Are all of the Commandments in the Bible to be observed by Jews, Israel?


Are all of the Commandments in the Bible to be observed by Jews, Israel?


I am a proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. I am a Jew. I am of Israel.


Irrelevant. You argued:

Fine.Sell all you have-do it. That is one of the "Commandments in the Bible."

You say you are to observe them all.

I am to observe them all. How do you count the commandments? Are commandments for all the same as commandments or a command for an individual? Was there a reason that Jesus spoke with the rich young ruler the way that He did? Do I have the story right? Are you talking about how there is more to observe than just the Law? Or, do you know why Jesus instructed him the way that He did? Was the wealth the problem? There are commandments for Israel, the commandments for women, that are observed by women but which are known by men. I do not observe them as a man. But if I were a husband, in a way I would, if I would be responsible for the instruction of my wife, and even now if we are responsible among Israel for ourselves and others among the nation.

We observe them all as a nation, and this involves the individual.




Fine. Sell all you have.
There are commandments that we observe as a nation where others are involved beyond ourselves. We are responsible to each other even if the decision to obey is not ours to make. How we observe them, the commandments, as a nation and as individuals, is important.

Deception, moving the goalposts-changing your initial argument:

Jews are individuals, and you said "Yes."

Sell all you have.
The initial 'argument' remains, but must be understood. Are you arguing against obeying or observing God's Commandments?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There are commandments that we observe as a nation where others are involved beyond ourselves. We are responsible to each other even if the decision to obey is not ours to make. How we observe them, the commandments, as a nation and as individuals, is important.

Deception, spin.

Are all of the Commandments in the Bible to be observed by Jews, Israel?


Jews are individuals, and you said "Yes."

Sell all you have. Do it.

The initial 'argument' remains, but must be understood. Are you arguing against obeying or observing God's Commandments?

Deception. Spin.

Are all of the Commandments in the Bible to be observed by Jews, Israel?


Jews are individuals, and you said "Yes."

Sell all you have.

You: "all" must be understood, you see, uh, urrr.....

You are a deceiver. Even you know it.


Deception, spin.

Jews are individuals, and you said "Yes."

Sell all you have. Do it.

Deception. Spin.

Jews are individuals, and you said "Yes."

Sell all you have.

You: "all" must be understood, you see, uh, urrr.....

You are a deceiver. Even you know it.
What do I have to sell john w? Even then how you are responding indicates that you do not and did not understand. We are a nation, and we will observe God's Commandments with or without you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What do I have to sell john w?

All of it.

Are all of the Commandments in the Bible to be observed by Jews, Israel?


This is one of the commands in the bible-you said "all."

Luke 18:22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

Do it.

Even then how you are responding indicates that you do not and did not understand. We are a nation, and we will observe God's Commandments with or without you.

Spin, deception. Creating a moving target. Bait'nswitch. Irrelevant changing the subject/argument. You argued:

Are all of the Commandments in the Bible to be observed by Jews, Israel?


You: "All" does not mean "all," and "yes" does not mean "yes."

Fraud. Deceiver, for all of TOL to observe.


All of it.

This is one of the commands in the bible-you said "all."

Luke 18:22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

Do it.

Spin, deception. Creating a moving target. Bait'nswitch. Irrelevant changing the subject/argument. You argued:

You: "All" does not mean "all," and "yes" does not mean "yes."

Fraud. Deceiver, for all of TOL to observe.
I now do not know what I own.

All of what?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I've exposed this member as either a fraud, as having dementia, or stoned.

I suggest others ignore this fraudulent "thread"(loosely held). I am out...