Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books


New member
For a long time I simply took the protestant canon for granted but now I am not so sure. What is everyone's thoughts here? simpleman? Tweetybird? Squeaky? Patrick? beameup? Nabbu? Jacob? What are you guy's thoughts?


New member
There are a lot of writings, that didn't even make into the Catholic bible, that are worth reading.
It is noteworthy to see what documents were stored among the Dead Sea Scrolls.


New member
For a long time I simply took the protestant canon for granted but now I am not so sure. What is everyone's thoughts here? simpleman? Tweetybird? Squeaky? Patrick? beameup? Nabbu? Jacob? What are you guy's thoughts?

The Apocrypha is not inspired Scripture. The Jews do not consider those books to be part of the Scriptures either. There are a lot of false doctrines, mythology, magic, and Scriptural contractions found in them, which is why they were never considered part of the inspired Scriptures [the 1611 King James Version included them as cultural writings, but they were not part of the actual cannon. In subsequent versions the Apoc was left out.]. Maccabees 1 & 2 are viewed as historical. The Catholic Church accepts the Apoc as Scripture basing their doctrines of purgatory and money for penance on it.