Before you choke on Evangelism & Legalism reflect on the New Testament


New member
I know there is a pretty shrewd thinking running around Christian circles, Churches, etc.

The thinking that "you must evanglize" to be qoute "be saved" after all this is what many of the Street Preachers try to indoctrinate (in their open-air sermons) into potential converts.

Remember more often than not it sounds like a Street-Preacher is trying more often than not win more people to street preaching not Christianity. Notice the fact that they discriminate against people if they are Christians simply for the fact they are not out preaching. Wonder about hypocrisy Jesus talked about? There you have it.

The first problem I have is
Jesus Preached at....
The Temple (everyday), Synagogue, Marketplace (when necessary), on the Road, on beaches (calling fisherman and such), on hilltops, watering holes (woman at the well), not on street corners or college campuses like some extremists would have you believe.

I've developed a 10 year ministry plan for 2026-2036 that involves no street preaching. I am an ex-street preacher and noticed that street preaching actually gets the wrong kind of media attention with preachers being arrested, people getting offended, lack of diginity in the ministers. It's just a big giant mess. When dealing with cops and hecklers Street Preachers are not who they claim to be and often combative and stuck in their ways or overly dogmatic or too traditional.

Either way you look at it while this is a free country I have been kicked out of preaching at Malls and such due to being overly disruptive so I think the issue is that open-air preaching at least on street corners and odd ends turns into a serious legal issues with disrupting the peace, blocking a sidewalk, being on public property, etc.

Just one sneak peak of what I am saying is instead of Street Preaching I will be out in my ministry plans

Collaborating with Churches, doing Outreach, volunteer work, on the road ministering, visit/speak at homeless shelters or youth functions

instead of Street Preaching. Right now I am researching but currently I am condemning Street Preaching as I never see Jesus doing this nor the Apostles who spoke in Houses, Synagogues, on the road, and such. So think twice before your Church vehemently tells you to get out there and Evangelize since they offer no insight it is usually just unfounded legalism and remember that Street Preachers are mostly just wolves in sheep skin so no need to condemn yourself as a"lukewarm" Christian when they are just hypocrites anyway.

patrick jane

I've developed a 10 year ministry plan for 2026-2036 that involves no street preaching. I am an ex-street preacher and noticed that street preaching actually gets the wrong kind of media attention with preachers being arrested, people getting offended, lack of diginity in the ministers. It's just a big giant mess. When dealing with cops and hecklers Street Preachers are not who they claim to be and often combative and stuck in their ways or overly dogmatic or too traditional.

Your 10 year ministry starts 10 years from now ?


New member
Your 10 year ministry starts 10 years from now ?

Why yes it does, I'm glad you pointed that out. There is a reason for everything I do but frankly that is a very long story indeed. Opened a can of worms you did. But....

Long story short
I am 32 years old. Born again 24 yrs old. Started ministering at 27 years old. Got massively burnt out. Ex-communicated from Church Dating. Was told not pre-selected by Church Women. Wanted a Christian Wife but condemned for seeking such low minded pursuits at the Church institution and disuaded from doing such ever again.

The issue at handof needing a woman by my side. Became a Pick Up Artist (against my best wishes and intentions). 4 years later I am a killer Pick Up Artist. But again with the issue at Church at hand being forbidden from hitting on Church women through ex-communcation of Church dating I hit the bars, nightclubs, etc. Again greatly against my wishes.

Flash forward. Get a girlfriend anytime I want. My hairstylist just texted me a minute ago. My Ex-girlfriend called me last week. My new girlfriend begins every Summer.

So my pick up plan is 2016-2026 since I will be 42 yrs old at that time and no longer of age to visit and fit in at hotspots like bars and nightclubs. In essence I only have one chance to be young.

Then at 42 yrs old my ministry plan begins with or without a wife.

I have seperated Dating and Church and better off ever since.

