Apostasy From the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Robert Pate

Well-known member
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils" 1 Timothy 4:1.

This is not something that is going to happen in the future. This is happening now and has been happening for hundreds of years. No sooner did Jesus ascend into heaven and Satan devised his plan to corrupt the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:4. The apostles were aware of this and wrote about it as a warning to New Testament believers.

What are the seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils? Any doctrine that does not uphold the Gospel of Jesus Christ and justification by faith apart from the works of the law is of the devil. And which religions would that be? I would say all of them. The "Historical Gospel" of Jesus Christ is not being taught or preached in the organized church.


The Gospel is the work that Jesus did in our name and on our behalf, that reconciles us and the whole world unto God.

"And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself" 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

How did Jesus reconcile us and the whole world unto God? Did he reconcile us to God by doing something in us (Catholicism?) Or did he reconcile us to God through predestination (Calvinism?) The scripture says that Jesus reconciles us and the world unto God, not Calvinism or Catholicism. Jesus and Jesus alone is God's reconciler, justifier and sanctifier, 1 Corinthians 1:30. No religion needed.

It now becomes quite obvious who the seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils are. These religions oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ and justification by faith. The Calvinist Gospel is that you have been predestinated. Far, far from the saving work of Christ that was done in our name and on our behalf that reconciles us to God. The Catholic gospel is that you can become born again and by the works of the law and become pleasing to God. They believe that Jesus saves us by making us pleasing to God by doing something in us. No saving work of Christ needed. Neither one of these or any religion will reconcile us to God. All false religion have apostatized from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are under the judgment of God.

The Gospel of reconciliation is the only one and true Gospel. This Gospel honors God and glorifies his Son Jesus Christ. If what you believe about God does not honor him and bring glory to his Son Jesus Christ then you have the wrong Gospel.


New member
I'm a Catholic and I don't remember anyone telling me to be reborn again. I thought that was the other Christian faiths? And I've spent a lot of time in Protestant as well as Catholic churches and the only difference I could tell, other than the obvious ceremony is that Catholics tend to worship Jesus Christ more and other Christians tend to worship the bible and the word of Jesus Christ more. But we're not going to hell just cause we worship differently.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
I'm a Catholic and I don't remember anyone telling me to be reborn again. I thought that was the other Christian faiths? And I've spent a lot of time in Protestant as well as Catholic churches and the only difference I could tell, other than the obvious ceremony is that Catholics tend to worship Jesus Christ more and other Christians tend to worship the bible and the word of Jesus Christ more. But we're not going to hell just cause we worship differently.

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You need to talk to your priest about being born again. It is a major part of the Catholic doctrine. Catholics believe that they become acceptable to God by being born again. Truth of the matter is that being born again does not make one acceptable to God. The only way that anyone can become acceptable to God is by the representative work of Christ that was done in your name and on your behalf, that reconciled you to God.

"And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ" 2 Corinthians 5:18.

If you have ALREADY been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ, you don't need the Catholic church then do you?


New member
You need to talk to your priest about being born again. It is a major part of the Catholic doctrine. Catholics believe that they become acceptable to God by being born again. Truth of the matter is that being born again does not make one acceptable to God. The only way that anyone can become acceptable to God is by the representative work of Christ that was done in your name and on your behalf, that reconciled you to God.

"And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ" 2 Corinthians 5:18.

If you have ALREADY been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ, you don't need the Catholic church then do you?
Sorry bro, no, I'm on a far right Christian forum and your trying to tell ME born again Christians are Catholics? I'm sorry, that's probably the funniest thing I've heard all day.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Sorry bro, no, I'm on a far right Christian forum and your trying to tell ME born again Christians are Catholics? I'm sorry, that's probably the funniest thing I've heard all day.

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Catholics are NOT Christians. They think that they are, but they are not. They think that they have been born again, but they are not. The only way that anyone can be born again is by hearing and believing the Gospel, Galatans 3:2. Catholics do not believe the Gospel, nor do they believe that they have been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

If you are a Catholic get out of it like the building is on fire.


