Baby killers Planned Parenthood scrubs References to Prenatal Care on Website


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Planned Parenthood scrubs references to Prenatal care on website after they got busted lying on undercover investigation.
On top of that, pro-life group Live Action investigated PP locations to see if they actually offer life-affirming ultrasounds and other prenatal care, since they’ve always insisted that they do. Susan Wright wrote about it here. Unsurprisingly, they don’t offer care for wanted, unborn babies...

Below are just a few screenshots in Live Action’s report showing their investigation spurred Planned Parenthood into action in an attempt to erase “prenatal care” lies.



Thank God that Trump and Republicans in congress are about to defund this evil organization. :banana::banana:


I like the term "baby killers" (actually "baby murderers" has a more appropriate ring to it).

Can we both agree Jeffrey that Donald Trump's nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson is a "baby murderer"?

ExxonMobil Gave Money to Planned Parenthood Under Tillerson's Watch

Do you think if Planned Parenthood is defunded Jeffrey that will force "Sodomite Rex" (he allowed homosexuals into the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America under his watch) will have to up his private donations to keep the "baby murderers" at Planned Parenthood in business?

Inquiring minds gotsta know.

The Horn

More blatant and vicious lies abut Planned Parenthood . PP has never forced any woman to have an abortion . They do so of their own free will and because of their terrible personal problems .
And eve if PP never existed or were defunded and forced to close down, women would still find other ways and places to have abortions .
Planned Parenthood has in fact PREVENTED more abortions than the entire entire anti-abortion moment has since it came into existence. The abortion rate in America would be much higher than it is now without PP . They provide contraceptives and all manner of other services to poor women all over America .
The idiots in the Repugnican party who want to defund it are too stupid to realize that this would only iNCREASE the abortion are and threaten the lives and health of women all over America .
Poverty and adverse social economic conditions in America cause abortion, not Planned
Parenthood . Anti-choicers make it sound as though Planned Parenthood round up pregnant women all over America and forces them to have abortions , which is ridiculous . PP has saved the lives of who knows how many women in America over the years .

The Horn

As I said, anti-choicers keep making it look as though they do . PP is not to blame for abortion in America . Defunding or closing them would do NOTHING to stop abortion in America , and in fact only INCREASE the numbers of them .

The Horn

Anti-choicers keep calling PP "baby killers ". This isn't murder . Abortion is legal - get over it ! And it must stay legal, or there will b e hell to pay !
The Chinese government forces many women to have abortions . This is a completely different situation . Pro-choicers are just as opposed to forced abortion as they are to forced childbirth .

The Horn

They don't "murder babies ". A baby is a born human being . PP does not perform late term abortions unless absolutely necessary to save the life of a woman . Nor do other doctors etc .
The average fetus aborted by PP and others is not a "baby " it is a fetus . It is a tiny piece of tissue without the ability to feel pain and without consciousness yet .
Such fetuses do not suffer . They feel no pain. They are not "ripped apart ."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A baby is a born human being .

go ahead and ask any pregnant women what is growing in her womb

i've worked maternity, i have two sons, many nieces, nephews, cousins, friends with children...

in every case, there was no confusion in their minds that what was growing in their wombs were babies


New member
Hall of Fame
go ahead and ask any pregnant women what is growing in her womb

i've worked maternity, i have two sons, many nieces, nephews, cousins, friends with children...

in every case, there was no confusion in their minds that what was growing in their wombs were babies

Liberals arent confused, they are just liars.