anti-Oprah ads will write themselves


Well-known member
Not that she'll even run, but on top of the lovey-dovey pic with rapist Weinstein,

"I think it's so irritating that once I die, 55 percent of my money goes to the United States government," Winfrey said. "You know why it's so irritating? Because you already paid nearly 50 percent when the money was earned."

That could easily pass as a conservative quote but it's just the thinking of someone who is getting their money confiscated and redistributed by a communistic government. Won't matter that she's a leftist new ager -- that quote won't go over well with the greedy Bernie Borg theft collective.


New member
Oprah will do a great job keeping her Cabinet together, they will be caught in her gravitational field, likely very predictable orbits....



"I think it's so irritating that once I die, 55 percent of my money goes to the United States government," Winfrey said. "You know why it's so irritating? Because you already paid nearly 50 percent when the money was earned."

Unlike "The Donald," Oprah like the rest of us "losers" actually pay taxes!

As for "the lovey-dovey pic with rapist Weinstein," Oprah didn't campaign for him to be elected to the Senate, with the full knowledge of the accusations made by his victims!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
As for "the lovey-dovey pic with rapist Weinstein," Oprah didn't campaign for him to be elected to the Senate, with the full knowledge of the accusations made by his victims!
Oprah championed both Clintons ---- the woman molester and his sorry wife that took her molesting husband's side.
Try again, Cartoon Boy.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Don't you get it yet?
No crow to eat, as both Oprah and Trump cozied up to molesters.
If that makes one bad it makes both bad.
Neither has that moral high-ground over the other.
If you think that means I must eat crow, then pull up a chair to your plate also.



Conservative Christians, in their infinite wisdom, decided to strike an "unholy alliance" with "The Donald" - now they are forced to justify that fateful decision on a daily basis, as his behaviour continues its neverending assault against their core values!



New member
I look into my crystal ball and I see America entering the age of 'Orca Diplomacy'............. noooo,..... check that, its just Oprah giving a primary speech in a white cut-away dress.....

Greg Jennings

New member
Not that she'll even run, but on top of the lovey-dovey pic with rapist Weinstein,

That could easily pass as a conservative quote but it's just the thinking of someone who is getting their money confiscated and redistributed by a communistic government. Won't matter that she's a leftist new ager -- that quote won't go over well with the greedy Bernie Borg theft collective.

Why couldn't she win? Are you forgetting what just happened?



[h=1]Oprah Winfrey is NOT who you think she is...Don't be fooled[/h]

[h=1]The Truth About Oprah Winfrey's 2020 Presidential Run[/h]

Is Trump going to resurrect the "birther" argument that Oprah doesn't have an American birth certificate?

Are the fathers of Oprah and Ted Cruz both part of the unsolved conspiracy to assassinate JFK?

Did Oprah and Barrack Obama conspire to wiretap "The Donald's" phones in Trump Towers?

Did Oprah "collude" with the Russians and finance the Steele Dossier?

Was Oprah a secret operative for former Director Comey, the FBI and the "Deep State?"