New member
The Catholic gospel is that you can become born again and by the works of the law and become pleasing to God. They believe that Jesus saves us by making us pleasing to God by doing something in us. No saving work of Christ needed.

And you did it yet again, Robert. You again stated something that is the exact opposite of what is true.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states on page 784 that one of our duties is to "celebrate the saving work of Christ." (also see paragraph 1163)

You do not know what you speak of when you speak of what Catholics believe.

You have made that much abundantly clear.


New member
The only way that anyone can be born again is by hearing and believing the Gospel, Galatans 3:2.

Robert, Galatians 3 says nothing about being born again. What version of the scriptures are you using that you see "born again" in there?

Jesus does explain what "born again" means, though.

In the 3rd chapter of John's Gospel.

That is where we can see what it means to be born again....according to Jesus.


New member
Now seriously, you think Catholics were actually mentioned in all those versus? Or were you adding your own thots and beliefs. 2nd, Catholics are NOT born again, if they think so, it was a base of the religion from a very very long time ago I was never taught. Probably something that's hidden in the popes library. We may not preach the bible like protestant churches, but we do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the only way to God is through him. We may not preach the gospel but we try to live it every day. For my friend, actions are definitely louder than words!

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New member
And you did it yet again, Robert. You again stated something that is the exact opposite of what is true.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states on page 784 that one of our duties is to "celebrate the saving work of Christ." (also see paragraph 1163)

You do not know what you speak of when you speak of what Catholics believe.

You have made that much abundantly clear.
Thank you!

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New member
Catholics are NOT Christians. They think that they are, but they are not. They think that they have been born again, but they are not. The only way that anyone can be born again is by hearing and believing the Gospel, Galatans 3:2. Catholics do not believe the Gospel, nor do they believe that they have been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

If you are a Catholic get out of it like the building is on fire.

I think you should re-examine this statement. Catholics ARE Christian, of COURSE they are! I am not Catholic and I do disagree with a lot of the traditions but they are a valid Church and form of Christianity. The word "Christian' just means 'little-Christs" and was the name given to those who believe in and rely on the life, death, resurrection of Christ Jesus. There may be a lot of differences in tradition and practise of the faith between Catholics and Protestants but they are Both Christians. They both call on Jesus as their Lord and Savior, their God. A statement that clumps an entire group of people into a category can be seen as offensive and also prejudice and overgeneralizing g statements like "Catholics are not Christians' is just false in so many ways. There is more that is alike and similar in the fundamental beliefs about the nature of God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit than there is different.

In essentials, Unity, in non-essential, Liberty, and in all things, Charity

Bradley D

Well-known member
As a Protestant I believe that Mother Theresa of Calcutta, a Catholic, was a Christian. With all denominations there will be non-Christians. Jesus said that there would be tares among the wheat. The tares will be separated at the end.


New member
As a Protestant I believe that Mother Theresa of Calcutta, a Catholic, was a Christian. With all denominations there will be non-Christians. Jesus said that there would be tares among the wheat. The tares will be separated at the end.

Totally agree with all of that, was going to mention a saint to see what he would say. Also, tares in the wheat? All around! No pointing fingers, right ok? (I usually have a more positive outlook but ok really ticked me off)

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New member
I reread what robert wrote, again, (cause that's what I do!) And the first paragraph id like to comment. Yes! People have always broken away from Jesus, even in his time people rejected him (obviously) but NEVER has it been so clear as right now (the latter days) and it WILL continue till the savior cones again.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
It is true that "Jesus Saves". But the question is how does he save?

To begin with, the Bible teaches that "There is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10.

How then can man, who is a sinner, become acceptable to a holy God?

Catholics believe that man can rehabilitate his fallen Adamic nature through religion (the Catholic church)

This doesn't seem to be working. Catholics are no more righteous than anyone else. In recent years it appears that the Catholic church is full of perverts.

