Bernie Sanders Is Not Extreme. You are.


I keep hearing that Bernie Sanders is "too extreme" to be elected.

Never mind the fact that Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the country, with approval ratings as high as 60%.

Where do the voters stand when it comes to his policy proposals?

According to one poll, 70% of Americans are in favor of Medicare for All, including 52% of REPUBLICANS!

Bernie Sanders is not "too extreme" for being in favor of a single payer, medicare for all system. In fact, if you OPPOSE medicare for all, you are the extremist. You disagree with 70% of your fellow Americans and most of your own party.

Furthermore, according to another poll, 58% of Americans are in favor of tuition free public colleges and cancelling all student debt.

Bernie Sanders is not "too extreme" for proposing that. It is YOU who are extreme for opposing 58% of your fellow Americans.

Furthermore, anywhere between 2/3s to ~75% of Americans want the wealthy to pay higher taxes, including 53% of REPUBLICANS.

Bernie Sanders is not extreme. YOU are extreme if you oppose it.

Furthermore, more than 70% of Americans are in favor of a federal job guarantee. Only 11% are against the idea.

Bernie Sanders is not extreme. YOU are extreme if you disagree with Bernie Sanders.

2/3s of Americans want to raise that minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Bernie Sanders is not extreme. YOU are extreme if you disagree.

I could keep going on and on.

On virtually every issue, the overwhelming majority of Americans agree with Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders is not extreme. He is right at the CENTER of the opinions of the American public.

YOUR views are extreme and unpopular if you disagree with him.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I like Medicare for me and I am old and get it, for me. I paid into it, so why should I want y'all to have what I paid for? You know, let me tell you something about the baby boomers. They were worse than you; they cried about everything. They hated Nixon, and wanted this kook McGovern as president. He was another lopsided liberal and in 1972 we defeated him and gave the presidency to that tricky dick Nixon. They did not get anyone they liked and later, we let in that old softy Jimmy Carter, he dropped the ball and we elected Reagan. Now the media are these same aged liberals who can't stand Trump. they want to get rid of him so bad, they can taste it! Well, I will bet you we give them Trump again and it will drive them nuts and all I believe about this is, it is not Donald Trump, it is people lie me still alive who been giving liberals a hard time for fifty years now. So if you think you are on to something think again, we been doing this a,long time and will do it until my generation is long gone. You do have t admire us for our tenacity, and whits.

see ya :wave2:

The Berean

Well-known member
"Biden was Obama's VP trumps Medicare for All." -- Low information voters

Apparently, Black progressives disagree with assertion.

An Open Letter to White Liberals Blaming 'Low Information' Black Voters for Not Cleaning Up White Folks' Mess

A few days ago, I was informed that some of you may have a problem with black voters who actually went to voting booths and exercised their right to vote for whomever the f*** they wanted. Apparently, anyone who didn’t vote the way outraged, left-leaning white liberals wanted must have been an uninformed heathen, a moderate or, even worse, a “centrist.”

And now your fragile brittle hearts are broken into a thousand little pieces because black people have rejected the Buddha of Birkenstock-wearers during his quest for the presidency. And, by not choosing Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden supporters are somehow ruining America...

Undeterred by actual data, Sanders surrogates’ new tactic seems to be an attempt to paint blacks as low-information voters who somehow don’t know Biden’s record. Apparently, the people who vote for Sanders are genius-level political strategists but the ones who cast a ballot against him just aren’t smart enough to wade through the publicly available information...

I know, from your position atop the privilege pyramid, the lowly black voters who voted for Biden must have done so because of pragmatism or fear of revolution or electability’s sake. Everyone knows how black voters incessantly “clamor for the past.” Or maybe black people are just not as smart and brave enough for this fearless “movement.”

Apparently, Bernie Bros just can't comprehend that Bernie Sanders does NOT connect with minorities. He never has and never will. The majority of Black people and Latinos do not care for Sanders other than California. And that is the simple truth. No amount of self-righteous indignation will change that.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Biden is extreme:


The Berean

Well-known member
From from the article I linked to talking about Sanders.

Maybe they’re voting on Biden’s ability alone. You act as if black people aren’t aware that, in 30 years, your boy (Sanders) hasn’t written a single piece of successful legislation. In three decades, what has Sanders ever achieved? What has he ever done that improved the lives of black people?...

Only a white man can keep a job for three decades with absolutely no results and then expect a promotion. Only a white man would blame black people’s stupidity when his supposedly “diverse coalition of new voters” didn’t bother to show up to vote.