Girlfriend issues resolved
God issues resolved

patrick jane

Flash forward. Get a girlfriend anytime I want. My hairstylist just texted me a minute ago. My Ex-girlfriend called me last week. My new girlfriend begins every Summer.

So my pick up plan is 2016-2026 since I will be 42 yrs old at that time and no longer of age to visit and fit in at hotspots like bars and nightclubs. In essence I only have one chance to be young.

Then at 42 yrs old my ministry plan begins with or without a wife.

I have seperated Dating and Church and better off ever since.

Girlfriend issues resolved
God issues resolved

So you have more wild oats to sow; more dating and partying, until you hit 42 and then you will start your ministry plan ? I say focus on Christ completely NOW, and everything else will fall into place. You'll have a rude awakening when you get older.


New member

In other words:
Let the way you live your life be the message of the Gospel and only explain it to those that want what they see in you.


New member
Why yes it does, I'm glad you pointed that out. There is a reason for everything I do but frankly that is a very long story indeed. Opened a can of worms you did. But....

Long story short
I am 32 years old. Born again 24 yrs old. Started ministering at 27 years old. Got massively burnt out. Ex-communicated from Church Dating. Was told not pre-selected by Church Women. Wanted a Christian Wife but condemned for seeking such low minded pursuits at the Church institution and disuaded from doing such ever again.

The issue at handof needing a woman by my side. Became a Pick Up Artist (against my best wishes and intentions). 4 years later I am a killer Pick Up Artist. But again with the issue at Church at hand being forbidden from hitting on Church women through ex-communcation of Church dating I hit the bars, nightclubs, etc. Again greatly against my wishes.

Flash forward. Get a girlfriend anytime I want. My hairstylist just texted me a minute ago. My Ex-girlfriend called me last week. My new girlfriend begins every Summer.

So my pick up plan is 2016-2026 since I will be 42 yrs old at that time and no longer of age to visit and fit in at hotspots like bars and nightclubs. In essence I only have one chance to be young.

Then at 42 yrs old my ministry plan begins with or without a wife.

I have seperated Dating and Church and better off ever since.

Girlfriend issues resolved
God issues resolved

Sounds to me like the women were less than thrilled to have your lust spirit after them in church. Perhaps you should do a study on deliverance and press in to get some, so you can mature to be equal with your chronological age, because right now, you're not far removed from a teenager. Peace


New member
So you have more wild oats to sow; more dating and partying, until you hit 42 and then you will start your ministry plan ? I say focus on Christ completely NOW, and everything else will fall into place. You'll have a rude awakening when you get older.

Not necessarily mate. I could explain this all to you but again very very long story.

For starters I have LAID everything down for Christ something some Christians never will do.


Went to Shreveport but God was not in Shreveport

I moved to Shreveport and the town rejected me (Shreveport Community Church where the ex-communication from dating Church women thing happened)

then my family in Shreveport rejected me and kicked me out for some car decisions I made

Went to LA but God was not in LA because I forgot my Social Security Card

Went to Florida but God was not in Florida because you need to be licensed with the county to be homeless.

So I went to my hometown where Jesus says a man has no honor which is truth since I have no ministry here. My ministry calling I feel is in Dallas, Houston, Kansas City etc.

I can only go to those places with money friend.

So being the issue of girlfriend being in doubt I sought to take care of that first friend. Now when I go to Church I really go just for God not to hit on the hot chicks there.

Again that's not even the half of it.


New member
Sounds to me like the women were less than thrilled to have your lust spirit after them in church. Perhaps you should do a study on deliverance and press in to get some, so you can mature to be equal with your chronological age, because right now, you're not far removed from a teenager. Peace

Right you there harty har. That's so money. But there is a reason my friend WHY I am a rum-soaked Pirate!!

The CHURCH WOMEN REJECTED is that clear enough for you!!!??

The women of the world ACCEPT as I am. So let that be the lesson to the lot of you.

I would've far more worried why the depravity of Church Women who hate being hit on in Church Functions so much to the point to not pre-select me, kick me out, and completely disallow contact. Answer that first.

