Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Stratnerd-Lion, that's "a"
Sorry, I thought you would take what I had stated at the header of the page as part of my answer. And that’s “D”.


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Don't take Hank to the bank, he's overdrawn.

Don't take Hank to the bank, he's overdrawn.

Hank-Your ignorance is showing. There aren’t many (if any) educated scientists that would claim it was not possible to fit several of every kind of land based animal into a vessel with the Arc’s dimensions. Do a little research.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Re: Re: The vast majority of chronological indicators show a young Earth.

Re: Re: The vast majority of chronological indicators show a young Earth.

Originally posted by Hank
And Noah jammed all those animals on the ark which evolved into all the species we have today in a couple of thousand years. LOL

First of all, this is a strawman. Noah didn't take all kinds of animals on board the ark -- just land-dwelling creatures that breathe through nostrils. That rules out the vast majority of the animal kingdom. Nor did they evolve into anything -- they're still the same kind of animals they always were.

Secondly, the evolutionist has a much bigger problem than we do. Sure, we believe many of the animals alive today descended from animals on Noah's Ark. The typical evolutionist believes all the animals (and plants) on Earth descended from a batch of chemicals that somehow came to life. Now, which sounds more implausible?
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New member
Response to PUREX

Response to PUREX

No one is denying truth. The issue is about "absolute" truth.

"I believe this...", "I believe that...", I believe that what I believe is absolutely true.

Fine, but saying it and believing it still doesn't make it true, and it especially doesn't make it absolutely true, to anyone else but the "believer". And in fact what that proves is that for we humans, the only truth we seem to be able to express (or grasp) is relative to our own experiences an beliefs. Relative truth is all we seem to possess, and a relative truth is not an absolute truth no matter how much we believe and claim that it is. A belief in God does not a God make. All it makes is a "believer".

This is and has always been the essential problem with such a debate. The same limitations that befall the believer, also befall anyone who would be foolish enough to try and DISprove such a metaphysical belief; the substance of which lies outside of our reality (and therefor outside of our ability to verify).

So we can make all the claims we want to about God, the afterlife, fate, whatever. But all they will ever be are claims. And if we pretend that they are something more than a claim, we are pretending. Even when we succumb to the illusion our own pretenses, we are still pretending. This much IS true.

Bob isn't going to present any evidence outside his own personal beliefs and experiences because there isn't any. And Zakath isn't going to disprove Bob's assertions because he can't. All Zakath can do is prove that Bob's assertions about the truth of God are all relative to Bob's beliefs and experiences, only, even if Bob can't recognize or admit to this himself. But proving that Bob's beliefs about truth are relative to Bob, does not prove that they are untrue any more than Bob can prove that they are true.

Yet, maybe some folks will learn a thing or too about their own assumptions about God, and truth, and the limitations of a human being's ability to varify their own assumptions.

The answer is this: the only way to God is by faith, should one experience a desire to go there.

Mere assertion of a truth might not convince but the truth might still be true because of its origin in a relationship with God who really can speak truthes at every level.

I think I resist the notion that absolute and relative truth or morality can be entirely distinguished. There is a core of absolute truth and morality which I think is universally recognisable even in a fallen mankind and which resonates with the very nature of God.

Take the issue of child rape raised by Bob Enyart for instance - an obvious evil! Relativists might argue that in some cultures the age of consent is lower than in America for instance. So sex with a 14 year old girl is for instance totally legal in Germany but I believe it is not in America. So what would be statutory child rape in America might be a consensual fornication in Germany. So the boundary might get a little blurry about when a child ceases to be a child according to which culture you inhabit. Historically Americans have had relationships at all sorts of age groups and marriages have occurred between girls of 11 and older men up until the last few centuries in the western world also. But the absolute truth is that 99% of people around the world will know that raping a child of say 7 years old is an absolute evil that all would condemn. That this is so clearly true that this is an obvious instance of wrong seems to support the Christian notion that mankind is made in the image of God and that their is a resonance with Gods morality in a human being that is truly universal across all cultures and times.

Bob can argue that child rape is an example of absolute evil and the whole world should agree with him. Suddenly we have both a truth and moral judgment which implies a law and a sense of truth that is universally shared.


Well-known member
Re: Who’s the believer?

Re: Who’s the believer?

