To all TOL members especially the preterists.
Recently I issued a warning to all preterists on this site concerning a problem we were having with certain members of that group. At that time I made a blanket statement that any preterist engaging in any further attempts at such behavior, would result in my recommendation to ban all preterist from the site. I over-stepped my bounds in this regard and apologize. I was wrong and should have shown better self-control. The correct thing for me to have said was, that if we see future evidence of these types of actions, the guilty parties will be banned. And that is the stance we will take on this issue. Again, I was wrong for this part of the statement and am sorry for the harm it caused.
I would also like to extend an apology to Faramir for any trace of implication, by me, that he was involved in these activities. He was not. And I am sorry for any harm it may have caused him.
However, the accusations made in my original statement are true, and the warning still stands, with the modification noted above. As for the evidence, that is a matter for the management of TOL and will not be discussed openly in public forum. However, that being said, at least two members have already admitted their guilt in open posts on the forum, although even then the entire truth was not told. These types of matters have happened several times in the past and have always been handled privately. That is our policy, and that is the way we will continue to do business. If that is offensive, or seems unfair, so be it. We can all see just how fair it is when we get to heaven. Feel free to hold me to it.
And last, I have already seen enormous damage done to the site since this was brought to light. I have had personal attacks launched at me, as has Knight, and great dissention has spread throughout the site due to the private messaging of certain individuals. This has all happened before and will, undoubtedly, happen again. Several people have stepped down as moderators and several others have stated they will never return to the site. That is absolutely their option, and we will in no way try to stop them and wish them the best on other boards. Many are excellent debaters, knowledgeable about biblical matters, and have been sharpened on the best theological website in existence. They will help spread the word of God in other ministry’s. However, it is our policy here at TOL that when someone leaves during one of these dissention periods, we feel it best that they not be allowed back, in effort to stem future problems. As Knight said in the “Apoplectic Language” thread, he started today, we look at this as a purging process, and those that stay will be refined like fine gold and silver. The dross will be removed for the better of all.
We at TheologyOnline make no money from the site, and in fact spend several thousand dollars a year, out of our own pockets, (not to mention the time and labor), in running it. It is sponsored by no other ministry or church, and has only a very small number of paying subscribers. This is a personal ministry, that each of you are a part of, for the edification of God’s word and to spread His message to the world.
So, let those who stay, continue on in honest debate and theological discussion. We now consider the matter closed and will move on to other things. Any parties that want to continue to cause disruption over this matter will be asked to leave, and not allowed back.
Recently I issued a warning to all preterists on this site concerning a problem we were having with certain members of that group. At that time I made a blanket statement that any preterist engaging in any further attempts at such behavior, would result in my recommendation to ban all preterist from the site. I over-stepped my bounds in this regard and apologize. I was wrong and should have shown better self-control. The correct thing for me to have said was, that if we see future evidence of these types of actions, the guilty parties will be banned. And that is the stance we will take on this issue. Again, I was wrong for this part of the statement and am sorry for the harm it caused.
I would also like to extend an apology to Faramir for any trace of implication, by me, that he was involved in these activities. He was not. And I am sorry for any harm it may have caused him.
However, the accusations made in my original statement are true, and the warning still stands, with the modification noted above. As for the evidence, that is a matter for the management of TOL and will not be discussed openly in public forum. However, that being said, at least two members have already admitted their guilt in open posts on the forum, although even then the entire truth was not told. These types of matters have happened several times in the past and have always been handled privately. That is our policy, and that is the way we will continue to do business. If that is offensive, or seems unfair, so be it. We can all see just how fair it is when we get to heaven. Feel free to hold me to it.
And last, I have already seen enormous damage done to the site since this was brought to light. I have had personal attacks launched at me, as has Knight, and great dissention has spread throughout the site due to the private messaging of certain individuals. This has all happened before and will, undoubtedly, happen again. Several people have stepped down as moderators and several others have stated they will never return to the site. That is absolutely their option, and we will in no way try to stop them and wish them the best on other boards. Many are excellent debaters, knowledgeable about biblical matters, and have been sharpened on the best theological website in existence. They will help spread the word of God in other ministry’s. However, it is our policy here at TOL that when someone leaves during one of these dissention periods, we feel it best that they not be allowed back, in effort to stem future problems. As Knight said in the “Apoplectic Language” thread, he started today, we look at this as a purging process, and those that stay will be refined like fine gold and silver. The dross will be removed for the better of all.
We at TheologyOnline make no money from the site, and in fact spend several thousand dollars a year, out of our own pockets, (not to mention the time and labor), in running it. It is sponsored by no other ministry or church, and has only a very small number of paying subscribers. This is a personal ministry, that each of you are a part of, for the edification of God’s word and to spread His message to the world.
So, let those who stay, continue on in honest debate and theological discussion. We now consider the matter closed and will move on to other things. Any parties that want to continue to cause disruption over this matter will be asked to leave, and not allowed back.
Mat20:2-15 “Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. “And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, “and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went. “Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. “And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’ “They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’ “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’ “And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. “But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius. “And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, “saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’ “But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? ‘Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. ‘Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’