Ben Shapiro's Huge Error about Marriage and Government (corrected by Bob Enyart)


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Ben Shapiro's Huge Error about Marriage and Government (corrected by Bob Enyart)

This is the show from Monday, June 3rd, 2019


Who has the authority to grant permission for people to marry? Sadly, many people including Ben Shapiro, say the government should have no role. Thankfully, Matt Walsh has been trying to correct Ben on this and here on BEL we'll take that correction to a new level.Some claim that only the church has authority to preside over weddings. Yet while this is changing, most people have willingly submitted to the government as the official certifier of marriage. For as Colorado barista Leanna Aberle has said, "Marriage is a covenant not only between the man, the woman, and God, but also with the whole world." Others however claim that the authority to marry lies solely with the two individuals involved. On this program, Bob Enyart presents the arguments for and against each of these three ideas on authority regarding marriage.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A Christian marriage is between a man and a woman, joined together by God, witnessed and supported by the community, ideally within the context of a gathering of other followers of Christ - there is no role for government to play, and the role of the church should be, in my opinion, optional. Encouraged, but optional.

A civil "marriage" is something different, at times a mirror of a true marriage, at times a mockery of it, depending on the whim of the public and through them legislation. It's unfortunate that our society calls a civil union "marriage".

that's my take on it :)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why should the government not be involved? Should it not care if two people — say a couple of homos — want to pervert the institution?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
there's only one true institution of marriage and that involves God (and necessarily excludes perverts)

the government version is a farce - i knew it when i married 35 years ago and i had to pay the government for the license


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I think that the contract itself is advantageous between two celibate people. Next-of-kin status and tax-free inheritance are two benefits. A "prenuptial" agreement the pair can mold the thing into whatever works for them. There's nothing illicit about two celibate people entering into a contract with these types of benefits.