Big Lizards, BE GONE!!


New member
Big Lizards, BE GONE!!!

Watching the Scientists explain the extinction of the Big Lizards is a very ill entertainment. One group of fools say one way and all the others say many other ways they became extinct.

Let’s take the Geniuses who say that there must have been a huge impact of a Comet, or a huge impact of a huge Asteroid. – There have been impacts of both in huge numbers; but that’s not the reason that the Big Lizards and other creatures are no longer here. – It doesn’t matter that they have forgotten “The Flow of Space” / “The Actions of God”, or to say that the Gospel is the POWER of God to do anything, and you can bet your Salvation that God did it in some way, or had it done, and agreed with what was, and is DONE!!!
There has not been an impact, or impacts that could have done what they say was done without KILLING “EVERY” CREATURE ON THE EARTH, ALONG WITH THE BIG LIZARDS. – The geniuses teach, or some of them do, that there was a very long earth FREEZE due to the Impacts. – How then did the Squirrels, Rabbits, Cats, K9s, BIRDS, Monkeys, Ants, Grasshoppers, and Weasels, and ALL THESE plants survive the THOUSAND YEAR, OR ONE YEAR world-wide FREEZE?? - I guess all that survived it, and there aren’t any more Mosquitoes, Gnats, Flees, Mushrooms, Toad Frogs, FLIES of all kinds and Bees, wasps, and all kinds of WORMS that sleep in their atomic electric blankets, I suppose!! – But the Scientists must be right, they have it all together, after ALL, they’re GENIUSES!! Like these Religious Geniuses. – They have God all together into one doctrine, YYYAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Did I say, “The Flow of Space” / “The Actions of God”??? - I must be off my meds, because God had nothing to do with it according to ALL THE GENIUSES!!!

Paul – 060712

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
your on meds ?

That is a surprise

Big Lizards, BE GONE!!!

Watching the Scientists explain the extinction of the Big Lizards is a very ill entertainment. One group of fools say one way and all the others say many other ways they became extinct.

Let’s take the Geniuses who say that there must have been a huge impact of a Comet, or a huge impact of a huge Asteroid. – There have been impacts of both in huge numbers; but that’s not the reason that the Big Lizards and other creatures are no longer here. – It doesn’t matter that they have forgotten “The Flow of Space” / “The Actions of God”, or to say that the Gospel is the POWER of God to do anything, and you can bet your Salvation that God did it in some way, or had it done, and agreed with what was, and is DONE!!!
There has not been an impact, or impacts that could have done what they say was done without KILLING “EVERY” CREATURE ON THE EARTH, ALONG WITH THE BIG LIZARDS. – The geniuses teach, or some of them do, that there was a very long earth FREEZE due to the Impacts. – How then did the Squirrels, Rabbits, Cats, K9s, BIRDS, Monkeys, Ants, Grasshoppers, and Weasels, and ALL THESE plants survive the THOUSAND YEAR, OR ONE YEAR world-wide FREEZE?? - I guess all that survived it, and there aren’t any more Mosquitoes, Gnats, Flees, Mushrooms, Toad Frogs, FLIES of all kinds and Bees, wasps, and all kinds of WORMS that sleep in their atomic electric blankets, I suppose!! – But the Scientists must be right, they have it all together, after ALL, they’re GENIUSES!! Like these Religious Geniuses. – They have God all together into one doctrine, YYYAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Did I say, “The Flow of Space” / “The Actions of God”??? - I must be off my meds, because God had nothing to do with it according to ALL THE GENIUSES!!!

Paul – 060712


New member
your on meds ?

That is a surprise

WELL!!! That's what all the Genius cowards say, so I suppose because they say it, it must be TRUTH. - They are the Geniuses!!

There are many of the GENIUSES who won't dare place themselves here in the danger of being slaughtered by someone on meds, therefore they are BRAVE GENIUSES. -- But I still say they are Cowards and stay hidden from any danger of being proven wrong!! Christians they ~~are~~!!

Paul -- 060712


I might agree with the OP (insofar as I could understand it) but its screaming intemperance serves no rational purpose, as well as obscures its meaning


New member
I might agree with the OP (insofar as I could understand it) but its screaming intemperance serves no rational purpose, as well as obscures its meaning

OK!!!! - That's what you believe, I don't believe it that way. -- I wrote it my way, because you guys can't write about things like that that have never been written before!!!!!! --- SOO comdemn me!!!!!!!!!!!

You people just cannot keep your spit to yourself, can you????

Why don't you try to disprove it if you think you're smart enough for a change of SMARTS!!!!