Originally posted by Lion Pure-X, you said:Well, that is exactly what Bob stated in his last post, wasn't it? He stated that we choose to believe in a creator, not because of what we don't know, but rather because of what we do know.

We do know that in every possible test case, that we have observed, the laws of thermodynamics prevail. We do know that in order for a complex machine to exsist, there has to be a designer. You, on the other hand, have to hope that numerous physical laws will be proven wrong, so that your belief systems can stay in tact.

Pure-X you are a man of great faith.
We can choose to believe anything we want to for any reason we want to, regarding or disregarding whatever evidence we choose. As is certainly evidenced by this forum! *smile*

But to your point, all the observable "laws" of the universe tell us is that they appear to remain intact within the universe itself. Unfortunately, what this also means is that they don't tell us a thing regarding what might occur before, after, or outside of our known universe. So though they are consistent within their limits, they reveal nothing beyond those limits, which is where we need to go if we are to answer the our questions about the existence of what we call "God".

I personally choose to believe in God, though I will freely admit that I have no proof whatever of God's existence. I'm puzzled by people who can't just leave it at that, but who seem intent upon proclaiming the existence or non-existence of God when it's obvious that we simply do not have the ability to make that assessment at this time. Yet I suppose it's the open door of our own ignorance that allows for all this speculation to presume itself to be some sort of "truth" in the first place.

We are indeed "wonderfully and frighfully made".


New member
It would be wonderful if we could continue this debate in the Origins section. I'm very interested in hearing how there's overwhelming evidence for a young earth - I can't come up with anything reasonable or reliable.


New member
Originally posted by Eireann
LOL. Yeah, I'd like to see someone replicate that whole farcical pull out a rib, poof: it's a woman! thing!

Don't hold your breath. God did it once and there's no need to do it again.

Perhaps you'd be better equipped to discuss the issue of Dick York vs Dick Sargent as the quintessential Darrin on Bewitched.


New member
Originally posted by Stratnerd
It would be wonderful if we could continue this debate in the Origins section. I'm very interested in hearing how there's overwhelming evidence for a young earth - I can't come up with anything reasonable or reliable.

And you're looking oh so hard, aren't you?


New member
But is does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. -Thomas Jefferson

The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.

Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.

We hold these truths to be self-evident,—that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


New member
Originally posted by cheeezywheeezy
Hey Hank...

How many animals did Noah need to take on the ark? Do you even know...or are you just throwing that comment out there thinking it is actually making a point?

You know what bothers me the most about this flood if the world was only 10 000 yrs old? What happened to the Egyptians when this was going on? The flood is dated to 4000 to 5000 years ago by creationists. This time frame coincides with the height of the Egyptian empire. They are also noted as people who wrote everthing down. So did they fail to see this flood that emcompassed the world? :confused: Kind of odd if you ask me.



King of the jungle
Super Moderator
How big would the sun have been 5 billion years ago?

How big would the sun have been 5 billion years ago?

Stratnerd said;
It would be wonderful if we could continue this debate in the Origins section. I'm very interested in hearing how there's overwhelming evidence for a young earth - I can't come up with anything reasonable or reliable.
Me neither….oh wait… there’s that dust on the moon thing, radiometric halos, minerals and salts in the oceans, magnetic field, Moon’s distance from the Earth, the Sun’s diminishing size, human population count, existence of asteroids and meteors, …well anyway, me neither.


New member

And you're looking oh so hard, aren't you?

I am but all I get is this....

there’s that dust on the moon thing, radiometric halos, minerals and salts in the oceans, magnetic field, Moon’s distance from the Earth, the Sun’s diminishing size, human population count, existence of asteroids and meteors,


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Your compass is directing you to hell.

Your compass is directing you to hell.

Just some pointers.


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
How far back before the Sun burned up the Earth?

How far back before the Sun burned up the Earth?

Ummmmm…. below five billion years, I’m sure. But feel free to check out sites using those key words to aid you in your search.:D


New member
One wonders why so much energy is expended, arguing over whether or not God exists, when Jesus Christ already has told us how to go about finding out for ourselves. Just follow the pathway that He has laid out for us, beginning with the first beatitude, and proceeding on to the sixth:
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
When you have seen Him, you will know. Try it; you'll like it!
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