As Iraq regime has allowed preaching, it must be pure Christianity.


If they preach again that vengeful violent O.T. and fake bloody Revelation polluted Christianity, all is futile. In the past Byzantine Empire including Iraq, had such Christianity. Islam, created from that very Old testament and Revelation, had wiped out that impure Christianity by heaven’s decree. It is on the way to be wiped out in the rest of the world too by unbelief and coming world war.

We must preach the living Christianity and then the gospel only, as it can be understood only by the help of living Christ. Churches rather pretend that Christ has died and after rising is now far away in heaven. It suits their role as sole representatives, which they can’t be.

Actually preachers’ role should be like the apostles. They should teach repentance (for original sin) and cross-bearing. But they have turned worldly to imitate the Pharisee model. Alas! I also imitated them but being kicked out for outspokenness, my eyes opened.

To preach real living Christianity, one must be ready to die everywhere and every day, more so in violent Islamic countries. Blood-drenched Iraq’s government has opened up to peaceable Christianity after realizing the suicidal nature of Islam. So we must present the original pacifist Christianity, without any vengeance and violence-stain of OT and Revelation.

But to live in that War-field is to thank heaven for each day. But each day there will be more productive than a sedate preacher’s whole life-time. Though I am preaching among Muslims, here is no immediate death threat and scanty result. So I envy those preaching in Iraq and wish them success in preaching un-defiled Christianity.