Beware of the hibernating vipers of unrepented sins.


Beware of the hibernating vipers of unrepented sins.
Some years ago one veiled lady waited in the long quay of our Jiaganj London mission free dispensary. But she never advanced but retreated to the last of the quay many times. Only at the closing moment she came in the room and began to cry. She told that her drunkard husband has driven out of home and she had nowhere to go.
So we gave shelter to Kohinoor Begam sick in body and mind. I never enquired seriously of her past though suspected her truthfulness. Soon prayers and regular work in the mission healed her. Then she volunteered to look over my aged parents in far Khargpur town. She was baptized into Baptist church there and became a serious member in various social and preaching works. She was given a new Christian name Konica.
People asked for her prayers and respected her. I had much affection for her for piety and efficiency.
Then a man of her locality revealed her shocking past to me. She had left her sick husband and a son to marry another man. That man soon divorced her making her homeless. Her respectable parents gave her shelter but kins and neighbors hated her. So she walked out and sought this mission in the hope that kind Christian may give her chance for a new life. When I confronted her she instead of repenting became angry with that man for telling the truth. I said “unless you repent and atone this sin is sure to strike you again”. But she showed little sign of repentance. Some Christian wrongly said “since she has accepted Christian her sins are atoned by Christian through baptism”.
Then the inevitable struck again. She fell in a romance with a notorious Hindu youth hiding her Muslim background and past. She left our house and lived with him. Again the cycle of rejection was repeated as that seriously Hindu man discovered her Muslim past. After that she vanished without a trace. It is about five years ago.
We always feel deep pain whenever we remember her. Her parents and only son often cry for her. Still our prayers are unanswered. Either she is murdered or sold to no-escape brothel. Please pray for her.
So we must not neglect to repent and atone our past sin-weaknesses to neutralize them. This is true for original sin of rejecting love-heaven to fall here by each of us. Churches blasphemously put the responsibility of original on Heavenly Father. They say that since He created us in Adam’s line we inherit Adam’s original sin. Then God becomes responsible for that sin as He has forced us to inherit it. so this unrepented sin of pride-Devil worship to reject Love-God is sure to attack us again here or in afterlife.