of them are social differences. There is no difference in the money they want to spend or the size of government they want.

Cruz is not like them. He voted against the spending bill that the Boehner Lite Ryan thought was great

Rubio didn't even show up for the vote. That's how much he cares about wasteful spending of the taxpayer's money

Ted Cruz is our man
