basic parenting should be taught to all high schoolers


New member
yeh, i think parenting is too important to be left to chance...

But that is not to say the governemnt should teach parenting!!!!!!!


no, i believe all childen should be home schooled...



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
A couple of our local high schools have a class where the students are required to carry doll around for a week. The doll cries and fusses and they have to take care of it. The doll records how long it cries and what kind of care it receives. It is on for 23 hours per day so when they go to bed they have to keep the doll near so that they can care for it in the middle of the night. If they want to go do something, they have to find a baby sitter that will care for the doll while they are away. It is a real eye opener for the kids who take the class. I think it's a great idea.


yeh, i think parenting is too important to be left to chance...

But that is not to say the governemnt should teach parenting!!!!!!!


no, i believe all childen should be home schooled...

Children should be taught to treat others kindly without name-calling or violence.

They should be able to discipline themselves when they step beyond the front door of their home. They shouldn't look to others (their parents, their peers or other authority figures) to dictate what they should or should not do.

It has been shown by research that leading by example is the most useful way of instilling a strong self-image and a healthy set of boundaries.

In my experience, there is a way to talk to one's child so that they will listen and there are ways to listen to one's child that can encourage them to talk.

Instead of saying "You're lying" or "You are a slob leaving your clothes on the floor" parents should lean to say "I don't believe you" or "I am confused. You say such-and-such yet you do this," etc.

Or you can be accountable for your own feelings by telling your child "I am frustrated when you leave your socks next to your bed. Would you be willing to work with me and figure out a solution we both can live with?"

Then instead of naming oneself "a slob" a child can merely recognize that "Dad is frustrated."


New member
A couple of our local high schools have a class where the students are required to carry doll around for a week. The doll cries and fusses and they have to take care of it. The doll records how long it cries and what kind of care it receives. It is on for 23 hours per day so when they go to bed they have to keep the doll near so that they can care for it in the middle of the night. If they want to go do something, they have to find a baby sitter that will care for the doll while they are away. It is a real eye opener for the kids who take the class. I think it's a great idea.

yeh... strange we agree on something



Well-known member
A couple of our local high schools have a class where the students are required to carry doll around for a week. The doll cries and fusses and they have to take care of it. The doll records how long it cries and what kind of care it receives. It is on for 23 hours per day so when they go to bed they have to keep the doll near so that they can care for it in the middle of the night. If they want to go do something, they have to find a baby sitter that will care for the doll while they are away. It is a real eye opener for the kids who take the class. I think it's a great idea.

I remember having to do this in high school (2003-ish). That thing woke me up many times throughout the night!

We also had to wear a paper bracelet (similar to a hospital bracelet, or those ones you get at concerts), that was necessary to activate any feeding or diaper-changing on the doll. This meant you couldn't just pass the doll off to another person to babysit.

The biggest realization was that when you've got a baby at home, you 're not going anywhere. Good lesson, probably.


We've lost touch with the fundamental, God-given innocence of children. Some parents don't think twice about being verbally abusive, disrespectful, unfair to children.

I have even met adults who have told me that they were hit by their mothers and fathers--the two people in a child's world that they depend on for food, shelter, clothing and love!

And those same adults say "I deserved it" or "I had it coming."



New member
We've lost touch with the fundamental, God-given innocence of children. Some parents don't think twice about being verbally abusive, disrespectful, unfair to children.

I have even met adults who have told me that they were hit by their mothers and fathers--the two people in a child's world that they depend on for food, shelter, clothing and love!

And those same adults say "I deserved it" or "I had it coming."


Sean Hannity said that about being disciplined/abused. But i wasn't there so i don't know if it was abuse or not... but i do know that, as usay, many abused children say that... that they deserved it

well.... all i can say is that i have seen the results of NOT disciplining children, and it is NOT pretty.... to say the least..



Big people hitting little people is inexcusable. So is a husband hitting his wife or a wife hitting her husband.

It is a breakdown of morality.

The evidence is already in as to how hitting children negatively affects their thinking patterns.