Maybe those “moderates” actually want a revolutionary. More than anyone, they know that revolutionaries get shit done. That’s because old black voters have actually been revolutionaries. They actually lived through revolutions. Simply surviving to become an old black person in the South is a revolutionary act in itself.

So my question is why should Black people vote for Sanders? As a Latino why should I vote for Sanders?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It says "Tweet Unavailable"

For some reason, direct link won't work. The owner calls the account "that' kid travis," linked here:

Quoting the actual tweet, dated March 2nd: "I’m Black and what Michael Moore said was the GOD’s honest truth. SC is filled with low information voters and “Clinton Democrat’s”. SC and those purchased, uneducated Black votes is NOT a reflection of the United States! The white establishment took advantage of SC!"


So my question is why should Black people vote for Sanders? As a Latino why should I vote for Sanders?

If you read the article, what you will find is a complete lack of concern about policy.

In my opinion, the sole question that we should be asking ourselves when we vote is: "Which politician actually agrees with me on policy?"

So why should black people vote for Sanders? Because he agrees with them on policy.

Why should Hispanic people vote for Sanders? Because he agrees with them on policy.

As I said, from the perspective of public opinion, Bernie Sanders is at the political CENTER.

The other candidates are anti-populist extremists who disagree with black people and Hispanics far more than they agree with them.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
As a Latino why should I vote for Sanders?

As a Latino, what you should do is what anyone else should do. Compare Sanders' record and positions on issues with Biden's, decide for yourself who you agree with more, and vote accordingly!

The Berean

Well-known member
For some reason, direct link won't work. The owner calls the account "that' kid travis," linked here:

Quoting the actual tweet, dated March 2nd: "I’m Black and what Michael Moore said was the GOD’s honest truth. SC is filled with low information voters and “Clinton Democrat’s”. SC and those purchased, uneducated Black votes is NOT a reflection of the United States! The white establishment took advantage of SC!"
That is not "truth". That is an opinion. It'a arrogant to believe that because this one young Black guy voted for Sanders he's somehow smarter than the Black people who voted Biden. Did this guy interview hundreds of Black voters? Did he take a poll to determine why Black people voted for Biden? He's just acting out like a petulant child insulting his elders. In the article I posted the author makes it point that Sanders hasn't done much of anything for Black people in the past.


As a Latino, what you should do is what anyone else should do. Compare Sanders' record and positions on issues with Biden's, decide for yourself who you agree with more, and vote accordingly!

I have a better point of consideration.

What The Berean should do is think about his Hispanic family and friends and think about who would help them out the most.

I'm sure the Berean knows someone who could use a federally guaranteed job. Or universal healthcare.

I'm sure he knows someone who is up to his eyeballs in student debt.

Or can't afford prescription drugs.

He should think about that person when he goes to the voting booth.


The Berean

Well-known member
As a Latino, what you should do is what anyone else should do. Compare Sanders' record and positions on issues with Biden's, decide for yourself who you agree with more, and vote accordingly!
Well, I've already studied their records and I'm not voting for either candidate.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
That is not "truth". That is an opinion.

It's all opinions dude.

Look, I'll make this as plain and simple as it can be made. Biden is in the early stages of age-related senility. If he wins the nomination for the Democratic Party, it's game over because Trump will be reelected for sure. Trump will eat Biden for lunch in the debates. Bernie, on the other hand, will show Trump up for the dolt that he is. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate at this point who has a chance to beat Trump.

Unless you actually want Trump to be president for 4 more years, support Bernie Sanders now. It is that simple.

The Berean

Well-known member
It's all opinions dude.

Look, I'll make this as plain and simple as it can be made. Biden is in the early stages of age-related senility. If he wins the nomination for the Democratic Party, it's game over because Trump will be reelected for sure. Trump will eat Biden for lunch in the debates.

So you have access to Biden's medical records? You are Biden's personal doctor? If not then you are simply spouting silliness. Remember when people claimed that Clinton was seriously ill in 2016. That went no where.

Bernie, on the other hand, will show Trump up for the dolt that he is. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate at this point who has a chance to beat Trump.
Wait, wut? If people need Sanders to show Trump for the dolt he is then these people have not been paying attention at all the past five years. Do you really believe that people will watch a Trump vs Sanders and think, "Wow! Trump is a dolt! I had no idea Trump was a dolt all these years. If it were not were Bernie Sanders I never would have known." Really?

Unless you actually want Trump to be president for 4 more years, support Bernie Sanders now. It is that simple.
I'm not a Trump supporter. But I don't really care who is president to be honest.


Donald Trump ran as a fake populist in 2016. Bernie Sanders is an actual populist. Bernie Sanders will show Trump to be the elitist that he is.