Ben Carson's response 2 soul-less creature...RE fetal body parts


I think we need to realize that many good people believe the fetus is not a human being. Otherwise, folks might start crying because we short-shift the children of this nation after they are born.

And--pro life or not--war, capital punishment, genocide and other violent acts are given a pass today by most traditional Christians.


New member
I think we need to realize that many good people believe the fetus is not a human being. Otherwise, folks might start crying because we short-shift the children of this nation after they are born.

And--pro life or not--war, capital punishment, genocide and other violent acts are given a pass today by most traditional Christians.

sounds downright twisted

I couldn't possibly care less what people "believe" if doing so means the death of innocent children...



sounds downright twisted

I couldn't possibly care less what people "believe" if doing so means the death of innocent children...

And as I pointed out before, many good people do not believe that a fetus is a fully-finished human being.

That is fact. That is hard evidence from honest data.

And the true innocence of a living child is way too often destroyed by the lack of care, respect and fairness shown to them by political acts that deny a life of dignity and care to all children. This fact alone probably prompts many mothers to stop a fully-formed child to be born.

If you want to really stop abortion then get rid of the reasons women of the world will always practice it.


New member
And as I pointed out before, many good people do not believe that a fetus is a fully-finished human being.

Tctice it.

you and i are not "finished" humans either...

we have to learn God's ways or we won't make it to Heaven...

Should you be killed b/c you are not "finished" yet?

you libs dont think your thougts through to their logical conclusions