And, of course, we have the "battered wife syndrome" when the wife actually agrees with her husband's using violence to deal with conflict.

"I deserved it" or "I had it coming."


Hall of Fame
Spanking is not the equivalent of abuse. People that don't spank their kids are the problem.

I think it depends on the parent, the consistency, motive and method. Spanking, on the rear, should sting enough to be remembered without breaking skin or bones. Which is why it makes sense for the parent to wait until they are no longer angry.

Verbal abuse, IMO, is much worse than the above.


New member
I think it depends on the parent, the consistency, motive and method. Spanking, on the rear, should sting enough to be remembered without breaking skin or bones. Which is why it makes sense for the parent to wait until they are no longer angry.

Verbal abuse, IMO, is much worse than the above.

Agreed. Spanking should never cause injury. Further, spanking should be used as a correctional tool, not as a way for a parent to vent anger.


Spanking is not the equivalent of abuse. People that don't spank their kids are the problem.
I disagree. Children should never be hit.

Plenty of research shows that it is harmful for childhood development.

There used to be approval of hitting children--to "beat it out of them" in other words.

In the 20's in Germany before Hitler the manuals explaining child pedagogy advocated swift corporal punishment of children using the strict Father model of patriarchy, authoritarian and obedience-based methods.

Incidentally, the books about dog training were similar.

Physical punishment will also locate a child's "disciplinary authority" to adults or even peer groups. The child is made bereft of instilling self-discipline and is easy prey for other adults--sex deviants included.

Hitting children seems to be one of the mainstays of conservative folks as well as many traditional Christians and fundamentalists. But the world is becoming more inundated with new and effective tools to raise up a child to be moral without physical punishment.

That's just my opinion--based on studies and anecdotes I have seen.

My daughter is 32 and she was never hit. And she is a remarkable woman who is kind, moral and open to life.


Agreed. Spanking should never cause injury. Further, spanking should be used as a correctional tool, not as a way for a parent to vent anger.
Can you provide guidelines that would tell the rest of us some legitimate standards where a blow from a parent's hand can be calibrated as to speed and pressure?

Won't a slap or a blow profoundly interrupt a child's native innocence and trust? After all, a child is always dependent on the parents, for it is from the parents a child is supposed to be guaranteed love, caring, respect and fairness.

People who still believe in physical punishment are fast becoming outnumbered. We have only to look at reality to determine that hitting children does not lead to good behavior. Only fear.


New member
Can you provide guidelines that would tell the rest of us some legitimate standards where a blow from a parent's hand can be calibrated as to speed and pressure?

Won't a slap or a blow profoundly interrupt a child's native innocence and trust? After all, a child is always dependent on the parents, for it is from the parents a child is supposed to be guaranteed love, caring, respect and fairness.

People who still believe in physical punishment are fast becoming outnumbered. We have only to look at reality to determine that hitting children does not lead to good behavior. Only fear.

Spanking worked for thousands of years. Funny that now that the negotiators outnumber spankers that society is going to hell. The Bible prescribe spanking and that's really the only reason I need to support it, but I do see the benefits of spanking and the detriment of not spanking in real life.


New member
Spanking worked for thousands of years. Funny that now that the negotiators outnumber spankers that society is going to hell. The Bible prescribe spanking and that's really the only reason I need to support it, but I do see the benefits of spanking and the detriment of not spanking in real life.

the older i get the more i feel that parents should be .. well, if i were given a choice between too "strict" or too lenient, i would go with "too strict" any day... (subjective terms, however)



Spanking worked for thousands of years. Funny that now that the negotiators outnumber spankers that society is going to hell. The Bible prescribe spanking and that's really the only reason I need to support it, but I do see the benefits of spanking and the detriment of not spanking in real life.
If you are going to use the ancient tribal customs of the Bible as a guide to life then you've pretty much got carte blanche for all sorts of cultural weirdness.

Using the Bible as a guide for cultural behavior for the 21st century is kind of silly in my opinion.

The only norm in the Bible is Jesus. And he never advocated harming children.