BEL Fires Canon Across the Bow

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BEL Fires Canon Across the Bow

This is the show from Tuesday September 8th, 2009.


* $11,385 of $40,000 Telethon Goal: Please pray and please help and please call 1-800-8Enyart!

* History Buff Shoots Cannonball Through Neighbor's Wall: Really. Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney discuss the boundary between weapons of self-defense, which God authorizes for individuals, and weapons of national defense, including missiles, tanks, warships, nuclear submarines, weapons of mass destruction, etc., which nations can rightly use to defend themselves.

* Please Help With Our KGOV Telethon! Thank you! We've reached $11,385 of our $40,000 goal! The greatest way to help keep BEL broadcasting online and reaching more people is to sign up to automatically give monthly, or sign up for a monthly BEL DVD subscription service, a monthly Bible Study album or Bob's Sermons subscription. If you subscribe or give monthly, we multiply the amount you give times ten toward the telethon goal! (So a $24.99 subscription or automatic monthly donation brings $250 toward our $40,000 telethon goal!) Also of course, you can call 1-800-8Enyart for any subscription or to make a one-time donation or to purchase of a BEL Resource (or just click those links)! And remember, BEL materials come with our money back guarantee!

* Bob and Doug Volunteer their Kids DNA to a Nat'l Database: Yes, they still must talk to their wives. But Bob and Doug discuss Phase I of development a comprehensive National DNA Database which is voluntary submission of individuals and families of their DNA. The co-hosts also celebrated the capture of Walter Ellis, the murderer who killed nine women, whose guilt was confirmed after police lifted DNA from his toothbrush.

* Colorado RTL Sept. 26th Banquet! Please mark your calendar right now for Saturday, September 26, at 6:30 p.m. and make your reservation by calling Donna at 303-753-9394 (or to just get on their vital mailing list)! Do you know who Lila Rose is? You'll HAVE TO come out to see her! You'll have a tremendous time, and you'll be a great blessing!

* Saudi Arabia Cuts Off Hand; China Does what? Store employees beat to death a Chinese woman for shoplifting. Yes, China is wicked, but even still, that is not national policy. In Saudi Arabia it is national policy to cut off the hand of a thief. Bob gives a summary of the restitution guidelines from God's Criminal Justice System (listen to a BEL seminar by that title on CD, or get the syllabus).

* Brothers Kill Dad, Get New Start: Really. Legalize abortion and devalue all life. After beating their father to death with a baseball bat and running away with a convicted homosexual child molester, two brothers today get a new start. The Associated Press reports that the two brothers say they made a "mistake." Good thing they only used a bat and didn't kill one.

* Steve Curtis Interviews Coming on Bott & LeSEA: Steve Curtis, vice president of American Right To Life and survivor of the Bonnie Brae murders gave his most extensive interviews ever to BEL and now the Bott Radio Network, 80 stations throughout the Midwest, and LeSEA Broadcasting's World Harvest TV program have both scheduled interviews with Curtis!

* Help Colorado RTL Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: You can learn more by browsing the KGOV Store's Department of Government which includes Bob's classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar on CD and you can read Bob's article (Google 1 of 2.1M for: God death penalty) or watch his DVD on God and the Death Penalty: NT Support for Capital Punishment!


New member
The concept of a national DNA database makes my skin crawl.

"Cannon," I think.

Yes, firing a canon at someone would either involve blasting out a strain of baroque counterpoint in someone's ear or offensively taking the job of an English churchman... :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
Uhhh...why don't Bob and Doug offer their OWN DNA to the nat'l database in lieu of their childrens'? :squint:

Yeah, I thought that was bizarre, even for Enyart.

As for a national database: considering that the Israelis have established that DNA evidence can be planted--and that a national database seems to imply a presumption of guilt--coupled with the monstrous power and meddling implicit with such a system--I think any compliance, voluntary or otherwise, with a national DNA database to be absolutely slavish.

Let's just get microchipped, while we're at it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
As for a national database: considering that the Israelis have established that DNA evidence can be planted--and that a national database seems to imply a presumption of guilt--coupled with the monstrous power and meddling implicit with such a system--I think any compliance, voluntary or otherwise, with a national DNA database to be absolutely slavish.
Is it just me or is granite really dumb?
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