Biden is losing patience with his subjected citizenry


Well-known member
Never before in the history of America have we seen such brazen disrespect for the American people by an elected leader.

“We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin,” Mr. Biden lectured America two months ago in one of the most extraordinary statements ever delivered by an elected president to the people he supposedly works for.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Never before in the history of America have we seen such brazen disrespect for the American people by an elected leader.

“We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin,” Mr. Biden lectured America two months ago in one of the most extraordinary statements ever delivered by an elected president to the people he supposedly works for.
What we've seen in Australia, in England, in Canada, in America - is a belief by our elected representatives that they can dole out our freedoms as they deem best.

This is one reason that gun sales have surged through the roof, especially with new buyers.


like marbles on glass
Never before in the history of America have we seen such brazen disrespect for the American people by an elected leader.

Are you kidding? The infrastructure bill had majority approval of likely voters across party lines.

Morning Consult/Polico: Bipartisan Infrastructure Pkg Has True Bipartisan Backing: Democratic, GOP Voters Support Array of Proposals in Bill
"All of the six potential investments included in the survey received over 50 percent support from voters of all parties. Updating roads and bridges, the most popular measure surveyed, saw only a negligible gap in support between Democrats (82 percent) and Republicans (79 percent), within the 4 percentage-point margin of error for the demographics."

Quinnipiac Poll: Infrastructure Bill Gets A Thumbs Up By A 2 To 1 Margin
"As the Senate debates a roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, Americans say 65 – 28 percent that they support a spending bill to improve the nation’s roads, bridges, broadband, and other infrastructure projects. Democrats say 93 – 4 percent and independents say 64 – 29 percent that they support it. Republicans say 54 – 41 percent that they oppose it."


Well-known member
Are you kidding? The infrastructure bill had majority approval of likely voters across party lines.

Morning Consult/Polico: Bipartisan Infrastructure Pkg Has True Bipartisan Backing: Democratic, GOP Voters Support Array of Proposals in Bill
"All of the six potential investments included in the survey received over 50 percent support from voters of all parties. Updating roads and bridges, the most popular measure surveyed, saw only a negligible gap in support between Democrats (82 percent) and Republicans (79 percent), within the 4 percentage-point margin of error for the demographics."

Quinnipiac Poll: Infrastructure Bill Gets A Thumbs Up By A 2 To 1 Margin
"As the Senate debates a roughly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, Americans say 65 – 28 percent that they support a spending bill to improve the nation’s roads, bridges, broadband, and other infrastructure projects. Democrats say 93 – 4 percent and independents say 64 – 29 percent that they support it. Republicans say 54 – 41 percent that they oppose it."
Supporting roads is good. Supporting debt spending to give money to illegals, to global quacks and scammers, to democrat causes, to democrats, expand welfare and the welfare state, to expand government overreach and hire more oppressive regulators, to foreign governments so that friends, associates, and relatives of crooked politicians can handle and skim off the cash flow for personal gain, to murderers to kill babies, to give more money to less worthy teachers and unions, to promote oppression of Christians and conservatives, and so forth, is very bad.

Bankrupting the US economy in order to rob the Treasury of money to give to leftist groups, policies, and agendas is evil, and that is what the falsely-called 'infrastructure bill' does.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
10 Reasons You'd Be Crazy Not To Get Your Kids Vaccinated


Yay! A COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children!

Now, you might be wondering why you need to give an experimental vaccine to your kids when they’ve never really been at risk from COVID-19, and that makes you a horrible person. Because when it comes to COVID-19, you’re just supposed to do whatever you're told and not ask questions. Still, here are ten reasons to get your kids vaccinated.
  • If 100% of kids are vaccinated, maybe you’ll be allowed to not wear a mask. Maybe. Who knows? Could happen. Or not. Whatever.
  • All the cool kids are doing it. Or maybe it’s the dorks. I don’t really understand the kid hierarchy anymore. Anyway, the really weird-looking kids are doing it.
  • The deadline for Pfizer’s fourth-quarter sales goals is coming up. You have Pfizer stock, right?
  • Fauci said so, and he’d never lie to us. I mean, he constantly lies to us, but for our own good.
  • Your kids were mouthing off. And injecting them with something is a way better punishment than taking away video games.
  • It demonstrates that you are a good citizen. “Look at my injected kids,” you will say. “Please increase my social score.”
  • Someone needs to try it to make sure it’s safe for colobus monkeys. If it’s fine for your kids, maybe it will be okay for monkeys.
  • It teaches your kids to be compliant. The next time someone offers them drugs, you don’t want them to ask a bunch of questions.
  • Maybe it will have cool side effects. Like mutating your kid into a shark. Shark kid! That would be awesome.
  • This is how we end the pandemic. Or at least it’s step 23 out of 347 steps to end the pandemic.
Go do it. Or you'll lose your job or something.