And when you're done tell me why the women I meet OUTSIDE are at peace with me hitting on them while the women inside have raised the banner high.

I'm not sure if you are condemning marriage but if you are there is a Scripture for that and again why not go condemn the Christian Institution of Marriage.

No friend the issue is not me hitting on women in Church. The issue is there is no Church Dating system in the Church and that is a very real problem mate when you want a Christian Wife.

This is why I have formally written off the Church for providing me any romantic opportunities and relied now even more heavily on my Pickup Artist tactics. Which work wonders btw!


New member
I don't know what this "pre-select" nonsense is, but my main point is that you need to press in for YOURSELF, and Father will give you the desires of your heart, and if that is a Christian wife, then you'll have one. If you're really a Christian there is no beast of the field for you out there, Adam, and you're wasting your time looking for one. Peace


New member
@ Patrick Jane
Already have on puaforums, Many in fact. Not sure what you're asking. Saying Judge GD as in Judge God right? That being the case again I solved the puzzle to Church Dating when I seperated Church from Dating. Sad state of affairs might I add.

But in lighter news when I hit a bar or club on a Saturday night I can approach the hottest looking chick (usually a 10) and get her number in 5 min flat a makeout in about 30 min and a date in usually no longer than a month after wards some days next day.

This all goes without saying I can materialize a relationship instantly any Summer weekend night merely by showing up and looking the part (while it took 4 years of mastering this tactic to experience this kind of succes).

It goes without saying I can by no means necessary have or did have that kind of succes at approaching women at Church again I was shunned not applauded.

When I approach a mighty fine gazelle in their natural habitat (bar, club, waterpark, etc) they either approach me as of late or as I approach they are clapping, cheering or even grabbing me in desire. This is the kind of expectancy I have for being a confident man for a woman to be submissive. But in the Church environment they are ratting me out and treating me like garbage and that is I way a Pirate should live out his days going down as a Public Enemy. For he should be the hero.

Is is true one long dreary day a extremely fine Bonnie lass with golden hair and the touch of destiny who as being said Pick Up Artist told me ....

I was the Star Prince from a far off Galaxy and to round up my starship to come rescue her from the trenches of depression. This my friend was quite the perfect love story. Why is it always such the case on such a consistent basis?

Hence why I am a Pick Up Artist every Summer for the remainder of my youth. Knowing the eternity of Salvation and Heaven I have only one chance tone young. And the rest of my life to serve God after I finish this quest of finding Lady Luck.

Ask yourself this why 40, 50, 60 year old Men claiming to God Fearing Bible Thimping Men FAIL miserably in serving him either by hypocrisy, legalism, overly traditional or extremely dogmatic that they fail to see the gravity of their plight? I will not be that man. Live out my youth now and serve God like a sensible man unlike some of these smoked up ruins Jesus called "white washed sanctuaries"

The difference mate is I am like crystal I don't hide anything and they try to hide everything. Blooming hypocrites.


New member
I don't know what this "pre-select" nonsense is, but my main point is that you need to press in for YOURSELF, and Father will give you the desires of your heart, and if that is a Christian wife, then you'll have one. If you're really a Christian there is no beast of the field for you out there, Adam, and you're wasting your time looking for one. Peace

I couldn't help but notice you failed to answer my question. But I'll ask it again...

WHY IS THERE NO DATING SYSTEM in the Church to find "said" wife. Ever do a study? Christian couples come together and leave together but they never seem to be mingling inside that's why they go outside therefore becoming said couple.

So you see the trouble is they are finding each other outside and I have figured out this riddle by going outside. No longer banging my head against the wall inside. After all I already said the Church Leadership said and I qoute

"The Christian Women don't want you approaching them, touching to them, or even talking to them."

Again the only answer is Outside thus me being a Pickup Artist still stands and overrules your basis unless you propose I make a Church Dating system in Churches and that my friend is impossible!!