Paul -- 060712

One Eyed Jack

New member
I figure they were mostly finished off by the knights of old. And maybe an occasional farmer. After watching The Valley of Gwangi a couple of times, I'm pretty sure a group of cowboys could probably pull it off too.


New member
I might agree with the OP (insofar as I could understand it) but its screaming intemperance serves no rational purpose, as well as obscures its meaning


One does not simply post in the back alley, ONE MAKES POSTS IN THE BACK ALLEY!!!


Anyways, I don't care what happened to the dinosaurs really. They're dead and gone.


New member
I figure they were mostly finished off by the knights of old. And maybe an occasional farmer. After watching The Valley of Gwangi a couple of times, I'm pretty sure a group of cowboys could probably pull it off too.

HEY!! - That show just how wise you are!! - You're as wise as ALL THE REST!!! -- That's a very good attempt to prove me wrong!!


Paul -- 060812


New member

One does not simply post in the back alley, ONE MAKES POSTS IN THE BACK ALLEY!!!


Anyways, I don't care what happened to the dinosaurs really. They're dead and gone.

AND GOD WITH THEM???? -- God is gone if you and the scientists are right!!

Paul -- 060812


New member
The Solar System is located out toward the outer perimeter of the Galaxy in one of the arms of the Galaxy’s spiral - The earth with the sun is traveling about 11 Miles per second, ( about ). The direction of travel has to be in the direction of the slinging out from the Eye of the Galaxy. --- That’s the basis for this argument against anything else removing the Big Lizards.

If one takes the speed of the sun moving out from the Eye of the Galaxy at about 11 Miles per second; then back-tracking the travel of the Sun for one hundred and sixty million years, you will find that the Sun and the earth were, 55,503,360,000,000,000 / 55.5 quadrillion miles closer to the eye of the Galaxy 160,000,000 years ago. – Given that a light year is “about” 6,500,000,000,000 / six and a half trillion miles, and the sun has traveled for 160,000,000 years; that puts the sum about 8,540 light years closer to the Eye of the Galaxy at the time that the Big Lizards were to “BE GONE”!! - The “DIFFERENCE” in the “((( ENERGY )))” HERE, - AND THERE is “HUGE”, or “BIG” LIZARD!!! - The distance of ( maybe ) the radius of the average Galaxy is about 50,000 light years; so 8,540 light years will give you about 6% more energy there, than here. The Big Lizard was adapted to about 6% more energy than they could tolerate 160,000,000 years ago, much less what they could tolerate NOW!!

The Geniuses say that there have been about 90% of all creatures that have gone extinct. – Just where could they possibly get that figure?? – There have been some gone extinct. But 90%??? - THAT’S FOOLHARDY!! – Have the fools looked around and seen the varying types of creatures and plant life that stare them in the FACE?? -- They’re Scientists, falsely so called!!!

I hope I have the figures right, they’re the scientists’ figures, but I may have added, or left out a zero; more or less!! --- I’m sure the geniuses will correct me if I spelled Galsxry wrong!!

Paul – 060812


New member
ABOUT ah160,000,000 years ago, there was probably not a turnip, as you know a turnip today. The turnip as did ALL LIVING THINGS started as a one celled Turnip, and has always been a TURNIP. -- A Cow started as a one celled Cow, and NOT earlier, a many celled mushroom. -- Therefore Man started as a one celled man, and de’veloped as the energy allowed it to de’velop, not en’velop, or become more of a man. - There is nothing that JUST “VELOPS”, or stays the same. Man de’veloping has now turned the man into the de’velopment of a true FOOL from a true good one celled MAN, and is still called a “MAN”. - Later “DOWN TIME”, man will be a total babbling maladjusted, and disorganized mindless, unrecognizable in any way, dangerous creature, while the rutabaga, will be something of great desire of some other creatures, but NOT THE DE’VELOPED MAN!!! Only the man is soo foolish in its ego, that it can only de’velop into a lesser, and lesser whatever it is today, but still a man. – The time-table is the table for the MAN to de’vour all other forms of beings, while de’vouring itself. – The survival of the fittest is the over-coming of the MAN, while the man ceases to survive, or de’veloped into nothing, or “IS” NOT.

Paul – 060812


What happened 10,000 or 1,000,000 years ago or more is not much of a concern. What happens next seems much more pertinent.


New member
What happened 10,000 or 1,000,000 years ago or more is not much of a concern. What happens next seems much more pertinent.

Is the KNOWLEDGE of God just of Salvation????? – Did not God also CREATE the UNIVERSE???? - Then why is that not as important as any other knowledge of GOD’S???? -- Deny the Knowledge of the creation, you also deny the Knowledge of God, of it!!!! - It's all in the Word of God, if you can receive it!!!!!

Paul – 060812