BEL Medical Analyst, Nurse Maria: Liberal Values Destroy Lives

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BEL Medical Analyst, Nurse Maria: Liberal Values Destroy Lives

Thursday April 27th, 2006. This is show # 84.

* From first-hand experience, our BEL Medical Analyst, Nurse Maria, warns about STDs, abortion, living wills, and our godless government schools, with her life story underscoring the vitality of biblical truth!
* Take this look back to 17 months ago when Bob Enyart appeared on Court TV advocating the death penalty for Scott Peterson.
Today's Resource: Read the #1 most popular Internet article on God and the Death Penalty (Google 1 of 40M for: God death penalty; Antonin Scalia's article is #2) or watch our best-selling video, God and the Death Penalty: New Testament Support for Capital Punishment!


A great show. I loved hearing this woman's testimony of the power of God, to change our lives. May God continue to bless this persevering single mom, and her children.
On the heels of the shows about Columbine, I was particularly struck by her vow that her children would never attend public school, when her school counselor advised her to have another abortion.
I remember Brian Rohrbough {sp?} recalling the hollow vows of multitudes of parents saying their children would never return to Columbine. The murder of 13 children, and the terrorizing and wounding of all of the rest of them, failed to produce the same resolve in these parents. I am still wondering why?........ Seven years later!


jeremiah said:
A great show. I loved hearing this woman's testimony of the power of God, to change our lives. May God continue to bless this persevering single mom, and her children.
On the heels of the shows about Columbine, I was particularly struck by her vow that her children would never attend public school, when her school counselor advised her to have another abortion.
I remember Brian Rohrbough {sp?} recalling the hollow vows of multitudes of parents saying their children would never return to Columbine. The murder of 13 children, and the terrorizing and wounding of all of the rest of them, failed to produce the same resolve in these parents. I am still wondering why?........ Seven years later!

There were 12 students and 1 teacher killed, and I, too, dwell on the words of those parents. They were simply overcome with emotion at the time but they would have been good promises to keep.


You are right, I think the teacher's name was Dave Sanders? And I agree, and think it was an emotional response, and that was one time that their emotions were right on!
Nevertheless, vows are incredibly powerful promises, and to break one has very damaging consequences.
Jepthah was too afraid to break his vow, and Herod was too proud to annul his; despite the loss of heritage, and life that resulted from them.
The Columbine parents would have simply had to transfer their children, or move, to keep their vows. A small price in todays world!
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