Are you a Jew, Gentile or Ephraimite/Manassite?


Way back old Jacob had been renamed Israel by GOD. He gave his name ot the nation that ruled north Israel ie Samaria' while south Israel was ruled by the nation of Judah - today's Jews.
He blessed Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh and declared Ephraim would be the founder of the English and their British Empire and Manasseh would be the founder of the American nation. This is recorded at Genesis 48:19.
After the northern nation of Israel once again returned to making and worshipping idols including Ishtar/queen of heaven GOD allowed them to be captured by the Assyrians and transported up north east to the Caspian Sea area where they disappeared from Bible mention.
The Assyrians moved many Babylonians into the vacant north Israel where they became called the Gentiles.
The Judah tribe eventually was allowed to return to south Israel and Jesus eventually was born to the tribe.
Later after more trouble from them the Judahites were transported again and Ashkenazi from the east filled the land.
Jesus told his disciples to not go to the Gentiles as he knew they were and still are pagans who worship Moloch under the flag of Remphan as Stephen revealed to make them stone him.
Jesus sent his disciples to The Lost Sheep ie the lost tribes of Israel that had been dispersed by the Assyrians.
The Judahites of Jerualem had become as evil in the adherence to The Law as pagans. Whipped up by Caiaphas the Ashkenazi they killed Jesus.
Today's situation is Israel is filled with a mix of Judahites and Ashkenazi while England and America are still the nations of the Lost Tribes led by Ephraim and Manasseh.
Disastrously England and America polluted themselves by allowing in the pagan catholics who worship Ishtar/queen of heaven and by suporting the Judahite-Ashkenazi who deny Jesus is teh son of GOD.
Both catholics and Judahite-Ashkenazi incorporate many pagan rituals and practices and all will be slaughtered when Jesu sreturns unless theychoose to suddenly accept Jesus in these Last Days.


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He blessed Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh and declared Ephraim would be the founder of the English and their British Empire and Manasseh would be the founder of the American nation. This is recorded at Genesis 48:19.

Oh, and don't forget that the nation of CHOP is mentioned in Micah 3:3!


Oh, and don't forget that the nation of CHOP is mentioned in Micah 3:3!

Bible truth always triggers you people with low intelligence?
You found Micah 3 so why not try understanding Genesis 48? Then try find Matthew 15:24 and see if the penny drops about lost sheep?


Good thing that I'm not a fool. I laugh because I understand.

You laugh because you dare not look at the blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh.
And do not understand to whom Jesus was referring with his Lost Sheep.
They cannot have been the Judahite Jews because they had all either perished in Babylon or else moved back into Judah.
They cannot have been the Samaritans as they were imported Assyrians.


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Bible truth always triggers you people with low intelligence?
You found Micah 3 so why not try understanding Genesis 48? Then try find Matthew 15:24 and see if the penny drops about lost sheep?

I checked Genesis 48 and Matthew 15:24, and guess what: it turns out there's not a word about England or America in either place. Your two cents, here, ain't even worth a penny.