Now we are led to believe that God is the minister of sin. Is God the minister of sin? I think not.

If fallen man is to be saved salvation must come to him totally and completely outside of himself. It has in the person of Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we are complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

No religion needed. All that Jesus is and all that he has done is ours by simple child like faith, plus nothing.


New member
It is true that "Jesus Saves". But the question is how does he save?

To begin with, the Bible teaches that "There is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10.

How then can man, who is a sinner, become acceptable to a holy God?

Catholics believe that man can rehabilitate his fallen Adamic nature through religion (the Catholic church)

This doesn't seem to be working. Catholics are no more righteous than anyone else. In recent years it appears that the Catholic church is full of perverts.

Now we are led to believe that God is the minister of sin. Is God the minister of sin? I think not.

If fallen man is to be saved salvation must come to him totally and completely outside of himself. It has in the person of Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ we have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Because of the doing and the dying of Jesus we are complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

No religion needed. All that Jesus is and all that he has done is ours by simple child like faith, plus nothing.
No, your right. There is none worthy. We are all corruptable. But it is not all up hill. We have a choice. We can be stronger than that sin and corruption and go to god and when we do that and completed our task, then god can make the judgement if we are "righteous" or not. ( I always thought that word was a horrible translation)
I reread what robert wrote, again, (cause that's what I do!) And the first paragraph id like to comment. Yes! People have always broken away from Jesus, even in his time people rejected him (obviously) but NEVER has it been so clear as right now (the latter days) and it WILL continue till the savior cones again.

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Well-known member
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils" 1 Timothy 4:1.

This is not something that is going to happen in the future. This is happening now and has been happening for hundreds of years. No sooner did Jesus ascend into heaven and Satan devised his plan to corrupt the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:4. The apostles were aware of this and wrote about it as a warning to New Testament believers.

What are the seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils? Any doctrine that does not uphold the Gospel of Jesus Christ and justification by faith apart from the works of the law is of the devil. And which religions would that be? I would say all of them. The "Historical Gospel" of Jesus Christ is not being taught or preached in the organized church.


The Gospel is the work that Jesus did in our name and on our behalf, that reconciles us and the whole world unto God.

"And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself" 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

How did Jesus reconcile us and the whole world unto God? Did he reconcile us to God by doing something in us (Catholicism?) Or did he reconcile us to God through predestination (Calvinism?) The scripture says that Jesus reconciles us and the world unto God, not Calvinism or Catholicism. Jesus and Jesus alone is God's reconciler, justifier and sanctifier, 1 Corinthians 1:30. No religion needed.

It now becomes quite obvious who the seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils are. These religions oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ and justification by faith. The Calvinist Gospel is that you have been predestinated. Far, far from the saving work of Christ that was done in our name and on our behalf that reconciles us to God. The Catholic gospel is that you can become born again and by the works of the law and become pleasing to God. They believe that Jesus saves us by making us pleasing to God by doing something in us. No saving work of Christ needed. Neither one of these or any religion will reconcile us to God. All false religion have apostatized from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are under the judgment of God.

The Gospel of reconciliation is the only one and true Gospel. This Gospel honors God and glorifies his Son Jesus Christ. If what you believe about God does not honor him and bring glory to his Son Jesus Christ then you have the wrong Gospel.

Pateism is apostasy from the Gospel. It teaches that sinners Christ shed His Blood for are still lost. It teaches that mans freewill is the savior, not the Blood of Christ !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Pateism is apostasy from the Gospel. It teaches that sinners Christ shed His Blood for are still lost. It teaches that mans freewill is the savior, not the Blood of Christ !

They are lost because like you they are trying to be saved some other way than by Christ and his Gospel.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No, your right. There is none worthy. We are all corruptable. But it is not all up hill. We have a choice. We can be stronger than that sin and corruption and go to god and when we do that and completed our task, then god can make the judgement if we are "righteous" or not. ( I always thought that word was a horrible translation)

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In the judgment if you are not found to be clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ you will perish.