Biggest cause of inflation = astounding democrat stupidity


Well-known member
Is Pelosi stupid? I think she must be. She does not impress me as one who is deliberately lying but one who is genuinely ignorant of what makes good economies work. And she is not the only democrat who demonstrates astounding stupidity when it comes to matters of government spending.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., argued Friday that global inflation "starts with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin," but that increased U.S. government spending on domestic social programs would help decrease the national debt and bring down inflation at home.

During the 2022 House Democratic Issues Conference, Pelosi referred to record gas prices in the U.S. as "Putin’s tax" and "Putin’s gas hike." She said passing components of President Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar social policy bill, called the Build Back Better Act, which is all but dead due to moderates' opposition, would make new investments in education and workforce development in a way that would eventually bring prices down.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If all the world's largest economies just started giving away trillions of USD for free to everybody, isn't inflation what we would expect, and fairly soon? None of this inflation business is surprising, it's just a question of when will it stop.


Well-known member
If all the world's largest economies just started giving away trillions of USD for free to everybody, isn't inflation what we would expect, and fairly soon? None of this inflation business is surprising, it's just a question of when will it stop.
Inflation ends when the banks collapse and wicked world leaders create a new banking system for the new one-world government.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Inflation ends when the banks collapse and wicked world leaders create a new banking system for the new one-world government.
I meant 'big' inflation like we're seeing now. Not regular inflation.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
All inflation is caused by... Wait for it... Inflating the fiat money supply.
Plain and simple.
Assuming you mean the monetary base, reserve rates play a bigger role than that. Monetary base has like quadrupled the last 15 years or so----you haven't seen prices increase four-fold since then have you?

Right Divider

Body part
Assuming you mean the monetary base, reserve rates play a bigger role than that. Monetary base has like quadrupled the last 15 years or so----you haven't seen prices increase four-fold since then have you?
Inflation does not have an instantaneous effect.
It is also not the only thing that affects prices.


Assuming you mean the monetary base, reserve rates play a bigger role than that. Monetary base has like quadrupled the last 15 years or so----you haven't seen prices increase four-fold since then have you?

Well, the value of a dollar today only buys 1/4 of what it bought not all that long ago. So, yes.

Sometimes prices of things increase, but more often it is the value of the dollar going down that only appears to be a price increase.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Well, the value of a dollar today only buys 1/4 of what it bought not all that long ago. So, yes.
One example? Over the last 15 years what has risen by a factor of four?
Sometimes prices of things increase, but more often it is the value of the dollar going down that only appears to be a price increase.
Tomato tomahto, you're talking about the same thing in two ways.


Well-known member
One example? Over the last 15 years what has risen by a factor of four?

Tomato tomahto, you're talking about the same thing in two ways.
Anyone claiming Biden's policies had nothing to do with the skyrocketing gas prices is either uneducated or uninformed.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No, it's not.
Try to define inflation without using the word price.
No, I'm not.

Inflation is caused by... wait for it... INFLATION of the MONEY SUPPLY.
Educate yourself. There are other reasons for inflation. And besides, we've covered that today's elevated (compared to the last 40 years) inflation is unsurprising in the light of the pandemic related stimulus money that all the world's especially wealthy economies distributed 'free of charge' starting in 2020. And we also covered how the monetary base (cash) has something like quadrupled in the last 15 years, and we haven't seen 4x inflation over that time in hardly anything, not even gold. Bank reserve rates are a major factor, and something completely under the control of central banks.
This causes a general increase in the price of everything.
Inflation is a general increase in the price of everything. You're talking in circles. Straighten out your thought.

Right Divider

Body part
Try to define inflation without using the word price.
Inflation is an increase in the supply of money.
Educate yourself.
There are other reasons for inflation.
There are other reasons for the increase in prices of things.
And besides, we've covered that today's elevated (compared to the last 40 years) inflation is unsurprising in the light of the pandemic related stimulus money that all the world's especially wealthy economies distributed 'free of charge' starting in 2020. And we also covered how the monetary base (cash) has something like quadrupled in the last 15 years, and we haven't seen 4x inflation over that time in hardly anything, not even gold. Bank reserve rates are a major factor, and something completely under the control of central banks.
The central bank pretends to "control inflation" when, in reality, they are the CAUSE of inflation.
Inflation is a general increase in the price of everything.
Only an increase in the supply of money can cause "a general increase in the price of everything".
You're talking in circles. Straighten out your thought.
You're a dummy trying to teach someone that understands the topic far better than you do.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Inflation is an increase in the supply of money.
That's one homonym. OP isn't talking about that word.

There are other reasons for the increase in prices of things.
A concession, finally.
The central bank pretends to "control inflation" when, in reality, they are the CAUSE of inflation.
They do cause slight inflation, yes. Over the past 40 years they're aiming for like 2-3%.

If they hadn't been doing this, and inflation were caused by increasing the monetary base (not the money supply, which is a whole other thing), then we'd have already seen inflation in the 9-10% range for years.

That didn't happen. Ergo, you do not know what you're talking about.
Only an increase in the supply of money can cause "a general increase in the price of everything".
:AMR: Or, a change in interest rates, or, a change in reserve rates. These last two things are actively managed, along with the monetary base.
You're a dummy trying to teach someone that understands the topic far better than you do.